Lion Dojo Version C

Discussion in 'News' started by ice-9, Jun 7, 2002.

By ice-9 on Jun 7, 2002 at 5:57 PM
  1. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member


Discussion in 'News' started by ice-9, Jun 7, 2002.

    1. ice-9
      Re: Woo hoo! Version C

      One thing...I will probably never ever write the Maximum Damage Combos article because it takes too much time to try out the combos, record the damages, and test against every character, stance, normal/counter hit. Plus, I'm not even close to liking Lion enough to do all that.

      SO, if there are any proud Lion players out there who want to take on this challenge, please do! I will attach your article to the Dojo, and of course, full credit will be given.
    2. Deniz
      Re: Woo hoo! Version C

      After having been burned once before by quoting the Lion Dojo as gospel, I feel compelled to comment:

      QCB+P, P (Meteor Punch) :: ****

      Lion's Meteor Punch is a sabaki, and it is a really good one. According to the Black Book, it sabakis high punches, high elbows, high kicks, middle kicks and sidekicks.

      Well that may be what the Black Book says, but can I recommend: (a) Since you are writing advice that you presumably want to be accurate, that you test it yourself before presenting it, so as to avoid unnecessary loss of credibility; (b) in the absence of that, may I recommend a site called VFDC? It has a Sabaki Chart and a Lion Version C Command List containing Sabaki notes. If you as the site owner are unwilling to use them or lack faith in them, that doesn't bode well. Any of these methods/sources will reveal the Black Book is wrong about high elbows, and overlooks knees.
    3. Jason Cha
      Jason Cha
      Re: Woo hoo! Version C

      Jesus, you really are a wannabe know-it-all ass aren't you?

      Jeff wrote that line ages ago, when the black book was one of the few sources of information out there. Yes, you are right to point out there are more recent and accurate sources of information, and yes, I don't think anyone would disagree with you that it would be a better document if someone went through and updated all the information therein.

      But where do you get off with this snide, holier-than-thou attitude, just because it has some inaccuracies? I really do feel sorry for you. You seem to get this anal-retentive pleasure from such nitpicking perfectionism - and hey, if that's what makes you spooge, hey live and let live. Especially as you prolly don't have much else in your life to get you off. Especially as I have no doubt you actually suck at the game.

      But damn if I'm going to let Jeff just read your insulting reply and somehow feel he has to defend what he's done, just because somewhere in your screwy sense of worth and priorities his document doesn't stand up.

      Did you even read the rest of his text? "Hence, it is a fantastic move against knee-dependent characters." "Because the Meteor Punch sabakis sidekicks, it can be used as an okizeme tool." His contributions far outweigh anything you have had to say about Lion, or any other aspect of the game for that matter.

      It's not Jeff's dojo that's lacking.

    4. ice-9
      Re: Woo hoo! Version C

      Jason, thanks for coming to my defense!!

      Deniz, a) do I really need to worry about loss of credibility, I think not; and b) thank you, as Jason correctly pointed out, I had lazily copied and pasted from my old dojo. I will correct the mistake in my next update, and there's no need to piss in your pants about it.
    5. Deniz
      Re: Woo hoo! Version C

      In the interest of further improving the Version C Lion Dojo, or my knowledge:

      b,f+K+G, d/b+P or d+K :: **

      The b,f+K+G is an invaluable okizeme tool, as it doubles as a pounce for grounded opponents.

      I don't think this is correct (at least not in Version C). The b,f+K+G can be used for okizeme and/or to attack opponents very low to the ground, bouncing, etc., but not as a pounce for truly grounded opponents. In the D, f+P+G --> b,f+K+G example that you give, the D, f+P+G causes the opponent to essentially flop in a huge way and bounce a bit. The b,f+K+G, as you point out, needs to be input quickly since it will only make contact while the opponent is "bouncing." At that point, one can even hit the opponent with a sweep instead, but that is not a substitute for a pounce either, just another low hitting attack. When it is no longer possible for the sweep to make contact, the b,f+K+G won't hit either. So it may look like it's acting as a pounce, but it is not. When I attempt to use it as a pounce on a truly grounded opponent, there doesn't appear to be any hit collision. If I am wrong, please let me know, as I am keenly interested in learning more about VF4 Lion.
    6. ice-9
      Re: Woo hoo! Version C

      Yes, there is a difference in what you pointed out, and it probably caused some confusion to beginners. I will update to clarify...

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