Just checked Gamestop/Vf5 on July 17 now, for x360

Discussion in 'General' started by luosnomed, Apr 24, 2007.

  1. luosnomed

    luosnomed Well-Known Member

    Thats kool with me. i wish they would move it up again. the end of may would be perfect. Ill be on vacation then /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  2. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

    Can anyone confirm this? Sometimes gamespot just takes "guesstimations" on when games will be out. I've suffered from post-delay trauma many a time thanks to these clownboxes.
  3. luosnomed

    luosnomed Well-Known Member

    so have i sweep the leg, but any type of date change is better for me.
  4. Marauko

    Marauko Well-Known Member

  5. bignose

    bignose Member

    I checked a couple of places and it seems it is coming out on mid to end July. Amazon.com doesn't have anything but Amazon.co.uk says 27th for the UK.

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    All dates at game stores are subject to change. Sometimes they'll move the date on a game back with just a month to release. I hope that they play the anticipation game and push it back even further, that way people will tell there friends about the game and how cool it is and how excited that they will be to play it!!!
  7. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Going from what I've heard, this sounds about right.

    INCIDENT Well-Known Member

    I noticed this too and I work at Gamestop. Unless there's some official announcement about this, I'd wait on it. Still, the possibility that the 360 ver. getting pushed up sounds good.

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