I need help on a Lei Fei Dance

Discussion in 'Lei' started by tnpr, May 19, 2004.

  1. tnpr

    tnpr Member

    hello all i am a good lei fei player but i haven't mastered this type of dance of lei fei:

    [2][P]+[K]+[G][2] [8][P]+[K]+[G][2][2][P]+[K]+[G][2][2]

    i want to know is:what is the timing of this dance because i have tried it bunch of times and i can do only 2 for now....what is the problem?isn't there a trick to it?

    ohh and im sorry for this newbish question....
  2. Kimble

    Kimble Well-Known Member

    There's no trick to it. It's just like a drum beat. Try doing one or two at a time consistently and then by the time you can do 5 or 6 you've mastered it. It's a non-stop motion.
  3. Shaolin_Hopper

    Shaolin_Hopper Well-Known Member

    The trick lies in not getting confused where you are in the rhythm. Just keep working on it. The musical analogy is more apt than you know, since both hands are doing multiple things at the same time. It's like patting your head while rubbing your belly.

    It's 3 beats: ([8][P]+[K]+[G])([2][P]+[K]+[G])([2]) Just start slow, concentrate on your hands doing what they need to (i.e. skipping PKG at the proper time), and stay at that speed until you're not messing it up, so you can keep it going for 20 cycles perfectly. It doesn't matter if you're doing it so slow that he's out of bokutai before you go to IN. The important part is to make no mistakes. Once you have done that 3 times, then speed it up just enough that you start messing up the 20 cycles. Then slow down just a bit, and practice until you can do the 20 times perfectly again. Speed up. Slow down. 20 times perfectly. It's the ten thousand cuts technique - "Perform the cut ten thousand times perfectly, until you wear grooves in the air." After that, it will be a natural action, like walking.

    Oh, btw, getting the dance down is the easy part. Getting to where you can stop the dance in exactly which stance you want is the real bezatch.

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