Is there any way to get a faster connection in South America?

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Victor_, Mar 23, 2022.

  1. Victor_

    Victor_ New Member

    So, I live in Brazil, and I bought Virtua Fighter 5 for the ps4 recently after playing it on the ps3 for a long time, and I decided to test room matches, there were extremely high latency, and lost all of them because of it, and I am apprehensive of losing all competitive matches due to lag, is there any way that I can get a lower latency even having a very good internet connection
  2. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    If you are on wireless -> try switching to direct connection. That should reduce the game from having lag spikes.

    If you are on regular broadband --> try to see if you can upgrade to fiber optics. Or find a store/location that allow you to play with fiber optics. For me, this improve my experience playing people from the east coast to the west coast of United States (I live right in the middle).

    If you are playing against people with 1-3 bar connections -> try playing against 4 bar connections only. While not always accurate to the actual connection, there is quite a difference, but you may be comfortable with 3 bar connections.

    The only problem with limiting who you play by connection, is that you limit the number of people you can actually play with. I am not sure of who in South America plays the game and if there is a regular group that meets up online to play.

    Unfortunately, outside of Japan, hopping online and hoping you will quickly get good connection matches to others might not be practical. My suggestion: When you do get to play someone that you have a good connection to, message them and see if they want to play together online more.
  3. jimi Claymore

    jimi Claymore Well-Known Member

    Try to get in touch with hotrod and ask him he might know something, he is also from Brazil, i don't know if he still come to this site but you can find him playing with Haya in his rooms on sundays, he is from NY so you can try your connection here.

    I know more Brazilian players but they play on xbox( i don't know if they play on PS)
    WolfKing likes this.
  4. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
  5. WolfKing

    WolfKing Well-Known Member

    I am always lurking around lol
    My psn id is HotRod666, lets get something going ha ha
    BR internet sucks btw
  6. Victor_

    Victor_ New Member

    thanks I did that and improved a lot, its surprising that wired connection is really that faster, I apreciate your help
    beanboy and akai like this.

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