Lei vs flamingo

Discussion in 'Lei' started by Sham, Apr 10, 2004.

  1. Sham

    Sham Well-Known Member

    I'm having problems beating sarahs flamingo with lei. When I do d+p or b,f+pk to beat high attack flamingo sometimes it beats her and sometimes it doesn't, I think it only works at a distance and not at close range.

    What moves beat close range flamingo?

    What are the best moves to beat the low and medium attack flamingo?
  2. stpROCK

    stpROCK Well-Known Member

    High attacks should beat med/low-kickz from flamingo.
  3. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Use [3][P]+[K] and [9][P]+[K] against the linear flamingo attacks.

    or you can try Bokutai stance attacks.
  4. Kimble

    Kimble Well-Known Member

    Lei doesn't have many good short range counter attack options so what i normally do is defend in that situation until it's time to attack. It can get annoying cause his IN stance is pretty much useless against Sarah.
  5. Jacks

    Jacks New Member

    What about a [8][K]+[G] from the crane stance
  6. PGhacker

    PGhacker Well-Known Member

    most attacks of sarah from flamingo are half circular from her back side, so try evading to her front. and lei fei doesnt have really good attacks to use from close range so once sarah gets into flamingo and you have a bit of distance between sarah and lei, then use [4][6][P]+[K].
  7. Shaolin_Hopper

    Shaolin_Hopper Well-Known Member

    Post being revamped. Drunken research is bad, m'kay?
  8. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shaolin_Hopper said:

    Some Lei Fei frames:

    [2][P] - 9 frames, but pretty damn short ranged
    [P] or [3][3][P] - 12 frames
    [6][6][P]+[K] - 15 frames
    [3][P]+[K] or [6][P] - 16 frames
    [2_][6][P] or [3][K] or [K] - 20 frames (yuck). The former can be executed while crouching, however. Brave men can do this during the second kick execution.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think you have damage and frames mixed up there.

    low punch is 12 frames not 9 and but happens to do 9pts of damage.

    [3][3][P] isn't 12 frames either etc etc but does 12pts of damage.

    You might want to edit.
  9. Shaolin_Hopper

    Shaolin_Hopper Well-Known Member

    Aw crap. You're right. I thought some of those looked pretty damn fast. $%!#%!#$!%! See what happens when you start a post drunk one night and finish it off the next morning?
  10. Calmfist

    Calmfist Member

    I've had a lot of problems with Sarah, too but I've recently found a good flow that has worked out enough for me to take her out at her Champion rank.
    (bokutai)[P],[P],[9][K]+[G],[P][P][P] or after the first [P],[P] I also like [9][K] if she's near a wall. I've flipped everyone out using this. Maybe that should have been one of the quests /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

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