i can't jump.

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by bfnh, Mar 21, 2002.

  1. bfnh

    bfnh Member

    okay, i know this is gonna sound like super scrub material, but, i can't seem to jump at all in this game. i have the english version for the ps2. playing it with dual shock controllers. using wolf & jacky right now before i try to tackle anybody "new." so, if i tap up, i evade, if i hold up, i initiate 8way movement (or, whatever the blue hell it's called)

    not a *big* deal so far, cause ive been able to progress to the 1st dan level with both characters (got the game yesterday afterwork), but, while attempting to go throught the training/ movelist, i can't perform the punches/ kicks that require late pressing of the buttons. if it's u, u/f, u/b+p, ime okay, but, jump ~ p is just not working for the kid.

    i've tried holding guard, pressing guard and u as well as the down/ up capcom superjump style.

    anybody have this same problem at home? or, is this a case of rtfm?
  2. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    Hold u+p or u+k to jump. Next time use the search feature or read the manual. Or even go through the training mode:)
  3. bfnh

    bfnh Member


    i have no problem doing jacky's elbow (u+p), however, doing the step straight (which requires you to jump then press punch) is giving me problems.

    it doesn't seem that i am able to jump first, then hit a button later. or, are you saying that you have to jump (u+p) then hit the p button afterwards for two attacks? is that possible?
  4. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: sheesh.

    eheh press and hold u/f+P or u/f+K to jump... as long as they're held down you don't attack. Let go right away and usually you get a hopping elbow or hoppy knife or one of those attacks. Let go late in the jump and you get nothing. To get the jump-and-then-attack-late attacks, you press u/f+P once to jump, hold for a split second, let go, then tap punch (or kick) later in the jump. So it takes two button presses to do the unusual hop attacks now.
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    How to Jump

    A breakdown of jumping in VF4:

    To initiate a jump you must input any upward direction (ub, u or uf) and hold Punch or Kick. So,

    Jump = ub+P or u+P or uf+P, and also
    Jump = ub+K or u+K or uf+K

    Hold the P or K during the entire jump if you don't want an attack.

    The point at which you release the P or K during the jump determines the type of attack. There are three points where you can attack during a jump:

    <ul type="square">[*](asc) - during the jump's ascent, i.e. as soon as you leave the ground. Press and release the P or K immediately.
    [*](mid) - during mid flight. i.e. slight after (asc) but before you begin descending. Release P or K around midway through the jump.
    [*](desc) - while you're descending or landing. Release P or K as you're landing.

    The (asc, mid, desc) are used in the VFDC movelists for jump attacks.

    So, the hold and release method is the basic way of performing jump attacks. But there's a point worth noting. You can initiate the jump by, say, holding the P button and then performing the jump attack by pressing the K button at the desired point. And vice versa.
  6. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: How to Jump

    oh. I couldn't get hold'n'release to work for the ugly landing thrust punches, but that's probably just me.
  7. Triple Lei

    Triple Lei Well-Known Member

    Re: How to Jump

    Er, do people really use those weird hop punches and kicks, or are they just there because AM2 couldn't be bothered to remove them, or what? (kinda like 10-strings in Tekken I suppose)

    I know I saw chibita do something like that in this old VF3 clip I had (Lion VS Wolf).
  8. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: How to Jump

    yes...it's actually useful!

    Hop over rising low sweeps
    Hop over tricking ur opponent into guard---> throw, low thow etc etc

    It's all abt conditioning
    Quite a fun move to use
  9. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: How to Jump

    Hopping in general is quite useful. It's not really encouraged to people learning the game, and more or less, it's something that has risk and isn't required to do. But it has its uses.

    Some people have used hops to nail low throws. Omaha Jeffrey was quite good at this if I recall. Opponent goes for a low attack, you hop over it, low throw (or stagger, etc...).

    Some people use hops to retreat in a sort of safe way, particularly hop away kick. You want the kick to be the kick that occurs during the hop and not after it. It's a sort of safe way to run away from the opponent, creating space.

    Another use of the hops is character specific. Some characters have particular advantages to hop attacks. In recent Daioh clips, you will see some Lau players (maybe just the same one) abusing the u+K hop kick. With regards to VF4, a MC hop kick creates a nice float which is abusable by Lau (check the clip and see). Against early anticipated low attacks, this is excellent.
    *As a side note, STA783 from Chicago's Lau had its own sort of flowchart from the hop kick which I particularly liked with a nice low attack option in f,d+K.

    Some people use hops as option select in the pounce situations. I don't know how valid this is anymore, but I assume it still is. Hop away with ub+P when opponent is on the ground at a time right after they could have tech rolled, hold P and don't let go. If the situation is valid for a pounce, you should get a pounce (but there's a chance they can struggle depending on situation). If they tech rolled or quick rolled or got up that early somehow, you'll just hop away.

    Hops and hop attacks can be used against throws and low attacks overall (the first example implied low attacks). Opponents can't throw a hopping opponent.
    *In an example that I like from VF3tb, STA783 (Lau) vs. Mr. Bungle (Kage)--Kage goes for f+P+G, Lau escapes and then dashes in to do a back throw (or was it a side throw?) on Kage, Kage has his back turned but does uf+K hop kick and avoids the back throw.

    Anyways, just some examples of how hops were used. In addition, the huge jumps and jump attacks a lot of people loved to rip on had their applications too in VF3tb and previous VF games. Just let me know in private if you are interested in hearing about some of them.

  10. a_l_e_x

    a_l_e_x Active Member

    Re: How to Jump

    I thought I remember something like hop, land, and immediately a low sweep... Is that true, If so how to do it?
  11. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: How to Jump


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