Jacky - Complete Noob, need help

Discussion in 'Jacky' started by SFS, Apr 15, 2004.

  1. SFS

    SFS Member

    I picked up VF4 evo a few days back and want to get into it but need somewhere to start, I picked Akira at first but discovered he is to linear and hard to use at a beginner levels so i moved onto Jacky instead

    Ive played many fighting games before so i dont need the basic notations etc, just plain strats to make me a better player

    [4][P][1][P] - I use this alot and i find it comes out really fast and recovers fairly well

    [6][6]+[K] - i tend to use this a fair bit when im out of jab range and it deals alright damage

    [P][P][P] - i tend to use this the most in my game, but it all hits high and i know it isnt going to last long against good comp

    [P][P][6]+[P][P][2]+[K] - i use this occasionaly as well but i find these type of strings are easily avoidable as well

    anyway those are the main scrub moves i use so as you can see i need helpful info so dont let me down /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  2. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

  3. SFS

    SFS Member

    Yeah i already found the Jacky section earlier on but found most of the threads to vague for me to understand...i suppose ill go check the strat guide out though before i come and make a useless thread
  4. Robio_kun

    Robio_kun Well-Known Member

    I don't actually use jacky but my advice is to watch some replays, either from the game disk or download them from this site. They should give you some ideas about how other people play jacky and you can use what you like.

  5. SFS

    SFS Member

    Yeah i watched all of Freeloaders vids from the game disk, his got skills i'll give him that...nothing on the level of 'Sorry Shun' or 'Ohsu Akira' though, them guys know their characters

    I'll have to download some more recent vids to see what else Freeloader has come up with...any other names i should look out for?
  6. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    "Freeloader" is atcually Haijin, and is the best Jacky in Japan. He won the last national tournament that Sega held.

    Good Jacky players:

    Mask Do Hijitetsu

    Look in the am.sega.jp thread in the media forum, Mask and Anaguma play in some of the recent match vids. Anaguma is labeled by DRE as "?" because he is not well known (I think those matches were the first anybody's seen of him), but he is very very good.
  7. Robyrt

    Robyrt Well-Known Member

    Jacky is a really straightforward character - he has options for a lot of situations and plenty of ways to set up mid/throw guessing games in his favor. The biggest thing to watch out for is all his high moves - unless you make a conscious effort to include basic mids like [6][P]([P]), [6][K], and [4][6][K]+[G] in your game, you'll get low punched all the time.
  8. aZ1d

    aZ1d Active Member

    Sorry dude to say that that jacky faq is for original vf4 were jacky is totally different.

    SFR: Freeloader aka Hajin is prolly the best player out there atm,he whopped the "unstoppable" Minami akira in otekai tourney 2-0 in matches ^^ i say he knows jacky pretty good to /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

    Btw dont use [6][6][K] without a [4]after the [K], you get backturned with the [4] so u get more options and wont be so punishble and start using the stance specific combos and learn the iaigeri.
    Use his [4][K]+[G] combostarter alot since its a 50 plus combo nomatter how it hits ^^

    HF dood /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  9. SFS

    SFS Member

    Ive been playing alot more in the past few days and ive picked up some basic strategy along the way

    yeah i never neglect the mids and [6]+[P] is one of the mains i use...i tend to use [P][K] alot as well

    ive started to learn about the gauranteed throw moves as well...really easy to adjust throws into your gameplay once you know what moves are and arnt gauranteed throw moves

    [P][P], throw is one of my favourite throw setups as well...more so on turtlers

    [4][6]+[K]+[G] is something ive started using as well...more for style then anything though, it looks pretty sweet. Can anyone give me some strats for when to use this effectively

    damn so the faq isnt for evo...can anyone direct me to one that is???
  10. Siyko

    Siyko Well-Known Member

    [P][P] throw isn't very effective, as that string alone will leave you at a disadvantage (assuming you stop the string there), while a [P] will leave you at an advantage, even if it is blocked.

    Use [4][6][K][G] when you're nto sure if the opponent will evade or attack (after they tech roll is a good place).
  11. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    This the problem here. SiYKO.. STOP giving advice to people on a chactacter you have NEVER played in your life.. STFU noobie
  12. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    PP > throw owns!
  13. catharsis

    catharsis Well-Known Member

    Plus, [4][6][K]+[G] is all nice and well, but if it's blocked, your opponent has enough time for a nap before he reams you - it's -15 frames. Jacky has some good semi-circulars that are far less risky and still do an ok job of catching side steppers from time to time... I'm thinking specifically of his backfists (high or low) which need to be dodged towards his stomach, and his [3][K]+[G], which needs to be dodged to his back, gets a nice little stumble to boot, and is just barely throw counterable. [4][6][K]+[G] can be useful, but don't abuse it.
  14. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    That's like saying Dbpm is not that good because it's -14 or Kage's u/f+K is bad because it's -14...

