if Xbox gets VF4 (if) would it be at all good.....

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Ruffcoconut, Feb 9, 2002.

  1. Ruffcoconut

    Ruffcoconut Active Member

    to play it with the Xbox controller??
    i know that its better to play with sticks but there are no sticks at the moment i think for the xbox because its controller ports are propriety usb ports (???).
    but will this controller really hurt the game?

    don't care anyways got a PS2 just wondering.
  2. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Firstly...there's already a topic discussing the possibility of another version of VF4 on the x-box...so it's fucking pointless that u go n start another thread..jamming the board with full of pointless threads (like the if x-box is getting VF4 thread)

    """but will this controller really hurt the game?"""""
    Christ! Why would u bother asking this question!!!!

    """don't care anyways got a PS2 just wondering""""
    Dun care?...well don't start a pointless thread.
  3. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    jamming the board with full of pointless threads (like the if x-box is getting VF4 thread)

    isn't saying that pointless, taking up space?? shit like that makes people not want to post. flaming them whenever they don't see something thats already been posted. its called human error. christ, give the guy a break..........sorry for taking up extra space.........
  4. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    """"isn't saying that pointless, taking up space"""
    No...I was
    a)informing him there's already an x-box thread...so IT IS pointless for him to start up a new one

    b)since he doesn't care...so why start one?

    For ur infomation...
    <myke`>:why the hell did he go create a new xbox thread?
    There's ur second question answered.

    """whenever they don't see something thats already been posted. its called human error""""
    Christ...go check his history..that's all I will say.

    """give the guy a break"""
    U honestly think I am a flammer?? Stick around n find out for urself...
  5. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    honestly i dont think ur a flamer, i've seen it in the fl vf thread, just dont want people to come down seemingly hash to me if i fuck up is all....lol. my bad on the mis info.

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