Jeffry tech

Discussion in 'Jeffry' started by Electro_Jacky, Jul 26, 2012.

  1. Electro_Jacky

    Electro_Jacky Well-Known Member

    electro lex
    If you're in this section i'm sure you've realised using Jeff can be a struggle. so this thread's aim is to help give an edge especially in tight games.

    Anti Shun tech:

    If you can finish that vile old man with [2][+][K] he doesn't drop to the floor in pain for a brief moment which give you the opportunity to charge [4][1][2][3][6][+][P], and hit with after [2][+][P][+][K] to remove 4 drink points at the end of a round. I'm sure someone can come up with something better.
  2. Electro_Jacky

    Electro_Jacky Well-Known Member

    electro lex
    VanguardBronze likes this.
  3. franman

    franman Member

    That's awesome thanx for sharing the vid also if you notice what he did to Sarah and Pei near the end of the vid is that instead of 43 [P][+][K] he did 41236 [P][+][K].

    Also you forgot to mention offensive step (8/2 [P][+][K][+][G]) after [P][+][G], but I get your point.
    VanguardBronze and Electro_Jacky like this.
  4. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    I managed to go through Sarah's rising low kick with 66P+K. I'm sure being online didn't help, but I managed to save the match so I'm going to observe how the anomaly happened, and try to recreate it in training mode...

    Yeah if the timing's right though, 41236P+K does beat out rising kick attacks...
  5. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    It goes through the same way as 46P+K goes in that above video. Nothing special there.
  6. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Nothing special about beating out a move and getting a free 1/2 life combo??? I'm speechless... /sarcasm
  7. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    Are you talking about hcf P+K or 66P+K? Because 66P+K does not do half life even in your dreams. It can, however, go through your opponent's rising attack or beat it, like 43P+K, just takes timing.
  8. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    My bad, I guess I wasn't specific in my previous post. 41236P+K is what I'm talking about... Of course P+K doesn't do half damage... That would be too "Mahvel"... Jeffry's already got TKoD that alone is serious damage, but having doing a 66P+K~P+G and doing another 66P+K to beat out a rising attack, and then doing the followup catch throw is still good damage. That alone is at least 126 dmg, not counting if the second 66P+K is a CH.
  9. Electro_Jacky

    Electro_Jacky Well-Known Member

    electro lex
    I haven't seen this posted but if it has already been posted, please forgive me for double posting.

    [1][P][+][K] [P][+][G]: If a an opponent blocks the [1][P][+][K] on the side the [P][+][G] can't be crouched or interrupted with any high standing move (even tested on Vanessa 10f upper jab thingy). So they have to abare with a low to avoid the catch throw follow up. [1][P][+][K] [P] is the obvious option select follow up.
  10. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    I went over a low rising kick with that myself just now, unsure if that's just meaty or if it has some low crushing properties.
  11. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    I'll just copypaste this thing from shoutbox here:

    1. 58 minutes ago - Alstein:
      PPP is NC
    2. 58 minutes ago - Alstein:
      that's huge

    3. 2 minutes ago - Combolammas:
      Alstein: actually Jeff gets 6PP, 66PP on him guaranteed too. I don't think like anyone knows that.

    4. 2 minutes ago - Combolammas:
      But it's pretty hard to land consistently since no dash frame for 66P allowed and you need to delay the second hit ot 66PP for it to work from open (but it works from both with the delay anyway).

    5. 1 minute ago - Combolammas:
      There's also 6PP, 66PP with no delay from closed and 6PP, 3PP from open but just learning that 66PP from both stances gives you a 60+ dmg punisher / awesome confirmable CH poke.
    I realized this quite some time ago but I never remembered to post it here.
    P.S. I might remember the stances for 66PP and 3PP wrong since I only try to go for 66P delay.
    EDIT: automatic shoutbox quoting numbers? Nice.
  12. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    While we're on the subject of Vs. Taka tech, I don't think it's also been mentioned that 3K down attack seems guaranteed after 4KP and K+G no matter how they seem to tech for 54 and 60 damage total, unless it's again some practice mode bug or something. There's also an easy rising attack crush setup here if they try to immedietly do it after 3K; 33P will beat both mid and low cleanly, but only if they're not delayed at all.

    Also CH confirming 6PP is a real bitch, way too hard IMO to incorporate into real play, but then again you might as well try because you're going to eat a combo anyway on block. But on the other hand it gives Jeff a very good -15 punisher against Taka as 6PP, 66PP gives 67 damage vs. 43 damage (plus 15 for the possible guaranteed down attack) for 4KP.
  13. Trykt

    Trykt Well-Known Member

  14. Trykt

    Trykt Well-Known Member

    I've got some *big* Jeffry tech I've been working on with Drift the last month or so. I'm gonna battle test it at Final Round (although it's held up pretty well in our sessions so far) and report back. I think this is gonna be huge, it feels really powerful and isn't something I've seen widely in use (although Jeffry himself is barely in use o_O) - I'll say this much for it, it's made me completely stop thinking about switching mains.
    Combolammas and Electro_Jacky like this.
  15. Trykt

    Trykt Well-Known Member

    Way overdue on my Jeffry tech write-up, and this still isn't quite everything I wanted to write up, but I want to drop this video off here:

    This is a FT10 with my usual training partner, Drift (2nd place finisher at Final Round, for what that's worth :D) that I win pretty handily. There have been power swings between who wins more as long as we've been playing (he won every FT5 we played in March I believe, he's got videos for at least 3 of those) but right now I'm winning a fair bit more just based on a few key elements I added to my Jeffry play. I'm only going to talk about a few of these in this post, but I'll get to the other stuff in time.

