Learning Brad... order of operations?

Discussion in 'Brad' started by BodomSoldier, Nov 7, 2007.

  1. BodomSoldier

    BodomSoldier Active Member

    I'm completely new to VF and decided to pick up Brad. Anything I should learn first about him to avoid bad habits (stances/slipping, tactics, etc)? Thanks

    GT- Bodom Soldier
  2. Frostycyke

    Frostycyke Member

    I'm somewhat new to brad myself, and I started by first knowing his standard moves and combo's and what moves puts him into what stance. From there work on each stance. but you have to start somewhere.

    But if you are outright brand new to VF, not just Brad. Get as familiar with the game system as possible too. Know about evading, throw escapes, tech rolling and fuzzy guard. I can barely pull off alot of the advanced stuff, but its something to work toward.
  3. DancingFighterG

    DancingFighterG Well-Known Member

    Yo, this is DancingFighterG. I started with Shun and Brad right form the beginning to learn VF5. You can learn the basics with Brad but learning how to win with him at the beginning is fustrating. Learn how to move i.e box step, evade, crouch dash, crouch dash cancel, break throws, combos and all the ways Brad can go into his stances. Start there!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    As for fuzzy guard and other techniques you can start with it but you need to comfortable with how the game moves before you can start doing that. I've recently within the last month incorpoate fuzzy into my game but it's not instinct yet during a fight. Working on it. Damn EOJ!! taking away from my practice in VF /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

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