
Discussion in 'General' started by SummAh, Jan 12, 2004.

  1. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    So..who has this game?

    I find the game quite fun in some ways...quite strange in many other ways

    Fun : tate 100 enemies = fun! ^__^
    Fun: being able to just kick the enemies repeatedly is kinda fun
    Fun: lotsa of the stages are fun

    Fun : HOTSUMA!

    not fun bits : dead enemies lying everywhere...should be good news right?


    They get in ur way all the time..ARGH!

    Enemies now block : sure, all I need to do is kick em...of coz...they randomly decide to evade at the strangest moment...causing my flying kick to 'airball'...and I fall to death.

    Stage 11 : now that's a strange stage... the camera has a tendency to become stupid...I die becos of the camera swinging around in some bits...n only on this stage too...>.<

    (hint: Think stage 8A in original shinobi..except...waterfalls everywhere in stage 11of kunoichi. not that it's hard to avoid the waterfalls...but the camera...>.<)

    Unfun : Hibana is plain...WEAK! Even if her sword is powered up..she is still...WEAK!...Fine, I can accept that she is not using akujiki...but for pete's sake...at least, give me some decent slash attacks...

    Unfun : lvl 12...ack...I've seen better looking 32 bit stages on the sega saturn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Stages a long..abit too long in my taste...Shinobi was hack/slash/speed/style/domination/ichigeki/tough bosses/insane difficulty due to various kick ass reasons

    To me, Kunoichi was at times, felt like....if it wasn't for the quirky enemies...and the length of the stages...it's kinda...easy in normal.

    Esp the boss battles...their patterns are so broody obvious now...

    Maybe I spent too much time in original shinobi....Lotsa of the supposedly new things in Kunoichi seem kinda like 2nd nature to me when I first started playing...shrugs

    Overall..top game...decent gfx n music...OK boss
    Difficulty is still kinda...there

    Oh well, hard, here I come! ^_____^

    Onward with sexy hibana costume in hard kekeke!

    Me highly recommend this game.

    (In other news, gamespy previewed this game....at the same time admitted that they were surprised that the previous Shinobi performed much better than they expected......weaklings!!!!! XD)
  2. Jacky_San

    Jacky_San Well-Known Member

    I tried the demo in OPM and almost broke my neck because of the camera. The action was good but not having really gone all Shinobi crazy I was lost.

    I did manage to TATE a couple of times. That was cool.
  3. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    The name "Nightshade" certainly sucks. I would have preferred Kunoichi even if most westerners can't pronounce it.
  4. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    No shit, eh? Shinobi seemed to be okay even 15+ years ago, but Kunoichi doesn't work now?

    I think the game is good, although it took me a while to get into it. IMHO, it has some serious balance issues. I highly recommend playing Easy beore Normal (unlike I did). The platforming on the last 3-4 stages is just a nightmare.
  5. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    good call old chum...playing easy is recommended just to ease urself of the pain in last stage...plus...unlock secret character kekeke!

    For me..the camera was way perfect/fine/does the job well, except for this particular corner in stage 11....ah..waterfalls..all ninjas HATE kekeke

    Maybe I have indeed played too much shinobi...but hell! I really do miss being hounded to death by akujiki....makes the game so much more exciting.

    U can cheat in kunoichi...aka 'escape!'...Kill those that only needed to be killed....left a sour taste in my mouth when I found out abt that >.<
  6. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I like this game, the whole presentation is really cool. I kind of wished the enemy boss characters had better design/model/texture though. Regardless, adding the flying kick to the game opens up a whole new dimension with what you can do in terms of comboing and keeping in the air in this game. It really adds new techniques to look flashy and provides a safety net for when you can't judge the distance. The music tracks in the game is also very well done, although I wish there were more, but it fits the game's atmosphere really well and makes the action intense. The game is polished yet lacking in certain aspects, such as the textures and level detail in certain levels imo. Maybe it's not such a big deal since the focus is really on the placement of the enemies and more or less a "lego-like" level construction to provide a backdrop for the enemies. It get the job done I should say, and maybe that was all the developers wanted. I for one, enjoy kunoichi more than shinobi. It's flashier, and more open ended. I definitely recommend this one.
  7. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member


    I just had to check out what IGN had to say for this game.

    The reviewer mentioned he has never died more than 20 times against a boss...EVER!


    Well done on killing hiroko in easy mode!
    (wait, did he made it past stage 2?)

    good Scrubbing IGN.

    Go back n play your FF45.

    oh looky we have to lvl up
    oh looky we have to find this...do this do that...
    just like all previous FF..

    BUT IT'S OK! IT's FF!!!!

    every other reharsh is NOT OK!

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