kazure down, low P float

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by alantan, Jan 4, 2003.

  1. alantan

    alantan Well-Known Member

    I am wondering if any of you can get the timing for the kazure down, (stomach crumble), low P. If you delay the low P you can get a higher float which allow you to do combos. Like brad can get his d/f+p+k,p in. I can get it consistently and it is really irritating. Any ideas? Else I would rather do a f,f+k after a crumble.
  2. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    I learned how to do this with Akira, but my consistancy isn't that high either. The one dependable method I found using him was to watch the top of the oppts head, and when it reached Akira's belt, do the low P.

    It seems like you have to do it at the last possible moment before they hit the ground, then I think you'll even hear them hit but they'll re-float a good deal. Being a Vanessa player, I figured you'd be a master of this for the G, u+P- d+P- d/f+K. But, it is tricky.

    I guess just try to low P the top of their head right before they hit the ground, you'll be able to see the difference in float.

  3. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    /versus/images/icons/smirk.gif Sorry to turn this into an Akira thread, but here's my long-winded question:

    Due to my limited experience with Evo(my arcade doesn't carry it), I haven't had a chance to experiment with Evo Akira that much, except during my occasional trips to Orlando. As you already know, SDE(MC) -> d+P -> shrm -> m-dblpm does more damage than SDE(MC) -> DJK in Ver.C. Do you know if this combo works on characters besides Aoi and Pai now? Plus I'm assuming that Yoho still connects after a kuzure down, so I was wondering if it's possible to also get: SDE(MC) -> Yoho -> K+G, P, or maybe even: SDE(MC) -> Yoho -> AS3/DLC. Also, since SDE (MC) -> m-sgpm~SDE is a true combo, have you experimented to see if the new sgpm~SDE move is useful in other combos? I was thinking along the lines of: b,f+P -> P -> m-sgpm~SDE. I'm guessing this might be a good(and possibly more powerful) alternative to b,f+P -> P -> m-dblpm.
  4. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    I've experimented with the SgPm-DE in floats quite a bit. First off, it's tough to do in floats for some reason - i find m-DbPm's much easier to do than m-SgPm...this is most likely due to habit since VF2. However, what I have found is that the DE part misses in many combos. I've tried it after a StPm, P and the SgPm hits but the DE misses. I've had it connect after a Yoho, P but not with any consistency - sometime it hits, sometimes it doesn't. Now, reasons for this are obvious - primarily, the SgPm is 2 frames slower in execution than a DbPm at 16 frames and the canned DE has 20 frames of execution. 'Not enough float time' is what it all boils down to, I think.

  5. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    About a quarter of the time in training mode I can get that funky ass in the air float from lp. This translates to never in matches as I'm not willing, cocky, or good enough to trade easy, guaranteed damage for something I'll screw up more often than not even under more controlled circumstances. If you can get a little damage with Brad after the lp DOESN'T float (so the lp try isn't a total waste) then maybe you're in business. For example, I think Akira has SDE, lp, dbpm in vf4c against at least lighties so if I felt like it I suppose I could SDE > take a nanosecond to decide whether to chicken out & go for the lp right away or wait a beat and go for the lp, shrm, dbpm. I think I'll stick to the DJK. My Akira is so scrubby.
  6. alantan

    alantan Well-Known Member

    no I cannot get the Vanessa's low P sidekick combo. That combo looks so freaking easy but it is tough to get it consistently.

    Now I have totally given up on Evo Vanessa and playing brad who is soo much better. Almost all his moves are pretty useful.

    I wonder if there is a way to buffer in some moves so that you can do the Low P float consistently. I mean you see the Vanessa players in the videos succeeding like 80-90% of the time... maybe they just have very good timing. Wonder how many frames is the window where you can enter the low P.
  7. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    I don't think you need to buffer anything, just wait until the proper time. If you just make it a big priority, I'm sure you'll get it down. Or, just practice on the PS2 training mode.

    Like I said, it's like you're hitting them at the last possible moment, then they'll float face down, and it almost looks like they're head is lower than the rest of their body.

    if I can do it sometimes, I'm sure you can do it all the time, my command input sucks.


    PS: about all the Akira combos, I haven't really tried in Evo, since I've been trying other stuff; but I don't want to take Alan's thread OT. Like I said in the evo aki thread, b. f+P- SlgPm- Sde is possible up to wolf, regardless of stance. But, we should talk about Aki combos there
  8. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    The lp window has to be pretty tight. 1-3 frames or something? I wonder if this is something that can be checked out on the ps2 in either training mode with that frame graph/number business or by recording a dummy match & playing back frame by frame to see if the lp produces the float at different points. I'll probably look into this, as my curiosity as to what the float might offer Lau is piqued.
  9. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    How to do it...

    Hey alan, I was shown this nifty trick by some guys on the korean irc channel. It might not be necessary but it's the way I've been able to do the combo, and srider busted it out this weekend at the gathering..after a few minutes once I explained it.

    In the example combo dre gives, do f,f,f+P -> buffer a forward dash -> let the dash go out for only a handful of frames (maybe 1/3rd to 1/2 of a normal dash) then low punch, aiming to hit the back of aoi/pai's neck. You hear the bounce sound when it works, and then you can do shoulder ram -> double palm.

    I sat down and tried doing it without the half dash, and couldn't get it, but I'm not positive the half dash is needed. Some combos definitely do need a half dash though... for example wolf's b+P -> d+P -> knee vs akira.

    Anyway, try the half dash method, I hope it works for your brad combo.
  10. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Re: How to do it...

    The dash is not necessary for SDE,lp,shrm, but I imagine it helps with timing as you don't want to lp immediately.

    I noticed yesterday that the lp floats when it connects as the sound of the opponent hitting the ground starts, so I started throwing the punch when I felt that sound effect would commence & bingo! My success with getting this lp float is good now from watching to hit the back of the opponent's head AND listening & I'm confident using it in matches. I have a feeling you've got it dialed yourself now Alan, so thanks for posting the question and getting me in the dojo.

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