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ISIIIGARDEN.2 - VF2.1 Online Invitational Tournament

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Jan 4, 2013.

By akai on Jan 4, 2013 at 1:17 AM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    On January 5th, 2013 - 9 PM JST, there will be a special nico nico stream (register for the timeshift if you can't watch the entire event at the stated time) for a 16-man online invitational tournament for Virtua Fighter 2.1. The list of players include players from other game communities. A list of the players participating and description of the event (in Japanese) can be found in the original article from Battlecore's Virtua Dojo.


    A very rough abbreviated translation of the players participating:

    01. Bunbunmaru - Mr. Giant Swing, one of the official Sega "Tetsujins" (Iron Man). Well known for his appearance on television and his match with Daimon Lau in the Athena Cup. A person with a wealth of knowledge and is active in playing and commentating on games.

    02. Ohsu Akira - Gouketsu (strong man, hero, great man...) is the special title given to Ohsu Akira during the VF4 era. His unrivaled creativity has given him a certain status not only in Virtua Fighter, but also Tekken and Soul Calibur.

    03. Itabashi Zangief - Professional gamer sponsored by Razer is active in both Street Fighter and Virtua Fighter. Has been a spokesperson of fighting games on streams..

    04. Kamaage - Kagawa's Rocky - a VF5 era Akira player that runs the Battlecore's Virtua Dojo website with a unique skill in nitaku (2-choice) guessing.

    05. BRZRK - Hokuou God of War, a person that opened Japan to the FPS market...was in junior high school when VF2 was active in the arcades.

    06. Osaka - represents a player from the Soul Calibur community

    07. Hameko - represents a player from the Tekken community (?)

    08. Mochi A - won the official Dead or Alive 5 National Tournament, renowned not only in Japan but around the world.

    09. Shinjuku Jacky - another legendary player with the title of "Tetsujin."

    10. Kashin - "Sumo Army" Taka and Vanessa player...100 man kumite.

    11. Aopai - veteran VF player with a track record of winning.

    12. Homestay Akira - Emperor (Teiou) of VF World.

    13. Magnum - Jeffry player that is part of the team that won Beat Tribe Cup 2012.

    14. Maku - Soul Calibur player

    15. Kaibutsu - Vanessa player with the official Sega title "Meiou" from Battle Audition

    16. Ishi Pro - tournament organizer and commentator. A Wolf player


    The Entire 4+ hour stream divided into 9 parts ~ 30 minutes each
    Part 1
    Part 2
    Part 3
    Part 4
    Part 5
    Part 6
    Part 7
    Part 8
    Part 9
    BLACKSTAR, ZBEP and GodEater like this.


Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Jan 4, 2013.

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