Lau VF5FS Version A Change Log

Discussion in 'Lau' started by akai, Feb 8, 2012.

  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    [P][P][P]- Hardening difference was changed. G: -8 -> -10 ; H: -8 -> -10; CH: -2 -> -4

    [P][P][P][K] - Hardening difference was changed. G: -17 -> -15

    [P][P][P][7]or[4][K] - Hardening difference was changed. Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed. Hit effect was changed. G: -21 -> -25

    [3][P][P][P]- Hardening difference was changed. Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed. G: -9 -> -10; H: -9 -> -10

    [3][P][P][P][K]- Hardening difference was changed. G: -17 -> -15

    [3][P][P][P][7]or[4][K]- Hardening difference was changed. Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed. Hit effect was changed. G: -21 -> -25

    [1][P]- Hardening difference was changed. Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed. G: -3 -> -4

    [2][K][P] - Sober properties were changed:0 → 2. During side and back hits, hits are not continuous.

    [6][6][P][+][K]- Strike attack level/type was changed.

    [4][P][+][K]- Strike attack level was changed: Mid→ Special Mid.

    [4][6][P][+][K]- Hardening difference was changed. Damage was changed:20 → 21. Hit effect was changed. CH: 9 -> 15

    [K][+][G]- Hardening difference was changed. Strike attack level was changed: Special High→ High. G:-2 -> -1 ; H: 5 -> 4

    [6][6][K][+][G]- 2nd part damage was changed:15 → 10.

    [8][K][+][G]- Technique avoids opponent’s technique easier.

    [9][K][+][G]- Hardening difference was changed. Hit effect was changed. H: down -> -4 ; CH: down -> -1

    [6][P][+][K][+][G]- Cannot be thrown time was adjusted.

    Kokei Stance (For example, after[K][+][G]) - Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    (kokei)[3][P]- Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    (kokei)[6][P][+][K]- Damage was changed:10 → 20. Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed. Hit effect was changed. “Total Frame†49 -> 54 ; G: stagger -> 17 ; H: stagger -> down ; CH: stagger -> down

    (facing wall)[6][P][+][K][+][G] - Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed. Hit effect was changed.

    [6][P][+][G](against Taka)- Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    [2][1][4][P][+][G]- Damage was changed:10 → 5. Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed. Cannot be thrown time was adjusted.


    Above is the list of moves that were adjusted in Version A (From AM2's Website). The purpose of this thread is to keep a record of the changes to later update FS command lists (based on the Masters Guide). Note: "Hardening Difference" refers to actual frame change related to the attack being guarded (GD), hit opponent(H), or counter hit opponent (CH).

    Edit: Added additional information from Lettuce's Blog (mainly the actual frame changes to execution of a move and the "hardening differences."
  2. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Just thought i'd highlight this. From the looks of it [8][K] and thus [8][K][K] will land even more often.

    That said, judging from the VF5FS i've watched recently, Lau players don't seem to be using this move significantly more than before. Maybe something else changed about [8][K][K] too? Does it still cause stagger?
  3. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    VF5:FS Lau's Command List (Version A)

    The color coding represents the following frame situations:

    Red - Guaranteed Knee Situation

    Orange - Guaranteed Side Kick Situation

    Yellow - Guaranteed Elbow Situation

    Green - Guaranteed Jab Situation

    Blue - Guaranteed Throw Situation

    A bit of a caveat before relying on the data in the "SideData" spreadsheet: I don't know how to calculate counter hit damage, so the figures represented may or may not represent the actual frame situation in the "Side Counter Hit +/-" column. Hopefully, eventually this problem will be solved.
  4. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Thank you for the command list [​IMG] So yes, still causes a stagger [​IMG]

    He lost [6][P][+][K]. And [K][+][G] is no longer listed as special high.

    Other than that i can't identify any significant changes. Maybe a Lau player would care to comment?
  5. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    I've neglected to mention that counter hit damage does not represent the frames situation on a side counter hit. The base damage is used to derive the figures. Therefore, the "SideData" tab should correctly represent the counter hit situations.
  6. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    Lau of America
    Feel this didn't merit it's own thread so I guess this is the most appropriate place for it.

    Does anyone know of any good japanese Lau players in FS? I've seen a few matches of Wasakon but can't really find more than just those few. Any otheres I could search for?
  7. Oldboy

    Oldboy Active Member

    Akai told me to check out these guys when I asked him:

    Chanba Lau
    Punch the Senpuu

    Having trouble finding videos for all of them. Trying to figure out kanji/hiragana/katakana spellings for them to broaden my search.
  8. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    Lau of America
    Awesome list, thanks a ton man.
  9. Guyjin

    Guyjin Member

    I came across Kurobo, Taimingaa Q, and Lauobuzaiya in the SBO 2010 footage. Kurobo seemed to be doing the best of those three. A big problem is that, aside from SBO, none of the arcade videos have English titles or tags so it's near impossible to find anything. Too bad there isn't a video thread.

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