Kakutou Shinseiki 4: The Road to Qualification

Discussion in 'General' started by supergolden, Dec 10, 2006.

  1. supergolden

    supergolden Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    So the stage is set for Kakutou Shinseiki 4... There are over 10 qualifiers between now and Februrary in the area that Namflow and I are going to be able to compete in...

    Unlike the Otenami Haiken qualifier where we literally didn't show up to play, we have sworn a mighty oath to qualify! (*for the regional tourney, making it to the nationals in Tokyo is a bit of a stretch any way you cut it)

    There are going to be a dozen or so local qualifiers here in Ishikawa Prefecture and Fukui Prefecture... Rich and I are going to be doing a kind of tour journal / battle report for each tournament... We're going to go, eat the local food, kick the local comp's ass, win the hearts of the local women and take plenty of pictures along the way! We'll keep this thread updated...

    The winners of the local tournaments will meet in a regional qualifier for the Hokuriku Area at the Fukui Sega Arena... Local winners from Toyama, GIfu (home of Daioh), Ishikawa and Fukui prefectures will all come to the regional qualifier at Sega Arena...

    Namflow and I are both going to be playing as Blaze...

  2. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Awesome...can't wait to hear how it goes. Good luck! Ganbarre!
  3. supergolden

    supergolden Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze


    This Saturday night / Sunday morning at the Leisure Land in Nonoichi (about an hour up Rt 8) there's going to be a qualifying tournament...

    I've been going to the local arcades the past couple nights to play Knockout Trial and practice against some human comp... There's actually been a few people playing...

    I don't know why but twice in two nights after playing me a few matches the opponents felt the need to change their PR...

    After losing five straight the first guy got up and put 100 of is hard earned yen into the VF Terminal to change his PR to "anata abare sugi" in Japanese... better than "machi sugi" I guess...

    Last night I started beating up some guy who had a bunch of cards at 70% win... He was getting pissy, began hitting the controller, stomping me whenever he actually won a round and he eventually changed his PR to (in English): "you soon die"... lol

    Anyway I'm looking forward for the tournament this Saturday.... I'll let you guys know how it goes!

  4. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    That's a lot of gaijin hate right there.
  5. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I was just reading the old Beat Tribe tournament thread.... man, those were the days...

    Good luck Goldens in Kakutou Shinseiki!!
  6. supergolden

    supergolden Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    (a little late but here it is)

    I was woken up before 8:00 Saturday morning by some lady who came into my room wearing a kimono... "Don't you want to eat breakfast?" she said... Yeah but I want to sleep a little more bitch...

    One thing I don't like about these Japanese style onsen (hot spring) hotels is that the old ladies in kimonos come in and out of your room as they please... I wouldn't mind if the old ladies in kimonos wern't actually old ladies in kimonos but young attractive girls who you wouldn't mind waking up to in the morning...

    So I'm hung over, last night was my school's bonenkai (literally forget the year party)... I can't see without my contacts in, but make it downstairs as my day begins with a breakfast of rice, fish and miso soup... I have a big day ahead of me: two girls, two dates and a virtua fighter tournament...

    Date number one begins at around noon at my place... Date number two begins sometime during date #1 with girl #2 texting me "we gonna hang out?" She thinks I'm still recovering from my bonenkai...

    Date #1 leaves, I have to clean up... I wash out the two cups of hot coco, pick up a hair tie left on the tatami mats... I no longer have long hair so a hair tie on the floor might be suspicious...

    Anyway date #2 begins at around 5:00... I tell her I only have until 9:30... Registration starts at 11:00, the arcade is over an hour away, and I'm certainly not going to miss this one... The moment a girl knows shes more important to you than virtua fighter is the day she begins to walk all over you....

    Go with date #2 to the local electronics store to the local burger joint back to my place... We're having a lot of fun but 9:30 rolls around and its time to go! Kick out girl #2 out, load up the mp3 player and make it out to the arcade...


    On the way to my car I see this cat in town who I call "are-kun"... He's like the ugliest, filthiest scrubbiest stray cat of all time... He smells, he can't walk straight, he needs a haircut but every time I see him hes fucking some other cat in the middle of the street... So I take a picture of are-kun... every dog (or cat) has its day...

    I load up German guitarist Axel Rudi Pell's "Oceans of Time" and roll... There's not much traffic this time at night so I make it to the arcade in about 50 minutes...

    It's 10:53 and I feel a little tired...

    This place is like a shack compared to the Leisure Land down here in Kaga, but its in a bigger city so they've got more comp...

    I sit down and play a few practice matches with Blaze... I lost my old Blaze card so now I'm shodan (1st dan) at around 50%... I won more than I lost before the tournament and I'm feeling good...


    The tournament is about to begin... The jobber running the thing tells everyone to stop playing, and goes around making sure the buttons are in top condition...

    Only about 15 people enter the tournament... I'm #14, I get this nifty badge and there is a tournament board up on the wall... They wind up using the vf.terminal to do an automated tournament...

    I'm up first against some Lei Fei player... He doesn't have his win record displayed which is a little bit unnerving... He has one of those glowing bracelets on his wrist... Those arn't easy to come by, are they? way to phsyc myself out before the match even began...

    First move he hits me with a fully charged Lei Fei charge attack of doom to the dune of a 60% damage combo... Ouch, not exactly the way I wanted to start out this tournament... I wound up losing 3-1 to sentaku2go Lei Fei...

    There are about three players who I think are going to take it... Two Laus who are at around 80% and whose ranks are in kanji I can't read... Them and the Lei Fei player I lost to in the first round...

    The tournament advances quickly, with some player using a mic and boom box to give live commentary... soon its DON Lau vs sentonikkuU2go Lei Fei in the finals... Of course I'm rooting for the Lei Fei player, I wouldn't feel so bad about getting knocked out in the first round if it was to the guy who won the tournament...

    It's tied up 2-2, both players are around 50%... Then the Lei Fei player hits a fully charged charge attack of doom into a wall stagger for the win... glad I'm not the only guy who fell for it...

    The play by play guy says how the one guy can advance to the Area Tournament at the Fukui Sega arena later on...

    After the tournament its set to 100 yen for two credits (about fifty cents a game, half the price it usually is)... I stay playing until 2:30 in the morning... I got my ass kicked by DON Lau, I don't know why but it just seemed like he kept on punching and I kept on getting hit... He really had my number...

    I did a lot better against the other 80% Lau player, beating him more than he beat me... My offense can get the job done as Blaze but I just don't know how to defend against some stuff...

    Anyway Nammy had his bonenkai last night so he couldn't make it out to the tournament with me... We're gonna hit up the next one together though...

  7. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    daaamn, I really rooting for you Golden. Please qualify at the next one and doa VFDC victory lap. Show them your Jersey Gaijin pride!
  8. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    personally I think you're posting your journal just so you can announce to the world that you had two dates on the same day /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    Too bad about the results. try try again!

  9. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    1, In the morning, some old hag saw me jerking off. I'd pimp her but no luck.
    2, A girl came over, i tried to pimp her but only to pick her trash up on the floor.
    3, I tried to save some self-diligent by being a pretentious idiot.
    4, I got pwned in vf.

    calm the fuck down man, we know jp chicks dig white cock. you're like these xpats who are fuckups in their own country then had to move to some 3rd world asian country to be somebody. get a fucking grip man.
  10. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    The moment a girl knows shes more important to you than virtua fighter is the day she begins to walk all over you....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hahah. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  11. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    I just read this on another forum. TOO GOOD!

    Two girls and VF. [Ice Cube]I say today was a GOOD DAY![/Ice Cube] /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    That badge alone would make me feel like a winner. /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif

    Shang is jealous because his girlfriend OWNZ him. Remember, don't hate the player, hate the game. heh heh
  12. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the write up. The pics are a nice touch. No pictures of your ladies, though - /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  13. Nilsson

    Nilsson New Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    CarGay said:

    1, In the morning, some old hag saw me jerking off. I'd pimp her but no luck.
    2, A girl came over, i tried to pimp her but only to pick her trash up on the floor.
    3, I tried to save some self-diligent by being a pretentious idiot.
    4, I got pwned in vf.

    calm the fuck down man, we know jp chicks dig white cock. you're like these xpats who are fuckups in their own country then had to move to some 3rd world asian country to be somebody. get a fucking grip man.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    lol! Well said my friend.
  14. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    btw were the two girls named Pai and Vanessa? jk /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    I would have called the date that went well and asked them to meet u after the tourney...nothing better than the night cap
  15. Namflow

    Namflow Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    CarGay said:calm the fuck down man, we know jp chicks dig white cock. you're like these xpats who are fuckups in their own country then had to move to some 3rd world asian country to be somebody. get a fucking grip man.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    what is it about super's post that made you so hostile? is your reality so fragile that someone posting about his day and a VF tourney makes you so upset you gotta flame him and try to increase the size of your e-peen? lol
  16. supergolden

    supergolden Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    Jan 20th, 2007 (pictures to come later)

    After a hiatus during the winter holiday, the day has come for another try to qualify for KS IV again! (I'll add pictures later)

    I said in the beginning that I would talk not only about the Virtua Fighter tournaments but also about the local food and towns these tournaments are taking place in.

    Food for us began that day with lunch at a semi-classy Italian restaurant called “La Vive.†“La Vive†is in Katayamazu Springs which is famous for its hot springs, giant artificial lake and fireworks.

    I went with my brother Namflow and my co-worker Liz... We each ordered the 1,600 yen set which came with a variety of food (the highlight being some tender fall of the bone pork) which was good, but not entirely filling...

    After lunch its time for VF... Nam and I go out to the local Kaga Leisure Land to practice against each other... I convincingly lose match after match to get his confidence up (don't tell him though, I bet he thought he was winning on his skill alone!)

    After playing for about an hour the tasty, yet unfufilling, lunch is all but a memory as hunger pains ensue. I suggest eating up where the tournament is, to try something new and different and catalogue it here in VFDC, so we start the 20 min drive up the road to Komatsu...

    Komatsu is written with the Chinese character for “small†and “pine.†Actually the same way Chibita writes his real last name, if he could read or write. The biggest airport in the area is in this town. It is also right around the birthplace of New York Yankees outfielder Hideki Matsui.

    I decide we are going to eat at what I hear is the best ramen shop in town. I was going to go there the other night with my friend “Ms. Green†(date #2 from the previous entry) but the place was closed. No time like the present to check it out!

    The place is called 「天」, or “ten†which means heaven... It is also the character burned onto
    Akuma's back when he wins... Is this ramen really heavenly? Or is it just an advertising gimmick? Read on....

    Nam and I both ordered the miso ramen (I love miso)... It definietley wasn't your run-of-the-mill ramen... The noodles were ultra thin the broth was thick and flavorful... The miso ramen wasn't bad, but it wasn't all that great either... It was unlike any ramen I'd had before, which in itself is a success...
    (「もったいない」, or “What a waste!†exclaimed my friend Ms. Green when I told her about ordering the miso ramen. Soy sauce was apparently the way to go, and what I'll order next time)...
    Anyway, as the old adage goes, Nam and I came to Komatsu to kick ass and eat ramen... Unfortunatley for the scrubs waiting for us at Cosmo Land, we were all out of ramen!

    Cosmo Land is everything you'd except from a combined arcade/karaoke joint in urban Japan: small, cramped, smokey and filled with beat-mania games, pachinko style slot machines and salary men whose wives think they are at a business meeting...

    There was some, hall shall we say, “less than intimidating†competition playing on the two pairs of VF cabinents when we arrived. There was a sign on the machines warning that the number of participants being able to enter the tournament was limited to 32 so to sign up fast...I was worried for a little bit but was correct in my assumptions that #1: no one had signed up early and #2: there definitely wasn't gonna be 32 entrants.

    I wrote my ring name, character and age on an entry form that I gave to the guy running the tournament. After that I got in a few matches against some familiar faces that had arrived.

    The first of which was “'you soon die' Sarahâ€Â... The last time I played this guy he had the last laugh. Last time I beat him so hard that he had to change his PM to “you soon die†(in English). He began hitting the machine when he lost and revelling in every victory by stomping on poor downed Blaze. He wound up streaking me for a while before I decided to go home. That was before, and this was now: revenge was had as Blaze did a Mexican hat dance on his win percentage to a tune of 5 straight! He soon got up to make way for other comp... I was feeling good, or at least better than Namflow who, sitting next to me, was on the wrong end of a long winning streak. I don't know if its fighting spirit or stubborness which makes him put 100 yen coin after 100 yen coin into the machine after losing. I encourage him to take a break, walk around, have a breather and come back fresh to relieve his frustration but he thought a better way was to fight the same guy (who was beating him handily) over and overt again...

    So soon enough the tournament begins with a lucky thirteen entrants... That means by default I'm 3 or 4 wins away from KS4 area qualifiers... I'm not really thinking that far ahead though since this is my fourth VF tournament in Japan and I haven't even won one tournament match yet...

