Kage VF5FS Version A Change Log

Discussion in 'Kage' started by akai, Feb 8, 2012.

  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Content Manager Pai Bronze Supporter

    [P][P][P][7]or[4][K] - Hit effect was changed.

    [4][6][K][+][G]- Strike attack level/type was changed. Hit effect was changed.

    [9][K][+][G]- Technique avoids opponent’s technique easier.

    (hagakureryuu you juumonjikamae)[P][K]- Hardening difference was changed. During side guard, continuous guarding is not possible. H: 2-> 5; CH: 5 -> 7

    (hagakureryuu you juumonjikamae)[P][K][K]- Damage was changed:21 → 23. Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed. Strike attack execution frame was changed. On side hit, his are no longer continuous.

    (hagakureryuu you juumonjikamae)[K]- Hardening difference was changed. Hit effect was changed. G:-4 -> -2

    (hagakureryuu you juumonjikamae)[K][+][G]- Technique avoids opponent’s technique easier.

    (hagakureryuu you juumonjibashiri)[6_][K][K][P][+][K][+][G][P]- Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    (hagakureryuu you juumonjikamae)(back turned)[P][+][K][+][G][P]- Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    (hagakureryuu in shippuujin)[P][+][K]- Damage was changed:22 → 20. Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed. Hit effect was changed.

    (shippuujin mikawashi (mae))[6_][K][K][P][+][K][+][G][P]- Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    (hagakureryuu in shippuujin)(back turned)[P][+][K][+][G][P]- Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    (back turned)[P][+][K][+][G][P]- Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    (facing wall)[6][P][+][K]- Hardening difference was changed. G: -> ; H: -> ; CH: ->

    (facing wall)[6][P][+][K][+][G]- Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed. Hit effect was changed.

    [P][+][G]- Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    [6][P][+][G]- Cannot be thrown time was adjusted.

    [4][6][P][+][G]- Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    (opponent back to full wall)[6][6][P][+][G]- Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    (opponent back to half wall)[6][6][P][+][G]- Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    (opponent right)[6][P][+][G]- Cannot be thrown time was adjusted.

    (oppnent left)[6][P][+][G]- Cannot be thrown time was adjusted.

    (opponent back)[P][+][G](against Taka)- Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    (opponent back)[6][P][+][G]- Cannot be thrown time was adjusted.

    (Face Up, Head Toward | Side Roll)[​IMG][K][K][K]- Hit effect was changed.


    Above is the list of moves that were adjusted in Version A (From AM2's Website). The purpose of this thread is to keep a record of the changes to later update FS command lists (based on the Masters Guide). Note: "Hardening Difference" refers to actual frame change related to the attack being guarded (GD), hit opponent(H), or counter hit opponent (CH).

    Edit: Added additional information from Lettuce's Blog (mainly the actual frame changes to execution of a move and the "hardening differences."
  2. Genesis

    Genesis Well-Known Member

    These are changes from VF5 to FS, correct?
  3. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    No, I believe they're changes within revision 1.
  4. Genesis

    Genesis Well-Known Member

    I was wondering about that. These changes sound much more subtle than those from vanilla to Final Showdown. I was just making sure from which point these changes were made, but I've got it, now.
  5. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    VF5:FS Kage's Command List (Version A)

    Not quite done. I'm making changes as I go. The color scheme in the cells highlights various conditions.

    Red - Guaranteed Knee Situation

    Orange - Guaranteed Side Kick Situation

    Yellow - Guaranteed Elbow Situation

    Green - Guaranteed Jab Situation

    Blue - Guaranteed Throw Situation

    If color coding is missing, it means that the frame situation specified is impossible to use to one's advantage.

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