Lei Fei : the Skillz and Tezznikke to Master Shaolin Style, Evolution

Discussion in 'Lei' started by ShaolinTAO, Aug 20, 2003.

  1. ShaolinTAO

    ShaolinTAO Active Member

    For Virtua Fighter 4 : Evolution : PS2

    This is a thread for those of us who try to read the amazingly gathered and catalogued and technically perfect guides of our beloved VirtuaFighter.com and find ourselves lost in the jargon - we just need to know how to play the game better.

    And because the AI in Quest Mode is, quite frankly, a bitch.

    But the AI is very defeatable. I firmly believe that Shaolin style is the greatest of all, even taking into account Jeet-Kune Do (bows head, and remembers Bruce Lee).

    This I pledge, my brothers and sisters : Together, we will wipe the floor with all the superannoying Laus and Pais and Sarahs and Jackys of Evolution, and take our rightful places as High Kings. This artificial intelligence is not the Agent Smith to our Morpheus - not yet.

    My stats:

    Shaolin Tao : Hunter
    Win Ratio : 94.7%
    Win(s) Loss(es) - 678 / 38

    (I know - 38 losses! I can't believe it - stupid AI)

    43.1 % items. But 'twixt you and I, I got an outfit I think looks pretty groovy, and you're free to steal or insult it as you see fit:

    I got the Farmer's Straw Hat on, the Silk Blindfold and the Dragon Greaves. Silver robes, blue surpice, brown pants and blue shoes. I think it looks awesome. I used to have Mr. Monkey, but he doesn't work for me anymore.

    At this point you may have already stopped reading, as many people here at VFDC look down on playing to defeat the AI - but my older brother fell in love with Shun early on, and he refuses to learn with anyone else. As a result, he's never been anything more than 1st Dan, and when we play, it's unbelievably hard not to clean his clock. In fact, it's impossible without sacrificing his pride (when I get a float move on him, he knows what I can follow it up with, and if I don't pull off the whole combo, he knows I'm letting him lose - it's a real catch-22). So no, I'm not playing so I can beat You. I'm playing so I can always go downstairs and practice my Kung-Fu whilst kicking Quest Mode's Ass.

    So I've wandered on for long enough - let's start with a table of contents (a very stupid idea, as after like, an hour or something you can never go back and edit - heh heh):

    (1) Evo AI : How To Get Thrown
    (2) How A Round Begins Is How It Will End
    (3) Evolved Flowing
    (4) The Combinations
    (5) Final Thoughts.

    I will most likely finish this later, but for now let me leave you with the combo that's served me best against the adversaries at my current level, if that happens to be your predicament:

    (Crane Stance)---[2][K]---(Hai Shiki)---[P][P]---(Crane Stance)

    I know, I know - don't look like much. In fact, first time I did it, I figured "fuck that" and kept on using the [K] to launch 'em. But that doesn't work any more, my friends. I reccomend getting to enjoy this reliable combo, and a follow-up with [8]/[2][K]+[G] from Crane Stance never hurts /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  2. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    If the AI is such a "bitch" then why do you have a 94% win ratio?

    You'll be waiting a long time to reach High King on Evo too.

    Good luck with the "mission" though, and thanks for sharing all that information about your items because that was really important.
  3. Kimble

    Kimble Well-Known Member

    I don't think the AI in VF4 evo is anything close to real human play. It is better than VF4 though.
  4. ShaolinTAO

    ShaolinTAO Active Member

    Hi Elite!

    So, you mentioned three things - I'll adress them here, in order:

    A) My win ratio's been steadily falling since I got through the 5th Arcade - compared to what I've faced in the past, the challenge has significantly grown. That's what I meant by the AI being a bitch. It's a computer game - if I can't thrash it, wtf am I doing?

    B) A long time to reach High King, eh? What could this mean? I don't know, but a whisper in my ghost makes a few suggestions. One, there's no High King rank in Evo. Two, it's a dig at my Virtua fighting skill. So the question is, is there no High King rank in Evo?

    C) Thanks for the good luck wish. I think the work put into the wearable stuff in Evo is fantastic - a wonderful frosting on this uber-choco-cake of a game - and I hope the info about my items serves you and others like you well in the future /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    Hi Kimble!

    Yeah, the AI in Evo is still nothin' close to a human opponent - I dunno if you've ever seen elite players, but they pull off stuff so fast it's creepy. Compared to the AI in 4, though, it's phan-fukkin' tastic.

    Thanks, both!

    P.S. If indeed there is no High King rank, and it wasn't a dig, I hereby pledge to get to whatever rank is comparable in Evo, and help those who would learn do the same. No Emperors shall do!
  5. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    Any reason why this was posted in the Character and Technique Training board?
  6. KungPao

    KungPao Active Member

    i look forward to your guide finishing Tao =)

    I too use Lei Fei and only Lei Fei The combos you put up, I have used them =) especially the wallbanger one,....your posts have helped me alot, so anybody that doesnt care for this thread can just F*&! off!!!!!!, he mentioned the two punch thing thats why its in character training! It's also a work in progress...?

    Oh and by the way Tao, you shouldn't complain with that many losses... ! Maybe I am still learning, I'm on the 6th arcade and I can barely hold my own... my record is like 600/100 something with a 78% win ratio

    but its like a training in progress, unlike vf4, this A.I is very very good...people say they dont think its like a human...well I played vf4 against the AI in kumite mode, approximately 1500 times... it sure isn't predictable like vf4.... the combos I used on 1st dan's also worked on high kings usually, but with Evo, by the 4rd arcade you have to cut half of the combo off due to struggling recoveries..

    anyways, if you haven't checked out the combos they provided in the training for Lei Fei definitely do so...their helping me a wholeee lot
  7. KungPao

    KungPao Active Member

    mean people suck
  8. ShaolinTAO

    ShaolinTAO Active Member

    Effective Combos in the last arcade...

