I was searching trough this site for help with my lei okizeme game (basically I don’t have one) and haven’t found very much lei specific info. I know my lei basics but right now my okizeme game seems pretty high-risk/low reward and I need to change that … any help would be much appreciated … (even pointing me in the direction of some good okizeme documents would be cool)
Ken's Lei-Fei Dojo is a great source full of information. If you go to the main page and click on Lei-Fei's name, you'll find several sources at the bottom.
Ken's dojo is really sweet (I've used it quite a bit while learning lei and it's been nothing but extremely useful) ... but I was looking for a little more detailed okizeme info with lei ... I guess if I want specific info then I should ask more specific questions ... so here goes Anti rise and block [DM] P+K - b+PP -f, f(dash) - d+P+K+G - [DM] P+K - f, f+K - [IN] K - [IN] K+G This combo is from the dojo, what is the timing on this attack? Do I need to charge the move at all? Should I charge the move if I get the chance? (all the question here are pertaining to the first hit) ... ... I figure I'm looking for a head crumple after the first hit, right? (the rest of the combo makes no sense to me if we aren't going for the crumple) ... i'm also looking for any other good opener for my okizeme game , especially for mid rising attacks ... the combo listed in the dojo I just can't seem to use very effectively (I'll obviously keep practicing with it but alternate attacks would be great) Fagan
It's can be used for an anti-techroll backstagger combo. For the most damage try to get the [DM] p+k (fully charged) on an MC. The b+p,p after the crumble will net you 101 dmg. The rest of the combo depends on if they TR or not. The dash isn't required. You can just go to DM immediately after b+p,p. Wait like half a second then p+k and continue with the rest of the combo. I'm guessing that the dash is in there for timing purposes of the arrow punch. Lei has a lot of variations of this combo. There's even one that is dependent on which direction they TR (they need to roll towards Lei's leading foot in). Here it is. MC [DM] p+k - b+p,p - enter DM - (they TR) - [DM] p+k - *u+k,k - f,f+k [hold k to IN] - [IN] k - [IN] k+g. You can even get in [DM] p,p+k at the end instead of [IN] k+g *only if they TR in the direction of Lei's leading foot.
Check out the movelist...to the far right are the move properties...if the move sabaki's MK then you might want to look into it. Here's what I've gleaned(vf4c movelist): from ES sabaki's MK (along with a host of others). + from ES will also sabaki MK & others. from TS sabaki's MK...also gives you a head crumble on hit but leaves you -10 on block. from TS sabaki's LK & SW. Check'em out. Further, I'd play around to see what kind of cross-up game Lei-Fei has...see about moving him around or over an opponent while they are grounded & take advantage of their BT position if they rise with K...Also, try to get your hands on some movies if it's at all possible for you and you haven't already. Good Luck.
Thanks a lot ... the lead leg version of that combo seems crazy I'm gonna try it as soon as I get home (the only problem is that most people I play with no longer TR any of my head crumple , , ... they've figured out it's a lot better to take a ground hit than to end up with an arrow punch in the back /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif I've never even thought about using sabaki attacks as okizeme tools ... are you sure that those lei moves will work against mid rising attacks since they're crescent kicks? Or does that not matter with sabaki attacks? (i know it matters with reversals) Fagan
The high/mid sabaki's in Tiger/Evade stance will not stop mid-rising crescents (or any other crescent). The only time they work against mid rising kicks is when the opponent is lying at an angle that causes them to perform a semi-circular mid-rising kick (example: lying face up, head towards you). One of the best ways to put them into this position is with his + throw. You can also use + to go underneath mid-rising kicks. In Evo, you can now use Bokutai stance to avoid them as well. His in Tiger stance will sabaki all low attacks, and will stumble the opponent even if the sabaki effect doesn't happen. Also, if timed correctly, you can avoid most rising attacks with . You can also use + to jump over low kicks. Another cool trick to use against a downed opponent is this: Stand just inside their rising attack range, then just as their rising kick starts to execute, enter evade stance. This will avoid their attack, leaving them open for a fairly easy counter(but you need to react quickly). Just switch from EV to IN, then hit + to punish their missed rising attack. Once they stop using rising attacks, you can pressure them as they get up with a fully charged DM + or even a throw. /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
Thanks dre you gave me a bunch of stuff to try out when I get home .... the only question I have (well for right now) is can be used against mid rising or is it only effective vs low rising attacks? Thanks again for all the info Fagan
Fagan check out the movelists for a complete breakdown of rising mid properties as not all characters are the same...some have more mid crescents when rising than others...Akira has no mid rising crescents for example. Also keep in mind that MK, SK & LK rising can be evaded & that all rising kicks can be interrupted provided your timing is spot-on and the damage of the move you use is greater than the 20 those kicks get for your opponent. As for you can always check in training mode if you have vf on the ps2. /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif Happy hunting.
If you perform as soon as their rising attack animation starts, you'll almost always end up on the other side of the opponent(you'll land in tiger stance). If you end up on the other side of the opponent as their rising kick misses, you can follow up with a quick attack like or (or just do the full 2 part move , ). I haven't tested it thouroughly against all characters' mid-rising attacks though (like Shun's weird spinning rising kick or Kage's rolling flip kick), but so far it's worked just about every time I've tried it. /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif