Kage's TFT researched

Discussion in 'Kage' started by uk-guy, Apr 3, 2002.

  1. uk-guy

    uk-guy Well-Known Member

    I posted this up, then deleted it because the formating went haywire. Anyhoo here it is in it's pooee formating. I'll email it to Myke and hopefully it'll be up in the Kage section correctly formatted.

    PS2 TFT List
    written by Mohammed Imran Ramzan
    version 1.0 (last updated 2nd April 2002)
    email: mo_ramzan@hotmail.com


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    Copyright Mo Imran, 2001; all rights reserved.

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    To view this document, use a fixed-width font (like Courier), otherwise it will look crappy.

    I haven’t listed all the TFT combos possible, that would take forever! I’ve just picked what I deem to be the most useful (i.e. damaging or flashy :]) TFT floats. Lastly thanks to RSW for getting the ball rolling with regards to listing VF4 TFT floats. I’ve burrowed his table format, deleting any combos that were not possible. At the moment I’m concentrating on non-TR/QR knee and d+P+K floats. Other float types will probably appear soon.

    Weight Key:
    SLW = Super Light Weight: Aoi, Pai.
    LW = Light Weight: Vanessa, Sarah.
    LMW = Light Middle Weight: Lion, Lei-Fei, Kage, Lau, Shun.
    MW = Middle Weight: Akira, Jacky.
    HW = Heavy Weight: Wolf, Jeffry.

    Notes Explanations:
    ‘N’ = An N affixed to a weight category means this combo is not doable on this character weight type. So for example ‘NSLW’ simply means NOT Super Light Weight.

    Some combos cannot be done on specific characters, regardless of weight type and will be noted as such.

    ‘~’ = Any combo that has two damage ratings with the ‘~’ symbol seperating them means this combo can vary on damage depending on some circumstances. Sometimes only heavier characters allow for the higher damage rating.

    For example:
    TFT – FC, f+K – d+P+K – ub+K+G = 72 points of damage against all characters EXCEPT Jeffry whereby it takes 80 points of damage.

    Other times you may need to delay the last hit of a combo for the higher damage rating.

    For example:
    TFT – FC,f+K – d+P+K – db+P,KG – ub+K+G generally takes 77 points of damage but if you delay the last (ub+K+G) hit it is possible to take 83 points of damage. However this is risky because your opponent may be able to TR/QR the last hit!

    Lastly some combos are character specific and will be noted as such.

    ALL combos connect without the possibility of TR/QR, unless you stray out of the specific weight classes /versus/images/icons/wink.gif

    Rising knee (FC,f+K) floats

    FC,f+K counts as the first hit.

    2nd hit(s) 3rd hit(s) 4th hit(s) 5th hit(s) 6th hit(s) [Damage and Notes]
    FC,f+K -- -- -- -- --
    [60 | Sarah Only]
    d+P+K f,d,df+P -- -- -- --
    d+P+K d+K+G -- -- -- --
    d+P+K ub+K+G -- -- -- --
    d+P+K d+P+K,K -- -- -- --
    [66 | NHW | NSLW]
    d+P+K P f,d,df+P -- -- --
    d+P+K db+PKG f,d,df+P -- -- --
    [72~77 | NHW | NSLW]
    d+P+K db+PKG ub+K+G -- -- --
    [77~83 | NHW]
    f+P ub+K+G -- -- -- --
    [84 | Vanessa and Lion only]
    P b+K,K -- -- -- --
    [64 | Not Jeffry]
    P db+PPb+PK -- -- -- --
    P b+K+G -- -- -- --
    P f,d,df+P -- -- -- --
    P df+K+G -- -- -- --
    P ub+K+G -- -- -- --
    P d+P+K,K -- -- -- --
    P b+P,K -- -- -- --
    [67 | NHW | NSLW]
    P f+K+G f,d,df+P -- -- --
    P d+P+K f,d,df+P -- -- --
    P d+P+K d+P+K,K -- -- --
    [69 | NHW | NSLW]
    P d+P+K ub+K+G -- -- --
    P d+P+K F+PPK -- -- --
    [69 | NHW | NMW | NSLW]
    P b+P d+K+G -- -- --
    [70 | NHW | NMW | NSLW | Not Shun]
    P b+P f,d,df+P -- -- --
    P b+P d+P+K,K -- -- --
    P b+P FC,f+K -- -- --
    P db+P f,d,df+P -- -- --
    P db+P d+K+G -- -- --
    P db+P d+P+K,K -- -- --
    P db+P ub+K+G -- -- --
    P df+K f,d,df+P -- -- --
    [74~79 | NHW | NMW | NSLW]
    P f+P+K f,d,df+P -- -- --
    [74 | NHW | NSLW]
    P f+P+K ub+K+G -- -- --
    [74~80 | Kage, Lei-Fei, Vanessa and Lion only]
    db+PKG ub+K+G -- -- -- --
    db+PKG f+K+G f,d,df+P -- -- --
    [76 | NHW]
    P P u|d,P+K+G -- -- --
    P P b+K+G -- -- --
    P P d+K+G -- -- --
    P d+P+K df+K+G -- -- --
    [72~79 | NHW | NMW | NSLW]
    P P f,d,df+P -- -- --
    P P df+K+G -- -- --
    P P ub+K+G -- -- --
    P P PPK -- -- --
    [NHW | NSLW]
    P P d+P+K,K -- -- --
    P P f+K+G f,d,df+P -- --
    [74 | NHW]
    P db+PKG f+K+G f,d,df+P -- --
    [77 | NHW | NSLW]
    b+P JM,PK -- -- -- --
    b+P JM,PKK -- -- -- --
    [HW, LW]
    b+P f,d,df+P -- -- -- --
    b+P d+P+K,K -- -- -- --
    [67 | NSLW]
    b+P d+K+G -- -- -- --
    [67 | Lion only]
    b+P FC, f+K -- -- -- --
    b+P,K -- -- -- -- --
    b+P,K d+K -- -- -- --
    b+P,K FC,df+P -- -- -- --
    b+P,K d+P+K,K -- -- -- --
    [82 | Lion and Sarah only]
    b+P,K d+K+G -- -- -- --
    [82 | Lion only]
    b+P,K f,d,df+P -- -- -- --
    [82 | Lau only]
    P db+PKG d+P d+P+K,K -- --
    [69 | NHW | NMW | NSLW | Not Shun]

    Whirlwind blade (d+P+K) floats:

    d+P+K counts as the first hit.

    2nd hit(s) 3rd hit(s) 4th hit(s) 5th hit(s) 6th hit(s)
    b+P,K d+P+K,K -- -- -- --
    FC,f+K f,d,df+P -- -- -- --
    [72 | NHW]
    FC,f+K ub+K+G -- -- -- --
    [72 | NHW]
    FC,f+K PPK -- -- -- --
    [66 | NHW]
    P P+K -- -- -- --
    P b+P JM,PKK -- -- --
    [53 | NHW]
    P b+P JM,d+K -- -- --
    P b+P FC,f+K -- -- --
    [57 | Not Jeffry]
    P d+P+K d+P+K,K -- -- --
    P db+PKG db+PKG d+P+K,K -- --
    [54 | NHW]
    P db+PKG db+PKG f,d,df+P -- --
    P f+K+G d+P+K,K -- -- --
    P P f,f+K+G -- -- --
    P P f,f+P+K+G -- -- --
    P P P f+K+G f,d,df+P --
    [56 | NHW]
    P d+P+K db+PPK -- -- --
    P d+P+K db+PPb+PK -- -- --
    [57 | Not Jeffry]
    P d+P+K P d+P+K,K -- --
    [53 | Not Jeffry]
    P d+P+K P f,f+K+G -- --
    [60 | NHW]
    P d+P+K P f,f+P+K+G -- --
    [53 | NHW]
    P d+P+K P PPK -- --
    [53 | NHW]
    P d+P+K FC,f+K -- -- --
    P b+K+G PPK -- -- --
    [60 | NHW]
    P b+K+G f,d,df+P -- -- --
    [60 | NHW]
    P b+K+G d+P+K,K -- -- --
    [60 | NHW]
    P f+K+G d+P+K,K -- -- --
    P FC,f+K f,d,df+P -- -- --
    [69 | NHW]
    P FC,f+K ub+K+G -- -- --
    [74~80 | NHW]
    P b+K PPb+PK -- -- --
    [57 | NHW]
    P b+K PKG f,d,df+P -- --
    P b,b+P PPb+PK -- -- --
    P b,b+P TT PKG d+P+K,K -- --
    b+P JM,PKK -- -- -- --
    b+P P f,f+K+G -- -- --
    b+P P f,f+P+K+G -- -- --
    b+P P db+PPb+PK -- -- --
    b+P b+P P d+P+K,K -- --
    [59 | NHW]
    b+P,K P d+P+K,K -- -- --
    [66 | NHW]
    b+P,K P f+K+G f,d,df+P -- --
    [73 | NHW]
    b+K TT PKG f+K+G f,d,df+P -- --
    b,b+P TT PKG P f+K+G f,d,df+P --
    [60 | NHW]

    Most damaging TFT floats per character:
    Note: I have only included ‘reliable’ combos in this list. These combos will generally always do the damage rating given without risking delaying moves etc.

    Aoi, Pai:
    TFT – d+P+K – P – FC,f+K – ub+K+G

    TFT – FC,f+K – d+P+K – db+P,KG – ub+K+G

    TFT – FC,f+K – P – df+K – f,d,df+P

    Kage, Lei-Fei:
    TFT – FC,f+K – P – f+P+K – ub+K+G

    TFT – FC,f+K – PKG – d+P+K – ub+K+G

    TFT – FC,f+K – d+P+K – ub+K+G

    TFT – FC,f+K – b+P,K – d+P+K,K

    TFT – FC,f+K – b+P,K – d+P+K,K

    TFT – FC,f+K – d+P+K – db+P,KG – ub+K+G

    Lion, Vanessa:
    TFT – FC,f+K – f+P – ub+K+G

    (c) end of document
  2. uk-guy

    uk-guy Well-Known Member

    Also here are some highly damaging Jumonji reversal wall combos, enjoy

    [JM] P+K+G sidekick reversal combos near wall:
    [JM] P+K+G – G – uf+K+G – d+P – b+PK (wall hit) – df+K+G
    [120! Everyone but Jeff/Wolf/Akira OS *]
    [JM] P+K+G – G – df+P – db+PPb+P – u+P
    [101 *]
    [JM] P+K+G – G – df+P – db+PPK – df+K+G
    [104 *]
    [JM] P+K+G – f,f – [JM] f+K (wall stagger) – [JM] K+G – [JM] PKK
    [121 *]
    [JM] P+K+G – f,f – [JM] ff+K,n,K (wall stagger/Hit) – ub+K+G
    [122 **]
    [JM] P+K+G – f,f – [JM] f+K (wall stagger) – [JM] P+K – df+K+G
    [128 *]
    [JM] P+K+G – f,f – [JM] f+K (wall stagger) – [JM] P+K – ub+K+G
    [131 *]
    [JM] P+K+G – f,f – [JM] f+K (wall stagger) – [JM] P+K – DP (Wall Hit) – DP
    [147!! Not on HW *]
    [JM] P+K+G – f,f – [JM] f+K (wall stagger) – [JM] P+K – DP (Wall Hit) – u+P
    [148!! Not on HW *]
  3. tragic

    tragic Well-Known Member

    a present!

    Hey uk-guy, I was bored so I made a video of each one of the "standard" combos you listed. Lemme know if you need any others made. Hopefully this can help someone understand the timing needed for each combo. All of them are pretty easy excecpt Lau for some reason... his doesn't seem very reliable. Anyway, have fun.

    TFT – d+P+K – P – FC,f+K – u/b+K+G
    <a target="_blank" href=http://media.gamecombos.com/vf4/kage/tft-thread/kage-01a-(aoi).mpg>vs Aoi (74)</a>
    <a target="_blank" href=http://media.gamecombos.com/vf4/kage/tft-thread/kage-01b-(pai).mpg>vs Pai (80)</a>

    TFT – FC,f+K – d+P+K – d/b+PKG – u/b+K+G
    <a target="_blank" href=http://media.gamecombos.com/vf4/kage/tft-thread/kage-02-(jacky).mpg>vs Jacky (77)</a>

    TFT – FC,f+K – P – d/f+K – f,d,df+P
    <a target="_blank" href=http://media.gamecombos.com/vf4/kage/tft-thread/kage-03-(shun).mpg>vs Shun (79)</a>

    TFT – FC,f+K – P – f+P+K – u/b+K+G
    <a target="_blank" href=http://media.gamecombos.com/vf4/kage/tft-thread/kage-04a-(kage).mpg>vs Kage (80)</a>
    <a target="_blank" href=http://media.gamecombos.com/vf4/kage/tft-thread/kage-04b-(lei-fei).mpg>vs Lei-Fei (80)</a>

    TFT – FC,f+K – PKG – d+P+K – u/b+K+G
    <a target="_blank" href=http://media.gamecombos.com/vf4/kage/tft-thread/kage-05-(wolf).mpg>vs Wolf (80)</a>

    TFT – FC,f+K – d+P+K – u/b+K+G
    <a target="_blank" href=http://media.gamecombos.com/vf4/kage/tft-thread/kage-06-(jeffry).mpg>vs Jeffry (80)</a>

    TFT – FC,f+K – b+P,K – d+P+K,K
    <a target="_blank" href=http://media.gamecombos.com/vf4/kage/tft-thread/kage-07a-(sarah).mpg>vs Sarah (82)</a>
    <a target="_blank" href=http://media.gamecombos.com/vf4/kage/tft-thread/kage-07b-(lau).mpg>vs Lau (82)</a>

    TFT – FC,f+K – d+P+K – d/b+PKG – u/b+K+G
    <a target="_blank" href=http://media.gamecombos.com/vf4/kage/tft-thread/kage-08-(akira).mpg>vs Akira (83)</a>

    TFT – FC,f+K – f+P – u/b+K+G
    <a target="_blank" href=http://media.gamecombos.com/vf4/kage/tft-thread/kage-09a-(vanessa).mpg>vs Vanessa (84)</a>
    <a target="_blank" href=http://media.gamecombos.com/vf4/kage/tft-thread/kage-09b-(lion).mpg>vs Lion (84)</a>

    ben (tragic)
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: a present!

    You are a king among men.. maybe even an Armor King among men.

    I dont play Kage much, but i really appreciate the effort put forth here. You should definetely have more replies here, its a good thread obviously.
  5. tragic

    tragic Well-Known Member


    Either no one cares, or no one knows they are movie links. Click on the yellow text for the reference movie. HEH! OK nm...

  6. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: a present!

    Awesome job tragic. One of my friends is a kage player. I will definatly have to direct him towards this thread.
  7. Robyrt

    Robyrt Well-Known Member

    Re: err.

    This is good stuff... I didn't think the Vanessa one was possible until I saw it /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif
  8. The_One

    The_One New Member

    Re: a present!

    Good stuff
    Im working hard at Kage so seeing these combos performed helps alot. I cant do the knee with a d-pad:(
    Not consistently at least. Gotta get a stick.
    Anyway great job!
  9. uk-guy

    uk-guy Well-Known Member

    Re: a present!

    Nice work!

    The combo on Lau is reliable. You just have to get the timing for buffering the DP after b+PK spot on. I tend to buffer the DP as soon as I see/hear the K in b+PK connect.

    Here is a 160+ combo with Kage, but it requires precise distance and timing

    [JM] P+K+G reverse (opponent is staggered in Open Stance) - f,f,G - b+PK (Kick causes wall stagger) - uf+K+G - d+P - b+PK (K causes wall hit) - df+K+G otb.

    Only doable upto Jacky /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  10. tragic

    tragic Well-Known Member

    Re: a present!

    The combo on Lau is reliable. You just have to get the timing for buffering the DP after b+PK spot on. I tend to buffer the DP as soon as I see/hear the K in b+PK connect.

    Combo liisted as:

    TFT – FC,f+K – b+P,K – d+P+K,K

    What DP? The combo I did was TFT, knee, helix-heel kick, upward chop-inverted kickflip... and, this combo is definitely not reliable for me. I got it like... 3 times out of 50 or so. All the others are very reliable compared to the Lau one.

  11. uk-guy

    uk-guy Well-Known Member

    Re: a present!

    pant!! my bad /versus/images/icons/frown.gif

    It should read TFT - FC,f+K - b+P,K - f,d,df+P

    and it's super reliable and damaging!
  12. tragic

    tragic Well-Known Member

    Re: a present!

    LOL. No wonder!

    You know how many times I tried the .. b+p,k, d+p+k,k??? Like 50!!! Got it to connect like 3 times total... and I was thinking... "this is NOT reliable!" hehe. Thx for the correction, I'll go make another movie for Lau.

  13. nxw0016

    nxw0016 Well-Known Member


    I think the most tricky one is the one against Wolf. The key is to get the kick flip to 30 points dmg. If too early it's 24 points, too late it's .... 0. Actually I have gotten 80 points just simply doing knee, P, dP+K, ufK+G. but 90% of the time it's 74. The PKG gives you the slight delay you need in order to get the 30 points kickflip, but it's sooo tricky!

    By the way, personally I have some 'not so good looking' but effective combo against some of the characters:

    AOI, PAI: d+P+K,b+PK,fK+G,df+K (pounce). The trick is not to buffer in the last df+K. If you do, the df+K will be considered as one of the ground hit in the combos. If you delay it just for couple of frames, the pounce will hit 13 points. that's an easy 79 points damage. (note: if you delay the pounce for too long the opponent can start rising.)

    Against Wolf: If that 80 points combo seems too unreliable and you don't want to settled for 74 points, try Knee,P,f+K+G,df+K for 77 points. Again here the last df+K works in the same situation as the previous one, don't buffer in the input.
  14. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Re: Re

    The Wolf 80pt combo works pretty much all the time for me... but I just use P(G), not PKG,

    i.e. TFT - Knee - P - d+P+K - Kickflip will always hit (unless I botch up the crouch dash knee)...
  15. uk-guy

    uk-guy Well-Known Member

    Re: Re

    with regards to combos ending with f+K+G - df+K. If you buffer the df+K it is a combo, if you delay the kick your opponent can roll or get up to avoid the df+K.

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