is it me or is VF dieing....

Discussion in 'Console' started by Sharp7, Aug 24, 2009.

  1. Sharp7

    Sharp7 Well-Known Member

    Sharp J7
    There aren't enough people on live to even rank up or down (atleast ppl that don't have 0 bars for me), Adams gone, Denkai im hearing rumors is leaving?, who knows who else is leaving or gone...

    its all such a pity... but i think VF is dieing. Sometimes it takes me 30 min+ for someone who doesnt have 0 bars to join my player match. No ones really playing anymore, I can't imagine finding someone who plays close to good near where i live and training my friends just doesnt seem feasible (Getting them to commit for a month at least before there fun to fight is nuts). Sometimes i check my friend list which is mostly random ppl from VF who used to play frequently, and now none of them are on or are playing a totally different game [​IMG]

    it worries me that maybe in a few weeks, months who knows, VF online will be COMPLETELY dead and finding a non-0 bar game will be IMPOSSIBLE,
    but anyway, do u guys think the scene will ACTUALLY die soon? is there ANY way it could be saved would VF5R be enough? if it fails what games should we play now lol? i feel like VF spoiled me i cant stand playing wack games like SF4 or any other nonsense game that isnt near-perfectly balanced with smooth inputs and not a button masher.. (Haven't tried blaze blu though).
  2. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I play. But I don't play on ranked.

    I like the option of havinga rematch too much.
  3. Sharp7

    Sharp7 Well-Known Member

    Sharp J7
    ya i dont like ranked either, its pointless...
    finding a good opponent is alot of work now adays, only being able to fight them ONCE when you find them is not very time effective...
  4. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    I think VF online is dying bro. I really don't know or can say / speak for everyone. For me, possible Denkai and Cidkid it has about 1 month left. The community will never die! It's impossible! While I won't play by the end of next month I will still probably come here on a daily basis. VFDC is my browser's homepage both at home and work. And I highly doubt that will change just because I quit playing the game. Every one here is life family to me man... And that even includes the ones I may not always get along with.

    And could VF5R save online VF? Hell yeah it could... what do you think we have been whining about for the past year or so.

    In my opinion I also think VF5 online would have lasted longer if we didn't have so many pullers and people who were afraid to lose there rank or get there win % lowered. It's really discouraging to play someone who pulls on you to escape a ranked loss, but will gladly stay to take a win.
  5. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    What a bleak picture you paint. I always find someone to play, i also get to fight new opponents all the time. I don't understand the whole playing for rank thing and usually don't bother. People are generally far nicer in player match anyway.
  6. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    No comment from me, since I don't have online anyway, but I do lurk in the other forums (SRK, TZ, 8WR, etc.), and what I've been reading is that some of the VF players have switched games "until VF6", while others have switched permanently.

    I still see the good "I just bought this game and it rocks" once in awhile, but seeing that comment once in a while in a fighting game forum is a pretty bad sign.
  7. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I agree with everything you say here. VFDC is more than just VF alone. VFDC is the best forum anywhere period. I'm lucky to have found it and contribute what I can to the fine people here.

    Almost all of the people here are true, hard core fighting game fans and this site is a great source for FG knowledge... We may play other games to pass the time and have fun but we will always be eagerly awaiting future VF games...
  8. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    I think this is the reality of what you're seeing, Sharp. VF has had a solid community for years without the new addition of online play.

    Online VF5 has certainly had its moments, and definitely broadened the player base in North America, no question about it.

    This community and the core VF player base is not really going anywhere. Many of us have managed to remain casual-competitive players despite moving on to bigger and better things in our lives (work, families, etc). But should we not see VF5R, we will see VF6, etc.

    The thing that I wonder about most is who amongst the new and keen VF5 players will still be around when VF6 hits? [​IMG]
  9. Sun

    Sun Member

    You know , VF just can't get old for me .Of course lacking support from sega or spending a very long time without a new update or game , is really harming the game ,but not the fans themselves . I am searching for vf4 right now which is somewhere in my house and I can find myself enjoying the 7 years old game. It is OK to see empty rooms online .It is Ok to stop playing VF for a while , but I dont that that I can just stop playing it forever , even though life is getting harder and harder yet the few minutes spent playing VF are getting better and better .
  10. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    It's you - VF isn't dying...

    Sucks for you to think that. I really like this game and plan to play until I stop enjoying it.

    Players leaving and joining don't help or kill the scene - they just change it. Konjou whining about his countdown to the end of whatever he's planning on ending is, no doubt, annoying.

    So what, though?

    If you like the game. Play the game! So what that there's no new version on the horizon? Does it make the existing version less fun? Let's change the scenario from VF to, say, baseball... What if baseball players got all disheartened cause they've been playing the same game for, I dunno, 103 years... "Man, this sucks. We're never gonna get version 1.001 where they allow for two first basemen. WTF. Fuck you, MLB organization! I'm gonna quit unless I get a NEW version."

    If you want players, check the good games thread and see who's playing. Put them on your friends list. Then, search THEIR friends list and see who else is playing.

