
Discussion in 'Shun' started by SQUIIDUX, Nov 25, 2012.


    SQUIIDUX Active Member

    [6_] Hello Shuns! My name is SQUIIDUX (PSN: SQUIDUX) and I am the (newly appointed) Shun Content Manager. I am by no means an expert, however, like all of us, I strive to be better every day. I played VF4:Evo, but VF5:FS is my first foray into truly understanding the game. I do rememberplaying VF2 way back in the day, but it was at my friends house so I had little access to the game.

    [6_] would like to take this opportunity to share with you my thoughts on how I would like to collect content. I would like to make this a team effort as much as possible. If you have new content please message me, I will make sure everything is in orderand I will post it as soon as possible. Please understand that I am in the military, and I have 4 small sons that I am running after for most of my free time, so there may be some delay.

    [6_] When you submit content to me, I will make sure to document who provided the information, so that we all know where the info is coming from.

    [6_] The name of this position has changed from Character Specialist to Content Manager and I am very please with this. As I said before, I am not an expert, I am just a means to get the best info (in this case Shun info) posted. The easier you make the info you give me, the quicker it will be processed.

    [6_] Thank you for taking the time to read this, and let's make Shun's pages the envy of the site. Have a great day.

    Tricky likes this.
  2. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    Chill PKG
    Hey SQUIDDUX, great to see you're getting the ball rolling!

    I feel there is some work to be done to get the combo thread up to the same level of the other character dojos, but now that there are dedicated Combo Lists for each character we can probably use the thread for feedback/testing and have the Combo List as the final source of truth. Also I would suggest, that in the 'comment' bit under each combo, that the number of DPs required to do the combo (if any) is listed.

    I've been playing around with Shun's combos just recently, when I get off work tonight I'll post something up in the other thread.
    SQUIIDUX likes this.

    SQUIIDUX Active Member

    Chill, i like it. we should also add something that says how many drinks were used throughout the combo. that way there are no surprises.
  4. valenzuela000

    valenzuela000 Well-Known Member

    Can we get actual damage of combos! Along with wall combos and combos that don't require drinks!

    SQUIIDUX Active Member

    If someone give me some combos to enter... absolutely . I think i will arrange them by how many drinks each requires
  6. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    I'm currently doing combo lists by required drinks and stances and what not per opponent. Please follow the combo thread for character per character stuff as I get the short intro going. Any commentary and testing is very much appreciated!

    No wall stuff, side crumble combos yet, just basic no-wall stuff with DPs required (or not, for starters).

    EDIT: Btw, Shun's command list should be edited too, as moves' properties tend to change when Shun gets more DPs. For example 46 PPP on block becomes -1 from -6 at 9 DP, 0 on 27 DP and +1 on 36 DP. Also, Shun's 3P high crushes Eileen's 11f P for some reason.

    Btw how do you think the dmg should be notated? For example, many combos have same moves with 0-5, 6-7 and 8+ (-> 40) drinks but varying dmg. Putting dmg for every combo on lowest possible DP I think is the way to go.

    Ninja_EDIT: Just finished off some Taka stuff on combo thread, hope to come back to it later with DP unlocked moves added so it's not nearly ready yet. Taka is a bit weird with unique combos but things get far easier with rest of the cast, luckily.

    I try not to screw up anything but triple checking the combos before putting them into resources page probably should still be done by our honored Content Manager when he has time. :)

    PS: I think DP thresholds overall for combos are 0 DP (oh, really!), with

    1: 2/4/6 DPs for 46 P (PP) P+K per added punch,

    2: 4 DPs for PP4PP,

    3: 6 DPs with 236 KPP and 236 P,

    4: 8 DPs for 43 P+K P, also 236 P P and 3P P K (P+K+G).

    Only string added after 10 DP is KK 2P K at 16 DP which I think adds next to no combos outside walls. Testing it all out must still be done. Additional move properties with added DPs also affect at least some wall combos.

    EDIT: A few details.
    SQUIIDUX likes this.
  7. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    Chill PKG
    I agree with this. If people stick to this when testing combos, it will also ensure that they don't accidentally think that a combo does more damage than better combos because of the DP bonus.
    SQUIIDUX likes this.
  8. Ok I have questions about shun on a basic level and don't know what form to go into so can someone help me out?

    SQUIIDUX Active Member

    ask away. we will do our best
  10. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

  11. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    HI everyone! We had a change of duties for time management reasons so I'm the new Shun Content Manager. Nice to meet you all.

