Jeffry Toe Kick to Splash Mountain Combo

Discussion in 'Jeffry' started by akai, Jun 15, 2024.

  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Toe Kick Splash Mountain.jpg
    The past week or so I have been trying to learn more about the Splash Mountain. Summary of the exact frames in which it will combo from Toe Kick counter hit. Note that the input of Splash Mountain is completed not within the animation of Toe Kick, but after Toe Kick has completed its animation. Also you can execute Splash Mountain after dashing around. An example is Toe Kick to Back Dash to Splash Mountain.

    Some other notes not in the image -
    • Being late in executing Splash Mountain but within the 48-60 frame window, Splash Mountain can still execute. If opponent just defends or back dash away, Splash Mountain will connect (cannot be escaped). Even from a distance.
    • In non-guaranteed combo Splash Mountains, opponents striking attacks will beat Splash Mountains.
    • If opposing character does a defensive move, or used a striking attack that whiffs (for example Jeffry player back dash into Splash Mountain), non-combo version of Splash Mountain will not execute. Instead a "regular" forward or neutral throw is executed (depends on the Jeffry player's exact command input). So unlike Splash Mountain that cannot be throw escaped, you can throw escape the regular throw.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2024
    VolcanoShed likes this.
  2. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    2 frames on a frontal CH for a guaranteed follow-up huh? That seems a bit more tight that I would've though. If I'm reading this right that would mean that the splash follow-up also can't be input into the usual 10 frame buffer to make it easier? Would make sense as it doesn't feel that lenient either.

    Also just in case for any one not in the know, you want to input the P+G in 236 P+G as Jeff's toes touch back on the ground after kick to get the guaranteed CH timing right.
    akai likes this.
  3. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    I assume the "10 frame buffer" you are referring to is the input buffer window to get moves to come out with 0 frame delay? For example, [P] to [6][P] such that if [P] is blocked by opponent, the opponent's [2][P] would lose to the [6][P] that was inputted within the buffer window.

    If yes, that buffer window (which is 12 frames) does not apply to attack string options. In addition, Splash Mountain is a very unique attack string option of Toe Kick.

    Most string options must be completely inputted within the previous action's animation. Splash mountain is very unique in VF. The final input of the Splash Mountain command--which you can technically start the initial input within Toe Kick's animation--actually needs to be completed after Toe Kick's animation is finished.

    Toe Kick counter hit animation is completed by frame 41 and Splash Mountain final input [P][+][G] needs to be entered between frame 48 to 60. Frame numbers listed is relative to the start of Toe Kick animation (Frame 1). This unique input property actually allows Jeffry players the option to crouch, back dash, crouch dash before executing Splash Mountain.

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