Intercept Position Questions

Discussion in 'Vanessa' started by RomeoBravoDelta, Jun 11, 2012.

  1. RomeoBravoDelta

    RomeoBravoDelta New Member

    So, I'm not new to VF in the sense that I played VF4 and VF5 to the utmost degree of casualness, but I decided to to actually try and learn the game properly with VF5FS, and so far things have been going great.

    Like the other games, I've been spending most of my time with Vanessa and I have a two questions about her Intercept Position:

    What is the general consensus on the stances usefulness? Granted, my time with this game has obviously been very limited, but either one of two things has happened to me when I use it; they either don't know how to defend against it and I get a free win with K & 2K or they are at least moderately competent and I get destroyed. I've had a little more consistent results entering into it with 1K+G, but I'll still get blown up for it sometimes. When should I use Intercept Position, or should I even?

    Also, does Beck (P) do anything?
  2. TeeZed

    TeeZed Well-Known Member

    Personally I love it. It's powerful if used right.

    I'll go over the advantages and disadvantages of each move in intercept stane and getting into it

    [1][K]+[G] The low kick way of getting into intercept, On a hit gives you a 4 frame advantage, +8 on counter hit.

    [7][K]+[G] High (I think semi circular, I might be wrong) That gives +5 even on block.


    [K] Hits mid, basically a lot of people who freeze against this stance crouch, just instinctively I assume. 20 frames. So with a counter hit on [1][K]+[G] and with enough distance between you and your opponent, you'll beat out a low punch

    [2][K] On hit [P]+[G] The low kick is ALSO 2 frames meaning the only advantage to either move except to how they're guarding. The total move does around 65 damage on a normal hit if you land the throw, Not to mention the throw looks AMAZING

    [P] Is A taunt. It does NOTHING, but after a match if someone's being a dick, you can go into and say "well, well, well" That's about it.

    [P][K] Low Punch Sabaki (Counter) Most people will go for a low punch if they see you in that stance, it's the quickest, safest low... normally. If this lands you have enough frame advantage to use a standing [3][P]+[K] For a nice combo

    [P]+[G] Nasty looking throw. How this has worked for me is either against an opponent who will sidestep away from intercept stance after either I've landed a K, OR if they backstep as soon as I go into the stance to prepare a safe, ranged attack, this throw has good range and has caught them even from a distance.

    [K]+[G] Still a good move, High full circular on counterhit you can either land a side throw (If they don't escape it) or be in the very advantageous position of having them side turned.

    The stance is strong, and you won't be forced into it if an opponent blocks your [1][K]+[G] either, they'll just punish you hard instead. It's a useful tool but don't rely on it too much, break it out maybe once or twice in a match to mess with your enemy a little, I havn't seen it used to any success in high level competative play though, but that's not important, this is online, and the rules are VERY different. [​IMG]
  3. Chefboy_OB

    Chefboy_OB Well-Known Member

    The throw out of intercept takes 4 drinks from Shun. If you ever find yourself playing a shun that can't deal with it make him pay. I've seen the throw grab him out of his own lying down stance too!
    MakiLeSushi likes this.
  4. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    I think the stance will be at it's most useful if you use [4][P]+[K]+[G] to roll away most of the time.

    It will probably hard to be offensive from the position in the long run, once people figure out the stance they will shut down that offense.

    I'd be rolling back most of the time to lure the opponent into being offensive and walking into counter hits from the attacks or being panicky and going for low punches.

    But that's just my take on it very early on.
  5. ItzJin

    ItzJin Member

    So after spending some time with FS, I think that I can safely say (imo), that intercept is very very good. The PK counter not only covers low punch but it can stop low linear kicks as well and will net more frame advantage. The intercept tech roll is also extremely powerful. It can shut down overly aggressive opponents and force them to think before rushing in. I really feel that more Vanessa players should explore this stance.
  6. iamthedave

    iamthedave Member

    Generally I find myself using it most while in offensive stance after having a string shut down, by using the 4K+G+P recovery, landing one/two kicks and then backrolling into action.