    Some key things I do that you can see in this set:
    • Using [6][6][P][+][K]:[P][+][G] as a meaty on any quickrise. This is an easy-to-time, true meaty regardless of which quickrise they choose, and tends to work even if they vary (intentionally or otherwise) their quickrise timing. Just has a ton of active frames. They absolutely cannot evade this, can't reversal or sabaki or use tech crouch moves, the hit throw works the same on standing or crouching, and it's fuzzyable to boot. If the opponent stays down Jeffry can still guard rising attacks (he loses the possibility of any ground attack though). GREAT oki option. Opens up the possibility of using [6][6][K][+][G] (plus on guard mid), [2][K][+][G] (plus on hit low), or even [1][P][+][K] (safe, decent 3 way mix-up on guard) on techroll recovery once the opponent learns that they can't evade, since they have to expect the meaty. Guessing between these moves is pretty scary, which means they'll start staying down more, opening up free stomps or ground throw attempts.
    • [8][K][+][G] option select after landing a [3][K]. This option select is *possible* after pretty much any knockdown but seems to work best specifically after a [3][K] knockdown. Just do a partial dash forward to give them time to hit the ground (i.e. the possibility to input a tech) and then hit [8][K][+][G] - Jeffry will either land *THE BUTT* if they stayed down or do a pretty dang safe full circular, owning evade-happy players. It won't land meaty (it doesn't really need to) so be mindful they can 2P or do other high crush/reversal/sabaki stuff if they're really on point. This is also somewhat range dependent, you can see me whiff the full circular and generally paying for it at some misjudged ranges (I'm still experimenting with this one a lot).
    • Using [6][6][P][P] and [P][+][K][P]:[P][+][G] to bait evades. These strings are great because they force an opponent not to attack (or at least to use very sub-optimal attacks) after evading the first hit. This generally lets Jeffry land a lot more throws or get away with some other shenanigans. The CH-only hit throw is especially great for how much damage it gives you. Note you get a free stomp if the opponent does anything except roll backwards ASAP off the hit throw knockdown. [P][+][K] in general is a great move btw, something I overlooked for a long time but I think it's one of his absolutely best moves and I'll write a whole post about it at some point.
    • Using [P][6][P][P][+][K][+][G] after evade. LOTS of stuff in this game is at least jab punishable on evade. This string entire string is guaranteed if the [P] from the side (it must be on hit, but they CANNOT duck the threat slap if it does), giving you a threat stance mix-up that's both from advantage AND sideturned. This is AMAZING. The opponent cannot abare (at least with standard moves, reversals/sabakis/crush moves apply as always) or use any advanced defense options as a catch-all here (ECD will get hit by the full circular [K][+][G]), they MUST guess. It's still only a 3 choice mix-up ([6][P]:[P][+][G] hit throw that works even on guard, [P][P] hit-confirmable mid string that leads into full combo, [K][+][G] full circular that hits like a truck), not a 50/50, but it's very safe and heavily in Jeffry's favor. Note that [K][+][G] from the side is actually +6 on block so you can continue offense, such as following up with [4][P][+][K] for a possible CH side crumple combo. I actually don't use this very well in this set, so apologies for the bad example here. Lots more sideturned stuff to talk about in a future post too.
    Definitely lots more I want to post about, so that's just for starters. Also, minor note, and something you can't see in this video, but after Jeffry lands [4][1][2][3][6][P][+][G]on an opponent near the wall he gets an unavoidable stomp. This is important to know if you're not close enough to land Jeffry's forward wall throws but still feel it's best to go for a forward throw (very important vs. opponents that know to tech backwards vs. Jeffry when they're anywhere near the wall)

    There's actually a lot of wall stuff I wanna talk about, but I want to provide some context so I'll wait until we play another set like this and make sure it's on a walled stage.
  16. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    f,f K+G is kenka kick, which doesn't have a hit-throw. Are you talking about the shoulder ram?
  17. Trykt

    Trykt Well-Known Member

    Yes, wow, apologies. I wrote that up on my lunch break and somehow totally boned that. Overblow Shoulder into Dynamic Haul is totally what I meant, [6][6][P][+][K]:[P][+][G]

    Edited the original post to reflect that, sorry!
  18. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    I really don't remember if this was already posted somewhere on the forum, so apologies in advance, but I'd like to share some fun tech after 2K+G; If your opponent likes to evade after eating this, immediate 41236P+K will beat anything they try to do after an evade for massive damage. Sometimes due to it's slowness it will also hit them even if they don't do anything at all!
    Trykt and Electro_Jacky like this.
  19. Trykt

    Trykt Well-Known Member

    Yeah, that's good stuff. For anyone else interested in the actual mechanics for how this works, Drift outlined it in this post:

    Jeffry's [4][1][2][3][6][P][+][K] is one of the best possible moves (if not THE best) for evade baiting this way. Risky, but very effective against evade-happy opponents if they're not paying attention to what they evaded. I don't actually use it on Drift very much because he's pretty good about not sticking anything into it, since he knows all about it :)
  20. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    Yeah, that was the thread I picked that up from, thanks for pointing it out. Also there isn't really any risk in doing 41236P+K in this fashion as it's a double-limbed move meaning most characters can't sabaki or reverse it and Aoi cannot Tenchi it and it's safe on block. The only way you're going to get punished for using it from this specific situation is if they immedietly try to abare after 2K+G, but since you have +3 advantage means they are going to take a big risk if you do something else like P+K~P+K+G.

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