Kikizo VF5 Video Interview.

Discussion in 'General' started by Adio, Jun 20, 2006.

  1. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    I saw this article on Kikizo last week and I thought it would have been mentioned eventually. However since it wasn't then I’ll address it here:


    The report features the chief of AM2, an executive from the arcade version and the man responsible for producing the PS3 port. From what I recall the questions asked were rather simple and failed to get to the core of more pressing matters like additional features for the PS3 port, release dates and future plans for the series etc. Throughout the interview various clips of VF5 fights are played, mostly from the early “Location Test Version†batch, nothing you wouldn’t have seen before if you’re up to date with the usual sources via VFDC.

    But what struck me though was the barefaced denial of any interest in maximizing the online features of the PS3. I just don’t know; are Sega purposely downplaying the online capabilities of the PS3 version in order to keep the arcade version viable with its sole use of VFTV? Or are they just bone idle?!

    Sony has yet to release their PS3 online service plans in great detail, at least to the general public but surely a replay transfer feature in the spirit of VFTV is possible, even if online play couldn’t be implemented for quality reasons.

    Finally, I was somewhat amused by the writer’s following remark:

    “The recent announcement that VF5 will be coming to PlayStation 3 is music to the ears of all western VF fans, particularly since Kataoka-san mentions in this interview that there are no plans to release the arcade machine outside of Japan.â€Â

    …F**K off. It’s not like the consumer has a choice in the platform and if those same consumers outside of Japan are deprived of features deemed crucial by the developers then that’s just another slap in the face for foreign enthusiasts. /versus/images/graemlins/deadpan.gif

    I can understand that the interviewer probably had to go through hoops to even get an audience with Hiroshi Kataoka but the way he treaded on eggshells throughout the interview it hardly seems worth it. /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif

  2. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

  3. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    I thought the vid showed the head of AM2 in a rather arrogant manner.

    His body language, his expression (or the lack of it)
    Just rubbed me the wrong way
  4. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    I love the part when the guy asked about VF5 Arcade not PS3 version the guy on the far left was like shocked & I thought he was going to piss in his pants.

    I have to say this & sadly it's a fact now:

    if AM2 really believes that our feedback hasn't effect their development & our efforts as fan as well as players don't mean jack well one day we are the ones who's going to screw them over.

    I see this in the pass when a game no matter how good it was if their ego got the better of them they still went down hill. All great games or development team goes through this & now I am seeing the signs of that in AM2.

    Examples: Ridge Racer, SFII Hyper Fighting every version after :p, Mario Bros, Zelda, OutRun & 2 etc....
  5. sixtwo

    sixtwo Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    one day we are the ones who's going to screw them over

    [/ QUOTE ]

    In North America, VF as a series sells about half as well as any other major fighitng game series, be it legitimate contenders like Tekken and Soul Calibur, or licensed games like Dragon Ball Z: Budokai. Mortal Kombat as a series also consistently doubles the sales of any given VF title. This happens while critics call the VF4/Evo "the greatest fighting game ever made" and all that. Already, in a way, we are screwing them over. At least in a way, there aren't enough of us not screwing them over to get them to focus the attention on us that you would prefer. If you make a top tier product and people still don't show support the way they show support for other series, what exactly are you supposed to do? Continue to invest as much as the other guy, only to make half as much? Doesn't seem reasonable.

    With that said, I thought the interview was kind of light on info. Haven't we known for a while that VF5 PS3 wouldn't have online, and that it wasn't coming to the US in arcades? I would have been interested in questions regarding exactly your issue, KFS - that of how Sega sees foreign markets in relation to their products, specifically VF.
  6. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    AM2 does listen to their customers--just the ones in Japan.
  7. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    sixtwo said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    one day we are the ones who's going to screw them over

    [/ QUOTE ]

    In North America, VF as a series sells about half as well as any other major fighitng game series, be it legitimate contenders like Tekken and Soul Calibur, or licensed games like Dragon Ball Z: Budokai. Mortal Kombat as a series also consistently doubles the sales of any given VF title. This happens while critics call the VF4/Evo "the greatest fighting game ever made" and all that. Already, in a way, we are screwing them over. At least in a way, there aren't enough of us not screwing them over to get them to focus the attention on us that you would prefer. If you make a top tier product and people still don't show support the way they show support for other series, what exactly are you supposed to do? Continue to invest as much as the other guy, only to make half as much? Doesn't seem reasonable.

    With that said, I thought the interview was kind of light on info. Haven't we known for a while that VF5 PS3 wouldn't have online, and that it wasn't coming to the US in arcades? I would have been interested in questions regarding exactly your issue, KFS - that of how Sega sees foreign markets in relation to their products, specifically VF.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Are you absolutely sure that Tekken4 & 5 sold better than VF4? I dont know where to research this sort of material but I do know that VF4EVO, considered a Greatest Hits, became a Greatest Hits way faster than Tekken4, so again, I'm not completely sure that VF4 sold less Tekken4 or even SC.

    BTW, does anyone know where can one go to see legitamate charts of these sales?

    Kinda sad that Dragonball and Pokemon games sell better /versus/images/graemlins/tear.gif
  8. sixtwo

    sixtwo Well-Known Member

    Tekken 4 - 1,247,986
    Virtua Fighter 4 - 625,180
    Tekken 5 - 440,418
    Virtua Fighter 4: Evo - 282,013
    Soul Calibur 3 - 452,630

    Evo went Greatest Hits (allegedly) because it was not granted a license by Sony to be released at full price. It was never sold as anything but Greatest Hits. Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition was recently released in the same way.

