I Deleted Tekken Update 3.20!

Discussion in 'General' started by masterpo, Jan 29, 2020.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    That update was really all about nerfing Leroy. I paid for Leroy, I like the balance he has. I've have cousins, friends, family that play Tekken 7 in 2 player mode and in single player mode on my PS4 and everyone was happy with the way Leroy is.

    Fortunately, I changed the settings on my PS4 so that updates are not automatically applied. So when I saw the download waiting I deleted it.

    I know that I can't play online without the patch. So what:sneaky:

    I'm pissed that as a consumer they try to update my game even when I don't want it updated. They constantly download patches which fucks with my data limits. If my online service charges me extra for anything over 1 TB of data, and Namco is constantly uploading 500mb and 1 gb patches every day, that sh!T starts to add up. I'm still looking for a the option on the PS$ to turn off all downloads unless I want them.

    Not everybody wants every patch. Sometimes consumers are happy with the game as originally paid for. Especially those of us who spend most of the time in single player, two player offline modes.

    I'm not a big Tekken 7 fan. But I do have the game. And I'm happy with Leroy and Josie the way they are.

    Sometimes patches/update F*CK things up and the consumer should be able to opt out, or easily uninstall the patch/update for games that have single player or offline modes.
  2. Dreamboat

    Dreamboat Well-Known Member

    Interesting strategy, posting this in the VF section of VFDC. Let's see if it pays off
  3. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    There's no payoff desired, I'm just blowin off steam. And there are those on VFDC that do dabble in Tekken from time to time:ninja:
    beanboy likes this.
  4. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Jason ELBOW AKT
    Honestly.. I only play King. They wont fuck with King so im good. I literally dont care about any other characters (well...I play a little Nina but my Nina is ass lol).
  5. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Thread has been moved to the general section of the forum. Please take care where you make threads.

    Leroy is still really good. To the point where Tekken heads i know are complaining that he wasn't nerfed enough. He'll be hit again very soon.
    masterpo likes this.
  6. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Thanx for the thread move. It was unintentional. Yea I hear many, e.g Lil Majin, TheMainManSWE,etc believe that many of Leroy's moves are still OP.

    The problem I have, is that I purchased the Leroy DLC and I was more or less happy with the DLC, and now Namco can at its whim or the complaints of other customers change or remove the features of my purchased DLC, without my approval.

    I understand balancing, and what it does for tournaments, and e-sports. I hear 6 out of 8 of the final 8 in some 2020 tournament for Tekken 7 used Leroy because he was OP. But not everyone who plays Tekken is concerned with tournaments, e-sports, or balancing for that matter. For example, me , my friends and family play Tekken during holidays and other occasions just for fun, and giggles. We downloaded Leroy and were more or less happy with our purchase. For Namco to then change Leroy's look, move lists, etc after we've spent our money should allow us to get a refund. I really don't give a F*ck about e-sports, or Tekken tournaments so why change my purchased DLC after the fact.

    Imagine buying a song off ITunes and then a month or two later Apple decides to change the lyrics, or beats of your song simply because many other people who also bought the song were complaining.

    Now Namco will probably be quick to point to the licensing and let you know that even after purchase you don't own the game anyway and they can do as they please.

    But for me this is an argument against cloud gaming, this is argument against digital only game distribution. The game publishers have gone too far. They can take my money and then change the product any way they choose after the purchase including completely removing my access to the product all without refunding my money.
  7. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    They haven't removed anything from Leroy and doubt they will. Just changed some of his frame data and hitboxes around. Leroy will probably always been good in Tekken 7 because of the large amount of tools he has. Really well done character imo. Was just a bit too strong initially.
  8. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    Why didn't they just give everyone in tekken some parries (that actually work), to deflect Leroy's attacks, instead of nerfing Leroy?
  9. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Is that a serious suggestion? What about all of the other characters who now get parried too? Leroy's issue is that he has lots and lots of very good safe attacks. Something like giving everyone a 'parry' wouldn't stop his options being better.

    They'll just normalise his d1+2, make his hell sweep not track, and maybe make his 1,1,1+2 string either harder to hitcheck or a bit weaker and he'll be fine. Will still be an excellent character.
  10. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    C'mon MarlyJay, you know better than that. Of course they removed "something" from Leroy. They removed "amounts of damage potential" under certain circumstances because changes in spacing they "removed Leroy's ability to punish, parry", or they "removed Leroy's ability to avoid being punished" Under certain conditions. You know that man. That's the definition of "nerfed" Damage Potential Removed, Escape Potential Removed, Punish Potential Removed, Attack Spacing lessened, Wall damage options nullified, etc. I didn't say they removed moves from his move list. But the capability that Leroy had under certain conditions is no longer there:oops:

    Please my friend we've both been playing fighting games long enough to realize they've removed something from Leroy. We might disagree on what that something is. But changing frame data and hit boxes around can amount to removing capability to attack, punish, parry or escape under certain conditions where it was possible before the nerf.

