I've fallen and I can't tell what stance I'm in!

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by DLC, Aug 5, 2002.

  1. DLC

    DLC Member

    I've been starting to watch stances more and more for combos and such, and was wondering if there was some basics behind telling what stance you and the opponent are in after being knocked down. (If this has been covered before, sorry!)

    Are there any specific basics on what stance you'll be in when getting back up? I couldn't get any hard basics down in practice (it seemed like getting back up resulted in the same stance being maintained, same w/ tech rolls, but what about a rising attack?).

    Just wondering if there were docs out already that I had missed.
  2. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Hey I believe that you stay in what ever stance you are in before the knock down. The only variance is when you get thrown. After being thrown by certain throws your stance changes after being grounded i.e. Akira's regular P+G. Also, when a character is down and they rising with a semi-linear rising attack like all of akira's, look at there legs one is longer than the other. Always evade to the longer leg, you'll get free damage that way =). later.
  3. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Now it's true that YOUR stance stays the same. But lets say you get hit by a knee by any of the characters that has the knee. YOUR character won't change the stance when he or she gets up. BUT because a knee switches stance for the character that used it, you will alternate from open to close or vice versa. Just another addition to blonde one's answer. /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
  4. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    This is worth a Search. When you are on Home page click on VF4 logo above the Vf4 character names and there is a wealth of Guides and FAQ links.
    <font color="ffffcc"> Dodging Rising Attack FAQ for Virtua Fighter 4 by Hyun Supul</font color>
    <font color="33ffcc"> I finally took the hint and went to Trial Section in PS2 VF4 and it is amazing.</font color> <font color="99ffff"> Dodging Akira's Rising Attacks by Hyun {quote}This is the easiest part. Because all his normal rising attacks are semi-circular, it means that you can always dodge his rising attacks as long as you get timing and direction right. To dodge his rising attacks from his face up, head-away position (the most common position),
    Akira, and everyone else for that matter, "bends" his lead leg more when they are down. This is same for both face up and face down positions. So for the practice, just knock Akira face up, see which of his knees are sticking up high. (Since the lead leg is bent, the easiest way to tell is to see which knee sticks up high.) Then dodge toward the "bent knee"'s direction. The same idea applies when he goes face down, head toward you. You just watch which of his legs are bent more. {end quote}
    Hyun's VF4 Risng FAQ v

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