Discussion in 'General' started by samtheseed, Nov 4, 2007.

  1. samtheseed

    samtheseed Well-Known Member

    Bro! I just played this Lei-Fei guy on Ranked VF, he was a total noob and I almost lost with his cheap tactics. Then I create another match and he plays me again, AND WINS! I was so pissed man, and I thought how bad i wanted to curse him out and give him some shit, but i thought to myself "Damn, this guy sucks. I should teach him instead... He'll be my pupil, and after he's done with my training I'll send him out to the world to destroy" (No lie i was in a little Fu Manchu moment) Anyways, then it hit me... Instead of putting players off when you see a noob, we should invite them to player matches and teach them. Train them, and then THEY will do the same for others, and in that manner VF will spread to the nations. Yea so lets do that!
  2. Cigar

    Cigar Member

    Or, maybe you should be more worried about why you lost to someone using such scrub tactics.
    And in experience online with DOA4, people don't like to be trained unless they ask for it.
    Some are actually offended.
  3. samtheseed

    samtheseed Well-Known Member

    I did ask myself that, and the only answer i got was that i got clouded by my fucking anger and lost.
  4. Gallows_AGUT

    Gallows_AGUT Well-Known Member

    Possible, but as a self-described Scrub, there's only a few people that I want to say that they'll teach me. Any one else, I'd strike if they were present. You're better off learning to control your temper to keep under control for the next time.
  5. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Mr. theseed - it would make a little more sense if you had CRUSHED the scrub and wanted to teach. If you lose to scrubs - you might want to seek training for yourself.

    Mr. _AGUT - you state you'd strike someone for offering un-needed assistance and then recommend someone else control their temper. I don't really understand your logic. Also, what's with the coffee philosophy in your sig? If I can't rebuild my transmission - I should get coffee for the transmission mechanic rather than pay him to fix my trans? I'd end up with a broken trans and jittery mechanic working on someone else's car. How far does this philosophy get you in life? <span style='font-size: 8pt'>I won't offer anymore unsolicited thoughts lest I get struck when I meet you.</span>
  6. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Plague vs Eveyone else
    1 : 0
  7. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    I'd say it's

    Plague 2 : 0 Everyone else.... and it's not really everyone... nevermind :p
  8. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Struck by The Plague

    Plague, you are the VF people's champ.
    Plague for president 08, Colbert for vice-president!
    Sebo for secretary of offense /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  9. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    It would make life so much cheaper.

    Is anyone willing to mod a VSHG for me for a cup of coffee?
  10. Gallows_AGUT

    Gallows_AGUT Well-Known Member

    Well Plague, it's just a saying. I probably wouldn't physically strike them, but a few of my friends have been victimized more than once by random thoughts I push on them that I would actually litterally use to my advantage in such a situation.

    The coffee quote is from a funny webcomic I visit. The Outer Circle. I just thought I would share it with others.

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