    Any mid, full circular, long range, 17f attack is amazing in my book...plus -15 ain't so bad, not much worse than -13 or -14. I think it's one of Jacky's best moves, especially against mid-high level comp. Obviously, don't abuse it...

    In conclusion,
    PP > throw = good!
    b,f+K+G = good!
  15. catharsis

    catharsis Well-Known Member

    I know it SHOULD be good, but I just find that I have fairly little luck using it.. unless you hit on a counter, it really doesn't do a whole lot of damage.. I'd prefer to hit a [3][K]+[G] and take advantage of the struggle, or use a delayed [P]+[K],[P] combo.. I'm not convinced that [4][6][K]+[G] gives enough reward for its risk.. of course, i could be using it improperly. Advice?
  16. Robyrt

    Robyrt Well-Known Member

    Funny, I always thought the uses for [4][6][K]+[G] were obvious: it's a circular mid kick with good range, which means it owns everything except blocking with the proper setup. Sure, Jacky has better options for straight-up attacking, but when you have time to get proper spacing and timing (like after a knockdown) it works like a charm.
  17. aZ1d

    aZ1d Active Member

    Don't use [P][P]>Throw if you don't use mixup with [P][P][6][P],only then will it be effective against a human opponent cause he won't know what to expect.
    Also start abusing [3][P][P][P],[8][P] its extremly good /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif and its very fast, also use [P][P][8][P] in combination with spacing cause the two first punches will wiff and they will think they got a shot and smack the third punch hits making them slam to the ground open for a [8][P] down attack /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif.
    Also use [4][K]+[G] in combo with spacing, and like i pointed out before learn the iaigeri ^^,he has some really nice options from the shuffle step and iaigeri is probably the most important one to learn /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif.
    Don't forget you have the very nice attack [P]+[K] combo starter.
    Oh and start practicing his stance specifik combos from the [4][K]+[G] move its to much dmg to just ignore ^^, if you find it hard to do in the begining you can always start of with [4][K]+[G],[P],[4][6][K]+[G] its a "fancy looking" move and works against every char (yes even the wolf and jeff just a litle bit harder timing ^^) i think its 51 dmg on that combo so not to shabby with that easy input.
    Anyways start spacing alot because one of jacky's strongest weapons is his range and speed /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif he's amazingly fun because you have to move the stick all the time when playing him (atleast i do ^^) try to learn the "simple" baiagu step [1][1][G][1][G][1][G] before advancing to any other steptechs /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
    Anyways have fun playing and watch alot of Hajin vids /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  18. aZ1d

    aZ1d Active Member

    I forgot to mention against rising opponents (if they attack) do a [K][K] it will hit ^^
    Against techrollers do a [4][6][K]+[G] narrow timing but effektiv if you get it down =)

    peace out eighttime
  19. SFS

    SFS Member

    Okay alot of debate going on...i think ill prob use the moves and see how they work for me /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    about the [P][P] THROW and [P][P][2][P] i already do it for the mid, high mixup and it works a charm

    with this igera step (yeah i might have the spelling wrong) what type of advantages does it give you and when should i use it?

    Has anyone got some beginner to intermediate level juggles they could post up

  20. aZ1d

    aZ1d Active Member

    The iaigeri kick is from the shuffle step and it leave's you with +2 frames on guard (!) use it after large spinkicks by inputting [4] (jacky does a small jump back which will be almost the same as shuffle step so you can use either iaigeri,the gut punch or the lowkick,highkick) some combos are:[P]+[K],[P],[2][P],[7][K]+[G] (its a pretty basic combo and alows you to do it on any standing opponent no matter how it hits) you've also got [3][3][K],[6][P][P][K] (simple to do but hitting with the [3][3][K] is a litle tricky on comp opponents but its easy to do on some human opponents if you space alot)
    You can also do on CH:[6][K](getting counter hit on that move will juggle the opponent),[6][P][P][K].
    You can do on the shufflestep>gutpunch hit [6][P][P][K].
    There's some simple combos that you can work on and experiment with =) hf

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