Lei Fei help for anyone who wants it (part 1)

Discussion in 'Lei' started by thebradSHow, Aug 6, 2003.

  1. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    I have been a Lei Fei player since Japanese VF4 on PS2 came out. I am among the x number of players that use him whether the lack of players be do to less knowledge of him or people's set in the way with other characters already. I would like to provide some simple info about Leifei that even though some is out there, I will expand upon. Keep in mind this has more to do with the mind set than the tactics (and this is just one man's account for what has worked for him).

    Leifei was meant to be played in a certain mind set and that mind set is even if you have never played a person before, you already know what they are going to do and through your actions, you will severely limit what they can do almost to the point where you give them somewhere around only 1 or 2 good options. There are some people I have seen on videos use Fei as a battery and while that can be successful to a point, I have found countering your opponent to be much more effective.

    First, somewhat similar to Akira, you cannot play Fei right without throw counterable moves so getting into the way of option selecting may be wise. I'm not saying that every time you throw out a [9]+[K]+[G] that you have to e-qteg, just throw out an e-teg here or there (minor disadvantage, major disadvantage) but never do it for the sake of doing it or it will lose some of it's power.

    Secondly, while flow charts are somewhat important to any character and knowing the most damaging option is always wise, Fei is meant to be about having fun and doing your own thing. It almost always boils down to you having as many choices as your imagination can limit so go into training and experiment to see what works, I guarantee you'll prolly get more outta that then doing what Shinz does all the time, or what you just saw Heruru do.

    Third, you will hardly ever play a person the same way you play the computer so whatever human comp you can get, TAKE IT!! I have been fortunate enough since the VF4 verC days to have Dandy J around to play, and more recently [B.T.S] Akira (aka Madagascar) to play against. This is a rarity to have such empassioned players around to play I realize but if you live near someone else take a trip every now and again. I would have no idea how to play against Akira if not for Madagascar and likewise with Kage and Dandy J. Leifei has the unfortunate circumstance in ver C. of having something heavily abusable ([2]+[P]+[K],[P],(tiger stance)[P]). Slightly less so in evo but it still kinda exists so playing to win and playing to learn become 2 very different things. In reiteration, HUMAN COMP> computer (though the computer is still some of if not the best cpu opponent in all of fighting games /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif).

    Lastly, I have the most success when I play Leifei and no one else. If you wanna be a Fei player it's best to just play Fei because he is different enough to make those few rounds you play with Lion throw you off. Now I realize the prospect of being Shinz is all well and good but Fei I have found to be different enough to make the learning curve substantial when it comes to high level play. That's why you don't see him at high level alot, because he would be that persons only high level character (in most instances). I have noticed that while other characters skills translate to him well (former Lion player), that it is slightly harder to translate some of his stuff to other characters (tried Brad and it just didn't work). Sidenote: You can still do things like box step, k-step, or any of those things to your hearts content. That's about all I have to say as of right now but when I get more I'll say more.

    (Disclaimer: These views are in no way endorsed by the people at VF.com outside of me. If you find any of what I said to be inaccurate, post with your opinion or we can settle it in the VF ring /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif)
  2. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    I hate to see the beginnings of a good post go to waste but I need to play some more of EVO Lei Fei before I can truly talk about him.At the moment I've only a few matches under my belt and very little of them vs human opposition but when I'm more confident of my impression of him I'l be sure to post something.
  3. Stephen_J

    Stephen_J Active Member

    Since Lei-Fei is a really good character to start out with it seems that after being a first timer and only useing this character I have anyways, basically have just used him and feel that he is the only character for me even knowing that I might even be a better player if I played with a different one. Does anyone have a comment about this?
  4. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    I might even be a better player if I played with a different one.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Maybe, maybe not. It depends how he's used. I think it's very easy to fall into a pattern with Lei-Fei (especially for beginners) because the stances are very predictable. This leads to bad habits, and can slow down your progress.

    IMO, the best thing about Lei-Fei is the ability to create confusion. I try to enter/exit the stances as quickly as possible while constantly staying in motion. This is because I think he should be random (to the opponent, not to you). Random Lei is very, very powerful.....and Bokutai stance makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.
  5. Kimble

    Kimble Well-Known Member

    Lei Fei is very different from the rest of the characters imo. I've observed a few things so far.

    1. Not many short-range attack options (e.g very slow sweep)
    2. Inability to dodge or block while in stances
    3. Low damage combos
    4. Limited throw options
    5. Hard to master

    1. Fun to play with (I find Jacky pretty boring for example)
    2. Can be very deceptive if played properly
    3. Insane backstaggers (though all good players won't fall for it)
    4. Effective mid range game
    5. Nice looking moves : )

    Personally, I find it hard to win with lei fei against Lion, Kage, Jacky, Sarah and Akira.
  6. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    Kimble:BACCCKKKKK CHHHHEEEEECCCCKKK!!!!! LOLZ ask around and you'll know, it's great /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  7. Kimble

    Kimble Well-Known Member

    Back Check? What's that?

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