    Hi there - still workin' on getting the top title, but I've beaten the last tourney and I'm whittling away at my items now. While I'm not quite ready to put up a full-out guide, here are the combos and series that are proving effective:

    [6][6][K]+[G]---[Tiger Stance]---(P sabaki, or)[K]---[Nehan Shiki]---[2][P]+[K]+[G]--[P][P]---[Crane Stance]

    The falling crescent kick that opens this flow is the best attack I've found for beating rising attacks. It comes in from above, and gives ample opportunity for sabakis. If the opponent goes low, switch up your stance for Lei's two fastest punches. Crane stance is always a good thing.

    [Bokutai]---[P][P] (if blocked, throw escape)
    [Bokutai]---[P][P](*1) (if hits)---[Neutral]---[9][K]+[G]---(combo)
    [Bokutai]---[K] (if blocked, [K] from reverse stance)
    [Bokutai]---[K](*2) (if hits)---[Reverse]---[P]+[K](*3)---[Tiger Stance]

    These series give ample opportunity for counter-hits, which I have marked with stars.
    (*1 : If they're not too high off the ground, follow with [9][K]+[G]
    If you've punched them out of the air, follow with [P][P]---[Crane Stance]---[K]+[G])
    (*2 : With a counter-hit on this, you are guaranteed the [P]+[K] from reverse stance. However, you can cancel stance and hit 'em twice from neutral : [2][P]+[K],[P] if you're fast enough)
    (*3 a [K] from Tiger Stance wouldn't hurt)

    Alright, now for some combos:

    At higher levels of play, it's all about taking advantages of counters and openings in the opponent. This is true of the AI in Evo. Every Counter-hit shall be marked with a star. I think... Yes. A star.

    Evo Crane [2][K] Combo:

    [Crane]---[2][K]---[Hai Shiki]---[P][P]
    Pathetic, I know.
    These are the only two hits guaranteed from that kick. However, once you've pulled off the punches you have some options, and an opportunity. The flow becomes this:

    Crane Stance Flow, with Combos on the Side:
    [Crane]---[2][K]---[Hai Shiki]---[P][P]---[Crane]---[2]/[8][K]+[G] (block/hit/stumble)---[Neutral, crouching]---[2_][3][P]----*---[Neutral]---[8][P]+[K]+[G]---[K][K]

    That's two, two combos for the price of one! An effective followup is [6][6][K]+[G] etc or the classic Smackemback, starting from Crane Stance.

    The Counter Flow:
    This flow weaves in and out of Nehan Shiki and Koko Shiki, with many opportunities for counter hits and the P sabaki for a combo.

    [2][P]+[K](*1)---[Nehan Shiki]---[P]+[K](*2),[P](*3)---[Neutral]---[2][P]+[K](*4),[P](*5)---[Tiger Stance]---[K]---[Nehan Shiki]

    Here's the follow-up for counter-hits. Some will cause falls, some staggers:
    1 : fall = [2][K] from Nehan Shiki
    2 : if this manages to smack someone out of the air, follow up with both punches, and then [6][6][K] from Neutral stance - Nice!
    3 : if this achieves a stomach crumple, the reliable [2][P]+[K],[P] will get a few extra hits in.
    4 : again fall = sweep
    5 : a stomach crumple from this hip check is best followed up with a hefty [K] from Tiger, unless you can switch to Neutral Stance fast enough. Often you'll have time for a light down attack, after the [K]

    The Carrier, Evo

    [4][3][P] is easily one of my fav moves in Evo. I don't know why - maybe it's got a better advantage than before, but it's the best way to get into Hai Shiki at close range, even taking the airbourne [K] into account. What's better is, the enemy will often try an attack after you use it. I reccomend using the two punches from Hai Shiki once or twice early in the round, and when they're expecting it, use the kick from Hai Shiki instead. Yes, the old launching kick from the Carrier Combo. For some reason, I've been getting amazingly reliable counterhits, and this combo comes out - effective for every character, regardless of weight.

    [4][3][P]---[Hai Shiki]---[K]---(counter hit)---[Crane]---[2][P]+[K]+[G]---[Hai Shiki]---[P],[P]+[K]---[Neutral]---[9][K]+[G]

    Yes, my friends - it is alive and well.

    Now, as everyone knows this is my favorite part... well, maybe *you* don't, but anyway;


    Get between me and a wall, and you're in trouble. I'll use these on you:

    [Koko Shiki]---[K] (counter-hit - airboune - wall hit)--[Nehan Shiki]---[P],[K]---[Crane]---[K][K]

    [4][3][P]---[Hai Shiki]---[K] (counter hit - airbourne - wall)---[Crane]---[K][K]---[3][K]
    or, if you're slightly further away:
    [4][3][P]---[Hai Shiki]---[K] (counter hit - airbourne - wall)---[Crane]---[2][P]+[K]+[G]---[Hai Shiki]---[P][P]---[Crane]---[K]+[G]

    [Tiger Stance]---[P]---[Neutral]--[4][P][P] (wall)---[2][K]

    While down attacks are usually impossible after a stomach-crumple combo, the wall allows you to get that little toe kick in, guaranteed.

    [Bokutai]---[P][P] (wall stagger) ---[Neutral]---[9][K]+[G]---[P][P][P]
    [Hai Shiki]---[P],[P]+[K] (wall stagger)---[Neutral]---[9][K]+[G]---[P][P][P]

    [2][P]+[K],[P] (wall stagger)---[Tiger Stance]---[K]

    Um... that should do it for now.

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