I still Can't Do this Move After All This Time

Discussion in 'Lei' started by masterpo, Jan 19, 2020.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    After all this time with VF5FS I Still cannot reliably pull off Lei Fei's

    Rakan Shintengeki [2][3][6][P][+][G] from Sousai Haiken

    in a match. But come to think of it., I don't ever recall seeing it done online, or in a live tournament. Maybe I haven't been watching close enough. I have seen the AI do it in special sparring, but that's it.

    Anybody able to pull off this move reliably in a match? Any body see this done regularly by any Lei Fei players? How much damage does it do? Is it safe:ROTFL: I don't know since I can't pull it off:ROTFL:

    Maybe if I switch to the pad:eek:
    beanboy likes this.
  2. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    I have pulled it off a few times in offline matches.
    masterpo likes this.
  3. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    @beanboy wow., you must be pretty good.:LOL:

    I literally can't pull the damn move off consistently, not even in the dojo:ROTFL: Its a beautiful move too. I would love to be able to pull it off during matches even if it was blocked and I was left at -10 disadvantage:ROTFL:

    The AI pulls it off against me from time to time (but rarely) And I don't believe I've ever seen it in an offline or online match between two human players.

    Does every character have a hard move like this :confused: I only play with Lei Fei so I haven't studied the other character's move sets.

    Did the developers make this move so difficult on purpose so that only very highly skilled players can pull it off., or am I more of a scrub than I originally thought:LOL:

    @beanboy did you pull it off using a stick or the pad?
  4. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    I pulled it off on pad a few times.
    masterpo likes this.
  5. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Did you pull it off in an actual match against a high level player:eek:
    beanboy likes this.
  6. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    Nah! On a beginner player, who was spamming attacks.

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