    Those kicks really hurt. It interrupts a lot of characters' oki games, and sometimes even lets you get into the 70 damage high throw, or the low kick hit throw, though getting the timing right for that online can be awkward.

    1K+G into P+G can make a surprisingly effective surprise once in a match though. A lot of sidestep happy players fall for that one.
  7. 00000000

    00000000 Well-Known Member

    I messed around with it a lot last night, recklessly. It's a lot of fun when you mind your spacing. I've found that if you're fighting an opponent that isn't good at capitalizing on mistakes/conversions then you can condition them to improperly react to Intercept. Basically, if you go into Intercept a couple of times and they merely 2p you out of it then they are ripe for the sabaki. Otherwise I'll press them with 2K>K+G, side step and go right back into Intercept and repeat.
  8. Chinsilver

    Chinsilver Well-Known Member

    The stance is useful every now and then especially with the sabaki option (similar to Sarah's flamingo stance) to deflect 2P spammers but its best when you know what to follow up with.

    9K+G is the safer option to enter it as you are still at a good advantage even when it is blocked (+5) while 1K+G leaves you majorly disadvantaged on block and against a decent player could see you lose half your health.

    Anyway, what i'm saying is the intercept stance is good if you know guaranteed follow up damage and with good practice makes her DS more interesting.
  9. Ribx

    Ribx Well-Known Member

    1K+G is good to for the low and comes out faster than 9K+G.
    9K+G must be set up or used from okizeme.

    1K+G ends rounds, is an half-circular low (better than a half-circular high), and causes side wall staggers into combos when B2W.

    Intercept position is very good, and I wouldn't say it should be used scarcely. Put it does have to be set-up, and it's not great vs every character.
  10. Austin_QED

    Austin_QED Member

    Question, can't you only go into I.S. in D.S.?

    I tried going into I.S. through O.S. and it didn't work.

    Is it just me?

    Also, I know you can go into I.S. after being knocked down.

    Is it just K+G?, I've been looking for the answer in Dojo and couldn't find it.
  11. Chinsilver

    Chinsilver Well-Known Member

    Yes you can only enter IS in DS when standing.
    But in both stances, when falling face up, feet towards the opponent you can recover into IS with [4] [P] [+] [K] [+] [G] the moment you hit the ground.

    Hope this helps .
  12. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Is this the stance where she's on the ground with her feet towards the opponent?

    I have a hard time dealing with defending against that, and I was actually coming here to ask for advice on how to defend, since it seems like I just get poked with mix-up of a low kick and a mid kick over and over, and when they hit, even on normal hit, it doesn't seem like I can get an attack in to interrupt, meaning I have to guess the level and guard successfully before I can interrupt, but maybe I'm just doing it wrong or not understanding it.

    Also, what kind of attacks are good to interrupt that stance? Like, it seems as though it should be like Shun, where you can land a launcher and hit for big damage, but everything I try is either too slow, or just kinda scrapes along the ground. As a Jacky player (feel free to hate!), I have the option of Beatknuckle (16F, floats on counter), Groin Kick (17F, gut crumple on counter), or High Angle Upper Kick (17F, floats on any hit). Will any of those work well, or should I just look to break the stance with a side-kick/elbow (or will those be too high and whiff?)? I can always try a low punch, but from what I've read here, her low-punch-beating options are strong.

    Thanks in advance for any help!
  13. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Look for moves that hit low to the ground

    If she enters, with 9 or 3 K+G a low P will interrupt her K and 2K options but in this case she can do:
    1 her low sabaki
    2 if she does nothing, you'll whiff 2P (spacing) and she can hit you again

    I think jumping back will avoid a lot of options, giving you space to counter attack if she whiffs.You can also try to dodge in the right direction (see movelist)

    That''s why this stance is at it's best around walls because opponent won't be able to backdash/jumpback and some setups guarantee the 2K hit throw.
  14. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Hmm, I never considered the jumping option - thanks for that one.
  15. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    What the hell is Genzen doing in here!! and why are you trying to get these strats?! Don't' try to escape my low stance spam!!!
    MakiLeSushi likes this.

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