I REALLLLLY need help with Kage-Maru,

Discussion in 'Kage' started by superdeeduper1, Sep 28, 2002.

  1. Can anyone help me with cambos an general tips cuz i really need to whup my friend wit some one cool <font color="red"> </font color>
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Hi. Normally I'd tell you "use the %^$&%@$@!!@! search button" but since I just got done working on the kage section of my faq, here's the best Kage combos:


    TFT (b+P+G) followups (scammed from UK-GUY! thank you for your dedication)

    >>>AKIRA or JACKY<<< FC,f+K -> d+P+K -> db+P,K,G -> ub+K+G [83 pts]
    [the db+PKG is a swipe punch, going into a canned kick, then the kick is
    canncelled. doing the cancelled kick followup lets you recover faster than doing
    db+P by itself]

    SAFE VARIATION: FC,f+K -> db+P,K,G -> f+K+G -> df+K (ground attack)
    [The first combo can be QR'd and then kage can be punished during the recovery of his kickflip. This combo cannot be punished. [?? pts]

    >>>JEFFRY<<< FC,f+K -> d+P+K -> ub+K+G [80 pts]

    >>>WOLF<<< FC,f+K -> P -> d+P+K -> ub+K+G [80 pts]

    >>>KAGE or LEI-FEI<<< FC,f+K -> P -> f+P+K -> ub+K+G [80 pts]

    >>>LION or VANESSA<<< FC,f+K -> f+P -> ub+K+G [84 pts]

    >>>LAU or SARAH<<< FC,f+K -> b+P,K -> d+P+K,K [83 pts]

    >>>SHUN DI<<< d+P+K -> P -> FC,f+K -> ub+K+G [80 pts]

    >>>PAI or AOI<<< d+P+K -> FC,f+K -> d/b+P,K,G swipe -> kickflip. [83 pts]
    [the above is damned hard, and you can much more easily perfect:
    d+P+K -> FC,f+K -> ub+K+G [80 pts]
    For the 'best' combo, this is what I go with. The three extra points for the
    swipe combo isn't worth the gamble of messing it up]

    TFT -> FC,f+K -> P -> P -> f+K+G -> df+K (ground attack)
    [The above is one of several TFT combos that you can end in f+K+G -> ground attack
    for close to 80 pts of damage. You can try this vs. opponents who aren't paying
    attention: f+K+G, d+K, df+K (ground attack)]

    Another combo of this type that works up to (Jacky?):
    TFT, d+P+K -> b+P,K -> P -> f+K+G -> df+K (ground attack)

    >>>ALL<<< d+P+K -> P -> d+P+K -> f,f+P+K+G
    [This is the best distance TFT combo because the opponent, upon getting hit by
    the f,f+P+K+G, starts to fall onto kage's body. However the game doesn't allow
    them to pass through your body, so while kage keeps moving forward, their body
    is shoved along for the ride. Then when kage lands, they slide off the front of
    his feet. Overall distance is enough to ring out from almost the middle of the
    ring on most stages]

    TFT -> kickflip (near)
    TFT -> d+P+K [P] -> kickflip (further)
    TFT -> d+P+K -> P -> b+P,K (furthest for most opponents)
    TFT -> d+P+K -> P -> P -> b+P,K (furthest vs. lightweight opponents)
    [These are the best combos to ring out over low walls]

    df+P followups
    >> db+P,K,G -> d+P -> ub+K+G [72 pts]
    [LW, closed stance]
    >> P -> f+K+G -> df+K (ground attack) [76 pts]
    [LW, open stance]
    >> f+K+G -> df+K (ground attack) [76 pts]
    [MW up to lau, open stance. Delay ground attack for max damage]
    >> db+P,K,G -> ub+K+G [73 pts]
    [HW, closed stance]
    >> P -> ub+K+G [64 pts]

    FC,D/F+P followups
    >> F+P -> f,d,df+P [54 pts]
    [LW, in closed stance you can do F+P, d+P+K,K for the same damage]
    >> F+P -> F+P -> d+P+K,K [52 pts]
    [Vanessa, Lau, Kage only, closed stance, normal hit or minor counter]
    >> b,b+P -> TT P,K,G -> ub+K+G [75 pts]
    [Shun, Lei, Sarah, Lion, MC, open stance]
    >> F+P -> d+P+K,K [54 pts]
    [MW, closed stance]
    >> F+P -> FC,df+P [44 pts]
    [MW, open stance, this is the best I can find vs. akira, but a lighter
    midweight might get hit by the closed stance combo]
    >> [HW has no followups]

    uf+K+G followups
    >> d+P -> F+P -> f,d,df+P [81 pts] *
    [LW, open stance, for a more reliable 78 pts do d+P -> b+P,K]
    >> d+P -> db+P,P,K [76 pts]
    [LW, closed stance. In open stance one punch misses, bringing damage to 72]
    >> d+P -> f,d,df+P [73 pts]
    >> u+P (pounce) [70 pts]

    jumonji K+G followups
    >> df+K+G [65 pts]

    TT P+K,K followups
    >> f+K+G -> df+K (ground attack) [74 pts]

    jumonji midkick reversal followups
    >> uf+K+G -> d+P -> F+P -> f,d,df+P [103 pts]
    [LW, open stance]
    >> f+K+G -> F+P -> f+K+G -> df+K [113 pts]
    [MW up to lion, closed stance]
    >> uf+K+G -> d+P -> DP [106 pts] *
    [MW, less damage vs. LW]
    >> uf+K+G -> u+P (pounce) [99 pts]
  3. KungPao

    KungPao Active Member

    lol... I've been using Lei Fei for a while but Kage is becoming my secondary character....you proly thought that was a big waste of a reply but im printing it now... ! plus the descriptions for the combos are nice, thanks!

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