If Fighter's Megamix 2 Were a Thing...

Discussion in 'General' started by VirtuaCGP, Nov 3, 2021.

  1. VirtuaCGP

    VirtuaCGP New Member

    ..what characters, stages, gameplay features, etc, would you want to see?

    I would love Sega to focus on incorporating characters from their other fighters and beat em ups, like Fighting Vipers and Last Bronx.
  2. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Characters from Shenmue and Yakuza makes sense if keeping to Fighter's Megamix gameplay style.

    If engine remade greatly to allow more variety of Sega characters (like PS All Stars and Smash Bros) - characters from Eternal Champions, Phantasy Star, Skies of Arcadia, etc. Most likely game should be called something else.
  3. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I was going to say that too. Throw in a few Yakuza and Judgement characters. A few Shenmue characters, and some of the Golden Axe characters too, like the barbarian warrior hero dude and dudette, a few other heroes, and their enemy Death Adder.
  4. Kidvid711

    Kidvid711 Well-Known Member

    I highly respect Fighters Megamix. I remember you can switch the engine between Virtua fighter or Fighting Vipers. What kept me going in the Sega Saturn days was Virtua Fighter 2 and Fighting Vipers. Virtua Fighter 2 had many customizations as well with the stages and health bar.
  5. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    Yeah. Fighting Vipers is a really cool game. Hopefully, they put 3d movement in the next game. Also, I really hope sega makes a Fighters Megamix 2, a sequel is long overdue.
    Kidvid711 likes this.
  6. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    I want those cutesy snow men in Fighters Megamix 2.:p
    Kidvid711 likes this.
  7. Kidvid711

    Kidvid711 Well-Known Member

    Notice they added breakable stages in VF5US. Its possible.
    beanboy likes this.

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