    Of course some argue that he needs to be "changed" a lot more. And maybe for the e-sports crowd and those who imagine themselves getting paid off playing Tekken that's true.

    But to my point, whatever you want to call it. If I applied update 3.20 to my Tekken 7 Leroy would not be the same as he was when I purchased the DLC. I want to keep the DLC that I purchased and not be forced to have some version that satisfies other customers who bitched about the DLC being to OP. Some customers don't give a sh!$ about e-sports or tournaments, and simply play the game at home with family and friends and should be able to opt out of balance and character changes once they've made a purchase.

    I think I had to fumble through 3 to 5 setting changes on my PS4 to prevent Tekken 3.20 from updating my version of Tekken against my wishes:ninja:

    If Tekken 7 was meant to be the e-sports/online only edition then Namco should have advertised it as such. Namco shouldn't even pretend to cater to the casual crowd who play the game offline with family and friends. If Namco is going to change my DLC after I purchased it, then I should have the right to get a refund if I don't like the change:sneaky:
  11. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Just a quick question, when playing Tekken 7 do you also avoid doing any combos like in VF?
    masterpo likes this.
  12. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Po doesn't like using frames, but doesn't like that Leroys frames have been changed. Po i know exactly what's been changed with Leroy. It isn't even that much. Nothing is now unsafe that wasn't before outside of d2,4 and that's gone from -11 to -13 which is still pretty damn good. He's still one of the highest damage characters in the game too.

    If you've been playing fighting games for a while you'll recognise that they're iterative. Characters change with different versions. The DLC era lets us get to those new versions faster, but this isn't something new as far as i'm concerned. We don't always agree with changes to characters, but if you like the character enough you live with them or if not you move on. In this instance more people are actually picking up Leroy as his most problematic stuff hasn't even been touched.

    You've not been paying attention then. It was specifically made with netplay and online in mind. To the point where the early versions of T7 even had in built latency to hide online play. I do agree you should be able to get a refund if you don't like changes though. You should contact Sony and ask.
  13. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    Well yeah. It was a serious suggestion. I wasn't joking.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2020
  14. legumelad

    legumelad Member

    Me agree. Dere shud be a spesifik tuul 2 deal wif 1 karaktur dat wil change duh n-tire gaym instead uf ballansing 1 leeroi.
  15. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    I don't play Tekken serious enough to even know:ROTFL: I do know this, the combos in Tekken are ugly.

    I only created this thread to make a point as a consumer. Namco announces Leroy, I then watch demo game play, and then after he is released I watch ppl play him, but I decide regardless of the complaints , the Wing Chun thing is kewl. So I buy the DLC.

    My complaint is with companies that can change the features of the product retroactively after you've already spent your money, and as the customer I have no say in the matter.

    Now, in this case I caught the Tekken update 3.2 in time, and deleted it before it changed my DLC. So my Leroy hasn't been nerfed:meh:

    You cats might not get it now, but you will. Where will the line be drawn:eek:
    Today its changing frame data. What's next? What if ppl start bitching about move lists?
    Will it be okay for Namco to remove move sets from you character:eek:

    What about stages? What if half of Tekken players start bitching about this stage or the other stage, will it be okay for Tekken Update 3.9 to remove a couple of stages from the game because high level e-sports players bitched and whined about the stage:eek:

    What about customizations what if a group of players bitched that too much of Zafinas and Josie's ass is showing in some customization and Namco decides to delete those customizations right off your system :eek:

    Like so many things in life, people really don't see the problem until its too late. Micro-transactions started just the same way. Many naive players defended the practice early on and couldn't see where it was all going. Now micro-transactions, game passes, etc have virtually ruined the video game industry.

    Its not that I can't handle the Leroy Nerf, (because they didn't Nerf my Leroy), its the principle of the thing. How would you like the car dealer that sold you your new car, to sneak onto your proper in the middle of the night and paint it a different color, because a lot of current customers were bitchin and whining about the color you had originally purchased?

    If they can change the frame data of your product after you've purchased it, whats to stop them from changing anything they want, move lists, customizations, music, wallpapers, controller assignments etc.

    Ivy's and Taki's titties were too big, people complained so we patched it in update XYZ.

    People didn't like Leroy's broad nose and thick lips so we patched it in update XYZ.

    People in Sweden don't like Leroy's Pitbull so patch XYZ changes it to a poodle

    People bitched that two rounds per match in Treasure battle was too much so we XYZ Patch fixed it, now Treasure battle is one round per match

    People didn't like story mode and the stupid ending in Tekken 7, so patch XYZ removes story mode

    Once I pay for it, leave it the F#ck alone, unless I explicitly click on 'update to patch XYZ'

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