    I guess I'm a VF veteran since VF2 days but really got into the game in VF4/Evo period. I played VF5 pretty casually though since I had no console to play it- ^^
    I got into FS hard and have played mostly Shun since June. I like how Shun is an unique character with equal emphasis on beefing up a "booze meter" and fighting, deceptive tactics and Hong Kong movie humor.

    I'll write basic updates here as soon as I get them done so people can follow where the move/combo list and wiki are going. At the moment I'm looking at some frame data changes and character specific combos. Testing "old" combos is as important as finding new ones in my mind as we all do mistakes.

    I know Shun forum has been pretty quiet lately so any contribution and discussion towards Shun's move list details and combos are much appreciated. For now, the priority is listing non-Taka (and Taka) universal combos for each launcher (I counted and listed 39 launchers in!). I already somewhat completed Taka section in combo thread so you might want to check that out for some reference (does the combo work in Open/Closed or both, on NH or only CH and are there timing/range issues). It helps if readers know basic notations (either number or symbol ones). My job is to test and write down combos we all have found and contributed.

    A nice reference for possible combos is the old VF5 Shun page in the reference section of VFDC, check that out even if you never played the game!

    Let the hangover continue! :eek: :D
    SQUIIDUX likes this.
  12. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    As Shun forum is overflowing with enthusiasm :D , I have an idea. If and when Shun combo directory has its "skeleton" ready, we could do a max combo analysis for each combo in specific DP points (say, 4, 6 and 8 DPs) so that people can get a more realistic impression of what combos to choose for deeper max dmg/oki calculations. At the present state, combo notations in the combo thread are simply listing the minimal DP requirement for a combo to work and their damage, so this does not reflect the tactical element at all. Or do you think the combo thread should be edited to reflect this?

    My main objection for just editing that list instead of making separate tactical one is that the present combo list is probably more of a learning tool with combo notations and not the "strategical" version. I feel we need both, but the I inquire the thoughts of people lurking here in Shun forum.

    Note that this has nothing to do with my plans to fill up the combo directory soon at the top of the page, as it simply exists for listing the possible combos as they emerge and not putting them to tactical order. Anyway, I feel the priority is filling up the combo thread first to minimize work.
  13. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    Chill PKG
    Yep I think this is a good idea :)

    While it's definitely great to have a resource with all of the possible combos, practically speaking players are probably going to only learn the key combos that give the best trade off for damage and broadness of conditions (such as stance, timing, CH only etc.). But as you've mentioned, Shun's combos have an added variable that his DPs will change what the optimum combos are, and unfortunately that's not something that the current filters can account for in the combo lists.

    I think it would be good to have a sort of summary/snapshot of combos, which lists the combos which have very broad conditions, and is organised by level of DPs and the weight class which it applies to (medium, medium-heavy, heavy etc.). So basically someone who wants to learn some combos for say, a lightweight character, can quickly refer to this and get a good representation of what's a strong combo without wading through every option under the sun. Anyway I'm maybe just reiterating what you're already saying but yes it's worth doing!

    Also apologies that I haven't been contributing more to the combo thread, now that I've finally had some more free time my PS3 has decided to die on me :eek: . Once I get back in action I'll start testing again ;).
  14. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    Damn those PS3s, you have the new Slim or some older PS3? :eek:

    Yeah, I think the"project" on the second page in combo thread is best kept that way - a broad reference for possible combos with a few excess ones too for the sake of it. Meanwhile the "optimal" list should probably just show the max payoff ones per stance and hit type. I'll talk about this in CM threads on some point, after I get into filling up the character combo lists (which I plan to do by the end of this week as I finally got nothing but time and a pretty good routine, if all goes good). Not sure if there is a way this "best per DP" thinking can be transferred to combo lists (with new filters) at the moment but we'll see.

    Regarding the actual Combo Lists the things are forming up nicely. If I get two to three chars ready per day the cast should be ready by around Sunday. Then It's finally the time fill up the Combo Lists. ^
    Sure there is gonna be lots of bug work and fixes, note unifying and random stuff but the bulk of work will happen as soon as when the meat aka the combos are filled up in this forum first. After that's done, it's time for side crumble combos, wall combos and finally the rest of "guaranteed dmg" situations like mini-launchers I listed after the "main" launchers. And then it's the wiki...

    Each and all corrections and notes done in the combo topic here will lessen the burden on editing the shit out of Combo Lists later, so checking out already written stuff is still appreciated! Let's make this work!

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