Jeffs Options after 6p+k(hit)>66pp?

Discussion in 'Jeffry' started by KiwE, Mar 2, 2005.

  1. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    What are good Jeff mixup options after [6][P]+[K]>[6][6][P][P]? Also, in Japan nobody TR's after [6][6][P][P], probably cause of the risk of getting hit in the back. I've read in Hiros post that you can connect a fast [4][6][6][P]+[K] against someone who still tries this but I'm having a lot of trouble connecting with it in training.

    So, what are good/creative options against someone QR'ing after [6][6][P][P] and against someone who TR's?

    Thanks for the help.

  2. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    jeff's 6p+k QR options

    I don't know how much of this applies to FT...the following reflects the scrubby play of my evo Jeff.

    [6][6][K] with proper timing your QR'ing opponent must block (you can't evade immediately after QR) giving Jeff +1 and nice spacing for Jeff. I'm pretty sure all attacks by the opponent out of the QR get MC'd. VS TR the timing is different so you've gotta watch.

    Honestly I don't have this one TR'd vs me a bunch, which tells me that when it has been tried, I've done something nasty...I don't have said nasty catalogued in the ol' noggin though.

    [6][K]+[G] For kicks you can announce "One Mississippi" when you throw this one out there since it executes in just under three months time. A good move vs a variety of rising kick situations & vs ETEG or evade throwers, it isn't a terrible try directly after the [6][6][P][P] because of the necessity to guard [6][6][K].

    [1][K] (full charge) this one exists in theory fighter land for me since mixups between the above two and stomps are all you really need. I imagine this is worth a shot, though distance might be a factor...this is neither match nor training mode investigated by me & I haven't seen the greatest number of jeff vids so...look into it I suppose. Richard will probably just [3][P]+[K] me. If they eat it though, damage is pretty nasty & you've probably set up a low throw outta nowhere somewhere later on down the line.

    There's always throw.

    And there's always the opponent who doesn't QR. Ground throw/pounce/stomp depending on what you think you can get away with.

    [4][6][6][P]+[K] beats high moves too, so it's somewhere in the toolbox.

    Others know lots more than me, fer sure /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif[6][P]+[K]
  3. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    Re: jeff's 6p+k QR options

    Yeah [6][6]+[K] and [1]+[K] full charge are both pretty juicy options, and both give you advatage on block. A coulpe other options:

    [2]+[K]+[G] I'm pretty sure can be timed so that they can't evade on QR, and it'll hit if they don't tech. Not sure if doing both requires different timing tho cause I can't test right now.

    If you want to throw, you should do [K]~[G] first since they get up crouching.

    Let's could do [3]+[K]+[G] from a distance. If it gets blocked, it's only -3 and you're far away, so it's totally safe.
  4. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Re: jeff's 6p+k QR options

    [4][3]+[P]+[K] --> light down attack works if the opponent stays on the ground, it does 7pts more damage than [2]+[K]+[G], light pounce however you can't adjust the timing to make it hit if he does a QR. So you have to be sure he will stay down.
    Threat stance [P]+[K] can be a substitute for [6]+[K]+[G] it has the same use but may be useful for variety or if the opponent tries to sabaki the kick.
  5. Maximus

    Maximus Well-Known Member

    Re: jeff's 6p+k QR options

    What about doing[4][3][P][P]. It does a bit more damage than [6][6][P][P] and is easy to execute.
  6. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    Re: jeff's 6p+k QR options

    [4][3]+[P][P] is good, but it doesn't give as good wakeup as [6][6]+[P][P]. For instance, I'm pretty sure they can evade a [6][6]+[K] after QR, but if you end with [6][6]+[P][P] you can do [6][6]+[K] early enough to not be evadeable.

    That cool [4][3]+[P]+[K] setup won't work either after [4][3]+[P][P]. It's still a good followup though. Does like 2 points more damage and allows for similar wakeups, just not the fancy stuff you need a lot of time for.
  7. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Re: jeff's 6p+k QR options

    Thanks for the good replies so far.

    [ QUOTE ]
    After f+P+K -> f,f+PP, you can use f,f+K (you need to delay K a bit so that Jeff steps forward a bit.) Then, you can place f,f+K in fron of the opp when he gets out of QR. (i.e. he can not dodge when he gets up.) In that case, you will have SmAd- MidAd since you have made the opp defend the second frame of the
    attack. If the opp attacks, you can hit him by d+P with MC. Also, if the opp TRs, then, f,f+K will hit him from the back. (Anyway, he probably won?t TR after
    stomach CB. If he does, even the fastest b,f,f+P+K is guaranteed as well.)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually this was the quote that I was pretty much interested in (interesting about the adv cause of second frame). I.e; can you use the same timing and hit them with a [6][6][K] wether they QR or TR? And, how do I connect with [4][6][6][P]+[K] against a TR'er (what are my other options, I'm doing freakin [3][K] mostly atm). I need to really make TR's hurt in order to ensure a QR situation basicly I think and [4][6][6][P]+[K] would be awesome but can't connect it. Tips on TR (pretty much covered QR now)?

    Btw I really love this situation with Jeff, so many options seriously... Hadn't thought about [3][K]+[G] and works great, that launcher is really underrated (even from spacing).


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