    Ranked matches are hard to find. You missed the boat. So did I. Things happen. Change the importance of ranked in your own head. How much do you REALLY accomplish by outranking a puller?
  11. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Re: It's you - VF isn't dying...

    That's exactly what i do. In fact, even now that i don't have my 360 with me during the sumer holidays, and i still login to xbox live just to check who's playing VF5 online and their friendlist. Adding a couple of active players will come handy when i get back to my xbox. I wholeheartedly believe that Plague's advice should be stickied in VFdc's xbox live subforum [​IMG]
  12. Azusabo

    Azusabo Well-Known Member

    Re: It's you - VF isn't dying...

    "If you like the game. Play the game!"

    That's music to my ears. [​IMG]

    Players today are more spoiled than ever. They have an online version of VF, a forum more active than previous versions of the game, an amazing Wiki and tons of video archived on YouTube they can use to improve. I'm not sure how much more hand holding can be provided by a community for members to feel kinship and incentive to play.

    I fail to see how the current VF scene is any different from previous versions of VF that are reaching the end of their popularity. 5R isn't going to provide a rush of new players compared to the introduction of 5. If 5R reaches console many of you will be playing the same few players that are currently playing 5. This message doesn't apply to those who are simply bored of 5 or have reached the peak of their ability. Many of you haven't explored all the nooks of 5 and haven't reached your peak performance. You should make it your goal to improve your current gameplay and stop complaining about something that isn't here.
  13. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Re: It's you - VF isn't dying...

    This is a bad analogy, because first and foremost Baseball(or any sport. I admit I don't shit about baseball anymore though, so I say any sport) in it's current form is standardized. New rules for sports get added in and subtracted out, all the time, and then it becomes the standard yet again. So everyone is always playing the updated version of a sport.

    You'd have yourself an analogy if say, using Baseball again, if the AL was playing softball and the NL was playing hardball.

    It's a cycle anyway, if players aren't playing, then less players are playing. I enjoy VF alot. However I think I enjoy competition, and a variety of that, much more. I guess in reality maybe I'm just not as committed with fighting games as everyone else.
  14. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Re: It's you - VF isn't dying...

    Those vf's were better though [​IMG] much rather be stuck with 4 than 5.. ;P
  15. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Re: It's you - VF isn't dying...

    If it's "being spoiled" to think that, hey, being able to play the latest VF is not that much too ask for, then fuck me, I'm Paris Hilton.

    I don't see why we should have to settle for less then playing VF5R. Being happy with VF5 is like a beaten housewife saying her abusive husband is "nice most of the time".

    The online mode in VF is garbage and there's less actual relevant and correct gameplay info posted on the forum now then during Evo or even FT days, 95% of the posts on these forums are done in that god awful "Good Games" thread. Maybe I'm not the one that should throw the first stone in all regards, but just saying...

    The truth about VF5 is that it's an incomplete beta version of VF5R with a lot of flaws that didn't exist in the game before it or after it. I think most players could live with playing Evo during FT because Evo was a very good game (some even preferred it to FT), VF5 on the other hand is clearly inferior to both FT and VF5R. Even when playing it for the first time in Japan I felt like this was just a pit stop towards the eventual expansion.

    So to say we should be "happy" with playing VF5 in it's incomplete beta form is letting the retarded company known as Sega get off the hook way too easy. Fact of the matter is, it wouldn't be that difficult or costly for them to release in R in some form, especially in this day and age where there's tons of ways to distribute a game even on consoles. It's not like it would take time away from their other top sellers because Sega doesn't have any.

    Next week and the following month I'm saying goodbye to VF (until VF6) and saying hello to Tekken 6:BR
  16. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    Re: It's you - VF isn't dying...

    Aw geez, not one of these threads again [​IMG] XD

    To some people, VF is dead. To others, it may be the livest game around. It all depends on your purpose of playing.

    I don't think we should be questioning/doubting each other's reasons; to all their own.
  17. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Re: It's you - VF isn't dying...

    I think alot of us secretly feel that, even someone like myself who's most exposure of VF came from vanilla 5. Upon seeing R and how incomplete vanilla is with many things, including balance.

    I bet people tried to be reserved and quiet about their feelings about vanilla 5 on the forums, but it began to show with how strong the cries for R... are.
  18. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Re: It's you - VF isn't dying...

    Heh, really the scene isn't dying. It's dead. In other gaming communities when the amount of competition is scarce like this that shoe is worn with the quickness. Now that doesn't mean you can't enjoy a game most people don't play anymore.

    Do what you like. Shit I still play UT1999 (Unreal Tournament 1999)
    There's a small following but those fools are deadly and hella fun to play against.
  19. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Re: It's you - VF isn't dying...

    Im just writing this while my public player match session waiting for an opponent enters 10th minute..
  20. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    It's you - VF isn't dying...

    I want R. I do not want to stop playing Vanilla because there is no console R. I recommend this to people who like VF5 and don't want to switch to another fighter. To each their own.

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