i'm depressed...hard to progress...i'm just a huge shit.

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by segasaturn96, May 19, 2020.

  1. segasaturn96

    segasaturn96 Well-Known Member

    hi, i play vf5fs since september 2019, little vf5 2008/2009

    very hard to progress.....because i'm not talented...and when i try and when i don"t succeed....very depressed...

    At the base, i play at vf to destress me, forget my very difficult work...and i dont need to add stress again with this game....but i love this game and i want to progress and i know that i must work lot of............vicious circle

    i heard often that i must learn basics...OK i agree, but there are so much informations.hard to classify and find priorities.
    Ok i read threads/watch videos but there is a gap with theory and practice...very hard to apply...dont succed and i play automatically...and i dont progress.........
    on match, all is fast ...

    BIG REGRETS that there are not particular lessons(like piano,tennis,paint,sing)...or just personal advices for my game...a coach...i'm a big shit so it's normal that nobody is interesting with me...tutorial of vf5fs is not good in my opinion.

    I LOOOOVE vanessa style(i refuse to change character). This game helps me to not drink lot of alchool/opioids drugs/automutilation or suicide attempts....

    please not mockery or agressive post; or not answer please.

    Gamertag: RefractoryAscit

    BIG sorry to have writen this...

    moderators can delete this if they want
    Last edited: May 19, 2020
  2. SoulTruth2013

    SoulTruth2013 Well-Known Member

    Do not talk that way and don't think you are a big ****. Because you are not. You have potential to get better and progress. Understand that. Like I don't want see a fellow member succumb to drugs/alcohol or suicide.

    I think you can get better not only with Vanessa but with the whole game itself. I understand that there is no coaches to lend you a hand or give you feedback on how to improve.
    Currently, I am training two people right now. One plays Goh and the other plays Lau. The only thing I teach them is the way the game works and for their characters, I teach them how utilize their full potential. I usually train them everyday and have a one on one sparring session and give feedback on their habits. I teach them how to do the basic fundamentals because its important. Finding out if they are offensive players or defensive. Teaching them how to side dash, putting pressure on the opponent and timing attacks. As well as finding a way to counter the opponent. All of those things are important in VF. Everyone is not gonna be good at every area but they will have an area they are good at. plus I would train you but unfortunately I don't have an Xbox. Only PS3.

    Virtua Fighter is something that you will get better with over time. Like when I started on Final Showdown in 2012. I didn't know anything. I was clueless of what are inputs and so on. Eventually after talking to the community, fighting in offline events and interacting with people stronger than me, I learned to get better and received tips and tricks. So now, I am at a point where I can hold my own against some of the best.

    Do not give up and keep on trying. I hope you are well and healthy.
    Last edited: May 19, 2020
    Tumbling Dice, jimi Claymore and gido like this.
  3. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    If you post a video of a match (ideally with a good internet connection if online) I could break it down like I've been doing my sets recently. I don't know vanessa's movelist super well but should be good enough to be helpfull.
    JSM and Tumbling Dice like this.
  4. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    What network do you play on? I will personally offer you a few 1 on 1 lessons to help you grow. Just you, me, voice chat and some drills that I am sure will bring you the growth you are after.

    PM me if you are interested so we can work out a day and time.
  5. segasaturn96

    segasaturn96 Well-Known Member

    -for rodnultz i play on xbox360. gamer tag: RefractoryAscit

    -for tricky i cant upload on youtube...the must will be play against me. today or 21,22,23...
    i will be absent and cant play 24 may at 30 :-( not at home...
    or i upload matches and i film with my camera...but very low quality.