    So the automated brackets are being displayed on the big VF.tv screen and Rich and I are fighting our opponents first... Side by side, we agree to concentrate only on our own matches... I'm up against some low ranked Lion player... I rock his world to win my first Japanese tournament match ever and advance to the second round!

    Nammy's string of Philadelphia (or Rocky) like performances in tournaments (making it close but choking in the big matches) came to an end faster than a 10 frame punch as he lost in the first round to some abare Sarah... But on the bright side, he could now concentrate on giving me advice during my matches.

    Nam says its distracting when I give him advice during matches, but in the next round I was up against some 10th dan Kage who had a by in the first round and hadn't played at all before the tournament. I wasn't really knowing what to expect and could use someone to give me some pointers during the match.

    Rich sat next to me at the vacant Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection machine during my match. It started well with the luchadore having his way with Kage all across the ring. I even hit the damagizing and demoralizing “Day Job†from his Rocket Discharge! Things couldn't have been better until I failed to follow Nam's sole piece of advice: “Don't get rung out!†Next thing I know Kage hits a 42p+g and I'm out of the ring /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

    Throughout the next rounds Nammy counstantly shouted "Don't get rung out! BACK OFF! BACK OFF!" To the untrained eye it might have looked cowardly, or boring, or machi but veterans know that backing off from a downed Kage on the small as raft stage is just playing smart. I got hit with more running slides (2+K) then I'd like to admit. It came down to the last round with me pulling it out thanks to my opponent ducking or low punching and eating three 8+P+Ks in a row! The crowd was happy to see me win and the dude came over and gave me a thumbs up afterward. I smiled.

    After that I was up against the player who I call "dickhead kage" (not that the phrase “dickhead†can be used to easily distinguish one Kage player from the next or anything). His ring name “巨根太郎â€Â, which is read as “kyoukon tarou", which means “Big Dick Boy.†He used to play at my local arcade, and his ring names have ranged from “Big Dick†to “King Big Dick.†It is obvious he is trying to make up for something with his ring name. I seriously wonder what hes thinking, that some chick at the arcade will walk by and see this asshole playing VF and say “Wow! The game says he has a big dick! I need to find out for myself!â€Â

    Anyway hes a solid player. I had played against his Jeff and Akira a lot but not so much his Kage. Unfortunatley Nam's “Don't get rung out!†advice wasn't enough and I lost to dickhead Kage 3-0 /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif The lowlight of the match was me trying to 66k his jumanji stance with fatal consequences. Another lowlight was me yoming a duck and whiffing a low throw by “this much.â€Â

    A player who I call “Flashy Pai†came up to me after the match and made a low throw motion IRL, followed by a “this much†hand motion. I got what he was trying to communicate.

    Anyway “Dickhead Kage†went on to the finals against “Flashy Paiâ€Â... During the final match Pai was trying to do play like good Pai players with flashy combos and risky techniques while “Dickhead Kage†decided that relying only on safe and powerful moves, like 2K+G and TFT would be the best way to go. Unfortunatley he was right as “Dickhead Kage†beat “Flashy Pai†3-0, with the last round ending in a TFT ring out combo against the poor light weight.

    Now I call him “Dickhead Kage†partly because his ring name always has the phrase “Big Dick†in it, but mostly because of his actions following the tournament. After winning he celebrated by coming around to the other side of the machine, pointing his index finger in “Flashy Pai's†face and laughing... This is 100% true. I can't even tell you that they were friends and he was just messing around... I guess that's just the way Kage players are...

    I know yo guys arn't going to let me take solace in the fact that every tournament I've been in so far I've only lost to the guy who went on to win the thing isn't going to stop me from mentioning it anyway.

    I was undefeated by “Dickhead Kage†after the tournament (2-0)...

    There was another tournament the next day in the not so populous town of 白山 (not to be confused with the mountain of the same name).
  17. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Great report Mr. Golden! And all the best in the next qualifier!

    I agree that a lot of dickheads play Kage, but don't agree that all Kage players are dickheads. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  18. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    Hey Supes, don't we get some kind of item ticket for being in the tournament?
  19. Dashwolf

    Dashwolf Well-Known Member

    It sounded like a good day though!

    i think even i would have enjoyed that day if i was there and lost on the first round

    巨根太郎 is just too funny heh
  20. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the report, hope you kick some Kage (dick or non dickhead) ass next time /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

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