Interesting side hit situations with taka :

Discussion in 'Taka' started by Maxou, Aug 29, 2012.

  1. Maxou

    Maxou Well-Known Member

    Still a work in progress. Don't hesitate if you know other stuff about Taka's side hit situations.

    1) Taka side hit moves are safer :

    > We all know that Taka can only fuzzy after -4 moves. There are very few moves that can allow fuzzy guard with Taka.
    Side hit moves allow Taka to get safer moves in order to fuzzy after more moves that you can normally !
    > blockstun moves are obviously stronger (P becomes +4 and 43P +7 block)
    > Some heavily punishable moves (-15 or more) become way safer or safe in a side hit situations.

    Here's what happens in a side hit situation :
    - [4] [K] -4 block
    - [K] -3 block
    - [6][P]+[K] -3 block
    - [6][P]+[K] [P][P] -12 block
    - [6][P] -2 block
    - [P]+[K] -2 block
    - [4][P] -1 block
    - [4][P][P][P] -9 block
    - [2][P]+[K] -2 hit, -12 block
    - [1][K] -1 hit, -12 block
    - [4][P]+[K] [P] -13 block
    - [3][3][P]+[K] -11 block

    2) Tachi'ai stance is stronger :

    > Side hit Tachi'ai moves have a waaaaay better frame data than regular Tachi'ai stance moves :
    - Tachi'ai [P]+[K] is -1 block
    - Tachi'ai [K] is +7 hit and -12 block
    - Tachi'ai [P]+[K]+[G] is +17 block ( free [3][3][P]+[K] combo !)
    - Tachi'ai [P] does not change

    > Side hit Tachi'ai setups are clearly better :

    [6][P]+[K] strings :
    - [6][P]+[K][P][P] is -12 block
    - Side [6][P]+[K][P] (hit) keep them in a side hit situation on hit but it's negative -2 on hit
    - Side [6][P]+[K][P] (block) won't keep them in a side hit situation, and transition to Tachi'ai can be interrupted.
    - Side [6][P]+[K][P] (hit) Tachi'ai [P]+[K] cannot be interrupted
    - Side [6][P]+[K][P] (hit) Tachi'ai [K] cannot be interrupted
    - Side [6][P]+[K][P] (hit) Tachi'ai [P] can only be interrupted by i12 moves
    - Side [6][P]+[K][P] (hit) Tachi'ai [P]+[K]+[G] cannot be interrupted (2P and TC moves can go under)

    [4][P] strings :
    - Side [4][P] is only -1 block and [4][P][P] will always be guarded by opponent if he guarded Side hit [4][P].
    - Side [4][P][P][P] is safe, and opponent cannot interrupt last hit after blocking side [4][P][P]
    - Side [4][P][P]+[K] is safe too and can only be stepped.
    - Side [4][P][P]+[K] on block keep them in a side hit situation.
    - Side ( [4][P] block ) [P]+[K] CH makesTachi'ai [P]+[K] / [K] / [P] garanteed (Tachi'ai [P] deals best damage around 105ish with combo).
    - Side [4][P] [P]+[K] (block) Tachi'ai stance : same as Side [6][P]+[K][P] hit, except it happens when [4][P][P]+[K] is blocked. And THIS is amazing.

    3) New combos are possible :

    We already talked about :
    - Side Tachi'ai [P]+[K]+[G] blocked into [3][3][P]+[K] combos
    - Side ( [4][P] block ) [P]+[K] CH into Tachi'ai [P] combos

    Other stuff side hit dependant :

    - [4][P][P]+[K] becomes NC !!! That's REALLY strong. If you hit them with that on a side hit situation, you end up at +4. Now opponent needs to chose between Tach'ai stance mix up and [3][P]+[K]:
    >> Tach'ai is really strong on side hit situation as we saw before.
    >> [3][P]+[K] will setup a side hit CH 3P+K if they attack for around 95+dmg.

    - Side CH [3][P]+[K] and Side CH [K] allow for a long crumple stun : see combo thread for what you can do afterward.

    - Side ( [4][K] ) CH [P] gives Taka +12adv.
    >[P][P][P] is garanteed afterwards for 65dmg (Taka ends at -2 hit).
    You can also have a free throw (but obv, the dmg won't be garanteed).
    Backthrow is possibly garanteed depending on which side Taka is for 93dmg.

    4) How to setup side hit situations :

    Now that we talked about how strong Taka's side hit game is, we need to setup side hit situations.
    Here's some praticals moves you can definitively use after evade.
    On side hit :
    - [6][P] hit will keep them side turned and you will be at +2 afterward.
    - [P][P][P] hit will keep them side turned and you will be at +0 afterward.
    - [2][P] hit will keep them side turned and you will be at +6 afterward.

    Of course don't forget OM put you in a side hit situation too, so don't hesitate if you see your opponent freezing.
    EvenPit, NGKrush, Sozos and 2 others like this.
  2. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    Nice findings. One thing that's annoyed me for a while is that nobody ever presses buttons after they tech a throw which leaves me at +6 and the opponent sideturned, which is pretty much the only way Taka can get to a side turned situation without OM or 4KP, so doing 3P+K for a CH side hit into a combo will never happen. This stuff will certainly help the matter. I'm wondering about a few things, though; Did you test does the opponent stay side turned if you go to Tachi'ai alone and try to do a Tachi'ai move, or do they remain sideturned if they block a move that transitions into Tachi'ai?
  3. Maxou

    Maxou Well-Known Member

    Side hit situations can often happens in evade situations actually (exemple : Akira 66P hit into 66P again, if you evade, you'll be in a side hit situation).

    You can have side hit Tachi'ai moves with :
    - Side [6][P]+[K][P] (hit) [P]+[K]+[G], opponent will stay side turned if he is hit. He won't stay side turned if it's blocked.
    - Side [4][P] [P]+[K] (block) [P]+[K]+[G], opponent will stay side turned if he blocks.

    I see that I have not been clear in my post (good question !), I will correct that.
  4. Maxou

    Maxou Well-Known Member

  5. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    Something I just learned from @Sudden_Death: When Taka himself is sideturned, he can still armor with [4][P][+][K][+][G] against [P] and [6][P] type attacks.
    EvenPit and Kamais_Ookin like this.
  6. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    Yes that's possible, he can also do the move from BT too.
  7. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    I thought the disadvantage from being sideturned would be too great to allow it so I never thought to use it, lol. I'm unable to check atm so I'll ask, would that sideturned armor work against Lion's [6][P][P] and [P][K][P] strings etc or would they go through it?
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2014
  8. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Eileens PK usually hits him out of [4][P][K][G] so i'm guessing the kick in Lions [P][K][P] would do the same?

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