    -my moral is better because my idol player makilesushi has spoken with me...
    Tricky and Tumbling Dice like this.
  6. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    hmm I streamed our last set on twitch a while back, it should be on my youtube. I'll just pick one and use it to talk about. Or yeah using your camera with low quality is actually fine too.
  7. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Ok @segasaturn96, i read what u ve written before, here is the thing, u won t find any vf coach, first reason is that the game is almost dead, u can find only few survivors open to give u advices, me including. Idk what is ur level but here is how i proceed to improve:
    First i learnt van os, max combos frame traps and efficient moves. U got a thread for each thing
    Then def techs but, today i m still lacking due to my aggressive personnality but i m workin on it. U got a threa def tech copendium about it as well
    Next i watched jp s viedos, kaibutsu and shark vanessa mainly to get inspirations of set ups / meaties / traps i can use. U can find it in my yt playlist
    Next i asked to my "mentor" advices @Chefboy_OB all vaney philosophy i got comes from him. But today a lot of players will say that we ve got different vanessa. He was a big inspiration.
    Anyway he corrects my mistakes and my bad habits which made me step up by playin with him few sets.
    Next, i watched this
    This set made me undzrstand how important is to know both vanessa combat style.
    So i create a smurf account and played vanessa only in ds until i master it.
    Keepin an eye on jp matches as always.
    Once i get there, i played vs the best players, @Rodnutz @BBountyHuntyr denkai @kingo gt mister unicorn kahn rahn manji @G0d3L marly combolammas kylevf exzety sozos cruz valakrie bg kungfusmurf alstein and lot more ( i forgot a lot of players like tricky, darksoul but no hurt feelings i love u all etc...) but especially vs @-nero-
    This is the guy imo who understand the best this game. The level i will never reach.
    In other word, experience.
    Today it s harder to find such good players but the new generation is here and they are strong so, back in the days whenever i had to ask anything, i asked in vaney dojo thread or in the shoutbox. they were always someone to answer.
    When you have a question, be clear, it s kinda difficult to answer to question like " how can i improve" when we don t know what u re capable of.
    I ll be there time to time to help u if i can but the most part of the work will be your investisment in the game.
    Last thing, i m not a such good player no matter what you think, for example nero kicked my ass 14-2 this morning with a sub character, my lvl is too ridiculous to be anyone s idol, so take me more as a rival or a level you wanna reach or even beat. Like me for cheffy or nero. In other word, find a goal u wanna reach.
    I hope it will be helpful..
    Last edited: May 20, 2020
  8. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member


    Hey @segasaturn96 ! I'll add you on Xbox. PM me some times that you are available because I got kids lol. The very last thing I'll say to you is this, if you really want to get better then don't have a care in the world about losing moving forward. If you train up on the things I will show you, trust me, the wins will come. So, get ready to swallow that bitter pill called pride and simply not give a fuck if you get out played by someone on or above your level. Trust me, in the end, all the bumps and bruises will be worth it.
    Tricky, VFnumbers, Oioron and 2 others like this.
  9. segasaturn96

    segasaturn96 Well-Known Member

    @Rodnutz my gamertag is not segasaturn96 but RefractoryAscit..dont have your friend request.

    actually on xbox360 best vanessa are @HotSauceNelly, @A God IO and areacode(who is good after all).

    lots of questions...i go on topic vanessa or speak in french with maki because its hard and long to speak in english...
    jimi Claymore likes this.
  10. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member


    Looks like we are already friends.:p:p:p
  11. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Hey @segasaturn96 then would your English be good enough if I were to speak in English for the video going over your fight? If it wouldn't be helpful thenI'll hold off.
  12. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    ah fuck it I did it anyway. Here you go
    DomAug likes this.
  13. segasaturn96

    segasaturn96 Well-Known Member

    Big sorry but i dont understand oral english...nothing...
  14. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Fuck. What about subtitles?
  15. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Or do you have a friend that can translate spoken English into French? Maybe someone could even write the fence subtitles for my video so you could understand
  16. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Kinda complicated to translate a video. From what i watched, it seems u don t know when it s ur turn. He did p u get ch, he did it again u get ch, he did 2p u blocked it and u didn t take ur turn since 2p on block is negative. U did 66pp which is -8 iirc and u 2p afterwards but get ch by his 66p.
    In fact from what i saw u don t know ur frame data at all. It s one of the first thing u have to know.
    Tricky s vid is very interesting and very detailed so the best for u is to find a friend who can translate it irl, it will help u.
    Ares-olimpico and Tricky like this.
  17. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Thanks maki. Yeah I end the vid with a summary basically saying to make setups based on your frame data. Also to base your gameplan around using safe mids, and to use moves that can launch once you have an advantage like +7 or _5.
    Last edited: May 22, 2020
    MakiLeSushi likes this.
  18. ICHIBANin10000

    ICHIBANin10000 Well-Known Member

    The FUCK you say!!! Did you see his highlight video with C-Money? He couldn't even win one match. GTFO. Nobody plays on XBL anymore because its all fucked up and you have to quickmatch for 30 minutes to find one match. When's the last Tourney Nelly was at? 2008? That dude is a Wi-Fi warrior. Offline he couldnt buy a round. I remember one time on XBL my Krush-Groove flew clean over his rising mid-kick. That's freaking impossible unless you have 3rd World Lag. https://youtu.be/IOU51WQliUs
    Last edited: May 23, 2020

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