Jacky vs Brad Help?

Discussion in 'Jacky' started by MrSeoul, Jun 30, 2004.

  1. MrSeoul

    MrSeoul New Member

    As a Jacky player, I'm having some trouble with Brad whenever I come up against him. My main problem is that I have trouble reading his broken rhythm; the exhales and breathing, with all his bobbing and ducking really throws me off. He does it so fast that I have trouble deciding where and when to hit him. Now, it's not so bad, because I can mix it up with Jacky pretty well (one of his advantages), so I can throw a series of highs, mids and lows at him to keep him guessing as well. The thing is though, I generally end up blocking his series' and then waiting to either do a guarenteed throw or throw a knee at him for a floater, at which point he almost always sidesteps and knees me right in the gonads and hits me with a floater. I also try low attacking and sweeping/spinning when he evades, but it usually gets blocked or doesn't stun him....

    Any general Jacky vs Brad strats would be appreciated.

    EDIT: I noticed that Brad generally opens his combos on me with a mid-high punch, so I tried loosening up a bit and not blocking so much in order to take advantage of the pak sao. It generally doesn't put me in that frozen block state, but I could still use some tips.
  2. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    waiting to either do a guarenteed throw or throw a knee at him for a floater, at which point he almost always sidesteps

    [/ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I also try low attacking and sweeping/spinning when he evades, but it usually gets blocked

    [/ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I noticed that Brad generally opens his combos on me with a mid-high punch

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Play the game more.

  3. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    1. [2]+[P] more.

    2. Jacky doesn't have any fully circular sweeps other than [P][2]+[K]. His best (and only) full-circular is [4][6]+[K]+[G], and it's very good. If you block a string or a big move that's not throw counterable, do [4][6]+[K]+[G]. It will beat any evades and attack he can do.

    3. How long have you been playing? You're talking about playing Quest/Arcade right? If you're playing arcade then stop. The AI in Arcade mode will not help you get better, so play Quest. Also, try going though Brad's command training so that you know all his moves. Also, you should just use [P] and [2]+[P] when he uses moves that go into sway. It will beat everything (one reason why Brad "sucks").

    4. [2]+[P] more.
  4. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Bo VS Luke Duke

    If it is Quest mode you're having a problem with, I'd wager you're getting beat up trying to deal with Brad's slipping right [K]...this is the kick from stance that looks like his sidekick (not knee) BUT gives Brad the advantage on block. Thinking you have a mid/throw opportunity here will hurt you. Quest mode Brads use this a bunch...it's basically 1/3 of the AI's offense.

    [4][6][K]+[G] isn't Jacky's only circle. It's his only full circular MID...so, yeah, probably the best ([4][4][K] is sweet too!) but far from the only.

    [1][P][K] / [K]+[G],[2][K]+[G] / [6][P][P][2][K]...a few sweeps from Jacky. I'm sure Dandy's just giving you the one he doesn't generally consider suicide.

    Apply the stuff you learned in tactics advice. lp>backdash>[P]+[K] is bread or butter depending...many counterattacks will whiff as will evade(they'll get the slow one) & if you're quick enough you get the combo. If they whiff something other than lp...something where they're not in a crouch but within range, then rather than beatknuckle, go [6][P]+[K] for an eyepoke (you had the [4] in the backdash)...you can do a variety of nasty things from here, but beatknuckle combo isn't bad at all.

    As Dandy suggested, Quest mode AI is keen to evade after strings & bigger moves are blocked. Your immediate quick mid will be evaded successfully by the computer. Slightly delayed moves, slower moves & half circular moves which hit in that direction will all crush that evade. Try stuff like [3][3][K], [4][K]+[G], beatknuckle, [3][P]+[K]>[P]+[G] if you smell an evade and want/need something more than the [4][6][K]+[G] knockdown. Throws work if they aren't broken by throw escapes.

    In my secret adolescent fantasy world of all things stupid and boy, I imagine the Jacky vs Brad matchup to be the videogame manifestation of the Bo & Luke Duke sibling rivalry. I'm not sure who has the advantage there. Bo has them flowing blonde lockes but Luke always seemed the steadier driver. Pick 'em.
  5. MrSeoul

    MrSeoul New Member

    Yeah, I am talking about Quest Mode Brad. Thanks for the tips, guys.

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