Kage BT strategies

Discussion in 'Kage' started by Allyourbase, Jul 28, 2004.

  1. Allyourbase

    Allyourbase Well-Known Member

    I've never really thought much of Kage's BT game, but after watching some of the vids on the VF4:EVO replays, a lot of the Kages used BT transitions and attacks fairly often.

    My query is two-fold:
    1) What are some good transitions into BT? I tend to use [4][4]+[K], [4][4]+[P], and [4][4][K]+[G]

    2) Where can I force mixups from the BT position? I like BT [2]+[P], BT [K] as interrupts, while BT [2]+[K] combos for big damage and BT [P]+[G] if the opponent tries to evade.

    Thanks very much. /versus/images/graemlins/blush.gif
  2. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    After [4][4]+[K]+[G] hits, or [4][4]+[K] is blocked, BT [2]+[P] wil beat everything.

    After BT [9]+[K] is blocked, BT [2]+[K] beats everything.

    It's important to [G] cancel out of BT a lot and then mixup [6]+[P] and throw or [K][G] cancel throw, since a lot of people will just sit there and duck until they see BT [9]+[K], then block that and continue to just sit there in crouch. So quickly turning around and forcing a mixup there is a neccessity to combat passive defense, because he has no fast effective mid out of BT.

    You didn't mention what I feel is his best transition into BT: [4]+[K]. [4]+[K] is the shizzle. So safe, and sooo many great mixups from it.

    [4]+[K], [P][K][G], [6]+[P]/throw/[2_][3]+[P]/[3]+[P]/[4]+[K] again, whatever...be creative. [4]+[K], plain [G] cancel is great also.

    [4]+[K], BT ARM a little bit, then BT [2]+[P] or [2]+[K].

    [4]+[K][K] - You can use this if they call your bluff on a mixup and try to attack after the first hit. If the 2nd [K] hits on MC, you'll get a free BT [2]+[K] on most characters.

    [4]+[K] also can sabaki all standard attacks other than low [P]/low [K]. You'd be suprised how much it comes up. [4]+[K], [P][K][G]/[G] cancel, [4]+[K] will often cause a sabaki for the 2nd [4]+[K], since most will watch for the 2nd hit, see you stop, then try to attack and get sabakied.

    Experiment with it, it's one of Kage's safest moves.
  3. Allyourbase

    Allyourbase Well-Known Member

    BT fun reigns supreme

    Thanks very much Dandy_J. Your input is greatly appreciated.
  4. GTO

    GTO Well-Known Member

    Re: BT fun reigns supreme

    [4][K] is what you want to use to get to BT safely. [4][4][K] is great (combo starter on MC as well) but if you eat an evade counter it's not too pretty. [4][4][K]+[G] isn't always the best way to go either, guaranteed low throw unless I've forgotten o.o, if you're to use this though, make sure you've got good distance.

    [4][K] series is all right, you don't usually want to finish [4][K][K][K] but hey if you're a gambler, whatever, it could happen for you. BT [P]+[K] carries he threat of BT [P]+[K][K] so use BT [P]+[K]. However don't always finish the series as it leaves you at a huge disad. Try BT [P]+[K] ~ throw, it's pretty weird but for people that anticipate a [P]+[K][K] and don't get it it sometimes works.

    Up to whoever is one step below Jack'ys weight: [4][4][K] (MC) ~ [P][K][G] ~ [2][P]+[K] ~ [6][2][3][P]+[K]
    Easiest to pull off: [4][4][K] (MC) ~ [P][K][G] ~[2][P]+[K][K]

    Don't try to use BT [P]+[G] or BT [P]+[G][P] or you're gonna find yourself dying. A lot. Have fun with it, Kage does have one of the best BT games, that's universally agreed /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  5. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Re: BT fun reigns supreme

    BT [P]+[G] is V.good against evaders. BT [P]+[G],[P] is useless though.
  6. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    BT fun reigns supreme

    I find walking into the screen in BT is useful to make linear moves whiff then punish with BT [2]+[K], [3][K]+[G].
  7. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Re: BT fun reigns supreme

    I don't play Kage (never have) so I have a question;
    Isn't it possible to on reaction change from BT[P]+[G] to BT[P]+[G],[P] if you see the opponent is for example crouching?

  8. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Re: BT fun reigns supreme

    Yes but there's enough time for them to realise you've changed into the chop and give you a nice big MC.

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