    I get sales numbers from work (I'm a developer), they're not commonly released to the public.
  9. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Well, 62 tiers are even complaing about VF5 & I'm just being over critical b/c I love this game so much & have such a high standard for AM2. I know about w/ every game it's harder to keep making it a revolution instead of just evolution of the existing engine. The one reason this is b/c of gap of the release of each version in the VF series/Full versions only not the upgrades.

    This one is for u Sal-buddy:

    For example there was a significant gap btw VF1 all the way to VF4. FT was never gaving enough of a full-life span to reach it's full potiential by the players not the developers. And by releasing VF5 so soon they just basically cut it's life-span even shorter. I know the counter view of yeah FT was losing play in japan so AM2 had to bring VF5, answer B.S. B/C so did all the previous version in the pass. But their predicessor's had a full-cycle of freshing their thinking before doing another one.

    So lastly that's why I think VF5 is so like everyone says is FT version 2. /versus/images/graemlins/tear.gif
  10. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    sixtwo said:

    Tekken 4 - 1,247,986
    Virtua Fighter 4 - 625,180
    Tekken 5 - 440,418
    Virtua Fighter 4: Evo - 282,013
    Soul Calibur 3 - 452,630

    Evo went Greatest Hits (allegedly) because it was not granted a license by Sony to be released at full price. It was never sold as anything but Greatest Hits. Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition was recently released in the same way.

    I get sales numbers from work (I'm a developer), they're not commonly released to the public.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thanks! The truth hurts, but thanks anyway.
    I always figured that one of the best selling PS2 fighters was TekkenTagTournament just cuz of when it came out and how at that time it had no competition.
  11. sixtwo

    sixtwo Well-Known Member

    fighting games

    I think TTT rode the high that Tekken had built on the PS1 through Tekken 2 and 3 to mega numbers on the PS2. But it's also a pretty good game, and it had amazing graphics at the time.

    In general though I think fighting games are on the decline in terms of popularity in America. From my understanding Tekken 5 did much better in Europe than it did in North America, and in Japanese arcades Tekken 5 DR is enjoying huge success, as are Guilty Gear XX Slash, Melty Blood Act Cadenza, and King of Fighters. Mortal Kombat and Dragon Ball Z: Budokai are just about the only remaining fighting games that consistently top a million sales in North America, which is all kinds of sad when you think about it.
  12. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    I interpreted the interviewees as thinking "Boy, this interviewer doesn't know much about VF." Why are they still asking about Taka?? There were so many key questions that were not asked... Why not a non-Japan arcade release? Why PS3 only? What in your view is VF5's key innovation? What do you think of DOA being a successful online fighting game? Etc. And the clips of VF5 selected in the video...blah.

    Anyway I know I sound like sour grapes although of course I think it's great that Kikizo took the time to do the video interview and raise awareness.
  13. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Anyway I know I sound like sour grapes although of course I think it's great that Kikizo took the time to do the video interview and raise awareness.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Whatever you're on I want a Value Meal of it b/c what in that interview did those zombie nerd looking Otakus said that we didn't know already!? Plz tell me?
  14. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    I think Jeff's point is valid in the sense, the vid is meant for the more 'casual' consumers.

    Perhaps we should simply stop relying on 'journalists' to get the job done and do something ourselves as bryan suggested.

    Anyway, word has gotten to me that HK has all but confirmed it cannot get VF5 for their arcade. And when HK cannot get it, it certainly spells doom for the rest of us.
  15. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Ok whoever is the racist fuck that has been put in charge of the outfit needs to be replaced by a someone less nationalistic.
  16. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Whatever you're on I want a Value Meal of it b/c what in that interview did those zombie nerd looking Otakus said that we didn't know already!? Plz tell me?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    WTF are you talking about that was part of the point of my post (see what you didn't quote). Better stock up on those value meals because the lack of fats and carbs are affecting your reading comprehension.
  17. CrewTW

    CrewTW Well-Known Member

    We'll see Freddie....:) I'm in HK now and I gotta have my VF5 fix MUHAHAHAHAHAHA I'll figure some finance deal out that will make sense to Sega, to HK folks and make some pocket money.
  18. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    if AM2 really believes that our feedback hasn't effect their development & our efforts as fan as well as players don't mean jack well one day we are the ones who's going to screw them over.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm sorry, Smurf, but I disagree. People keep failing to understand that Sega is first and foremost and japanese *business*. The utopia of "Gaming Company love for the Gamer" is simply that - a utopia. North American VFers are so far removed from the development (and sales, mind you) of VF5 that it's not even funny. In fact, it's arrogant to think that they *should* consider our market.

    No plans for VF5 arcade release - are we really surprised? I mean, c'mon.
    No plans for online PS3 versus gameplay. Again, given that we all jabber on about frame advantages/disadvantages - are we surprised?

    To expect any of the above leads only to disappointment. Sega does not care and guess what - THAT's OK! We'll still be hooking up our PS3s in Riverhead and having a blast at it.

  19. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    I agree with Andy...if there's money to be made, there's always a way. Maybe what can be done is to sub-rent from someone who has the machines in Japan. I'm sure there are those in the arcade export/import business thinking of ways to make this work. I'm super confident HK will get VF5 machines--not every arcade, just the ones known for VF--and if not through Sega directly then through a middleman.
  20. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    The problem is... VF5 requires to even work. So.. hopefully they can figure something out.

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