Lion Moves - Default Stance

Discussion in 'Lion' started by akai, Mar 21, 2010.

  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Work in Progress – Click below link for more details

    Character Moves Project

    Lion Moves – Main Page

    <span style="font-family: 'Courier New'">[​IMG]
    • High Strikes
      <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" allowNetworking="all" allowFullscreen="true" src=" Lion/9d9f8118.pbw" height="210" width="600">
      1. [P] or [6_][P]
      2. [4][6][P]+[K]
      3. [K] or [6_][K]
      4. [4][4][P]
      5. [6][6][P]+[K]
      6. [3][P]+[K]
      7. [4][4][K]
      8. [4][K]
      9. [4][4][K]+[G]
      10. [4][4][P]+[K]
      11. [4][P]+[K]
      12. [K]+[G]
    • Mid Strikes
      <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" allowNetworking="all" allowFullscreen="true" src=" Lion/9bd1c25a.pbw" height="210" width="600">
      1. [6][P]
      2. [6][K]
      3. [8][P]+[K]
      4. [​IMG][6][P]
      5. [4][P]
      6. [3][P]
      7. [​IMG][6][P]+[K]
      8. [3][K]
      9. [6][6][K]
      10. [3][3][P]+[K]
      11. [8][K]
      12. [4][6][K]
      13. [P]+[K]
      14. [6][P]+[K]
      15. [6][K]+[G]
      16. [2][1][4][P]
      17. [6][6][P]
      18. [9][K]
      19. [9][P]
      20. [4][6][K]+[G]
    • Low Strikes
      <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" allowNetworking="all" allowFullscreen="true" src=" Lion/f2afb1fe.pbw" height="210" width="600">
      1. [2] or [​IMG][P]
      2. [​IMG][3][P]
      3. [1][K]
      4. [1][P]
      5. [1][P]+[K]
      6. [2] or [​IMG][K]
      7. [2][P]+[K]
      8. [2][K]+[G]
      9. [1][K]+[G]
      10. [4][3][P]
      11. [3][K]+[G]
  2. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Hey cool, looks good!
  3. DrWoo

    DrWoo Well-Known Member

    Nice job.

    This shows even better how [1][K] is a weird move, how can this hit low???

    It's like if SEGA had made a mistake when they first put it in the game and then never fixed it
  4. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    1K was totally either a glitch that SEGA decided "hey this is cool we like how it makes no sense" or they actually designed it with a sick sense of humor "oh this is really going to F with n00bs"

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