Jacky's stage in the PS2 Version.......

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by nascarbryant, Jan 29, 2002.

  1. nascarbryant

    nascarbryant Well-Known Member

    ....here are pictures from the final version from coremagazine.com
    Okay the quality isn't too good(little pictures)

    and surprise,surprise, i finally can see a picture of jackys stage. Well i can't jump to conclusions, but it looks like there aren't a lot of different light sources in that stage.
    can you please post better pictures,or a movie of jackys PS2 stage if you find some.

    30 VF4-PS2 pictures


    jackys stage



    P.S funny the game looks way better in motion then in the pictures, doesn't it
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    there have been pics and movies of jacky's stage floating around for a while.
    <a target="_blank" href=ftp://vf.dyndns.org>ftp://vf.dyndns.org</a> has two jacky stage movies. If you have trouble getting on or it's too slow, go to the ruliweb address posted by reno (tons of movies is the topic of the post I think). From there you can get several 30 meg clips of PS2 VF4 in action.
  3. chucky

    chucky Well-Known Member

    yeah, I seen the ones on Jacky's stage, still pretty nice though.
  4. FILTH

    FILTH Member

    Here are some new pics of jacky's stage from Core. They look doctored though, like they were smoothed out to reduce the appearance of jaggies. Or maybe the final version is smoother than we previously thought. Or maybe it's core's image capturing method. Guess we wont know until March.



  5. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    ok, im trying to find where are all the jaggies in my copy of vf4 are at? the game looks smooth man, really i dont see a jagged mess. i dunoo what ppl are seeing !!
    i think it looks as jagged as the arcade, those movies somehow showed them with jaggies, but that's not the case with the copy i have. btw im playing it on my 27 inch S-video TV.
  6. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Sal, you're telling me you don't spot anything say... on the tiles on lefi fei's stage when you pause the game? Or the fence on the background? How about the wings of Jeffry's airplane... just a smooth diagonal line?

    I noticed them... but they're not as bad as the ones in the ruliweb clips.
  7. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    " really i dont see a jagged mess"

    keyword is "mess", meaning not as much as some people seem to notice. ps2 will always have jaggies.
    you see, a lot of ppl in this forums said that ps2 vf4 is very jaggie, and i was ready to be dissapointed when i finally saw vf4 ps2 running in my tv, but it wasnt the case, it looks nice and smooth to me. its proly depending on what kind of TV you're running the game , i use a panasonic 27 inch, S-video tv. maybe the ppl seeing the jaggied mess are the people that have TV that accept high resolution cables (composite?).
  8. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I don't disagree with what you said .. it's not as bad as people make it sound (someone compared it to Fighter's Megamix, laff)
    but! It shouldn't just be accepted that PS2 will always have jaggies. That's not true. One game I can think of that uses all polys and looks super smooth on the PS2 is Armored Core 2. The antialiasing there is fine. I don't know if VF4 COULD have had more antialiasing, but it SHOULD have..

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