I am - not - a lag-player

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Ellis, Nov 23, 2013.

  1. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    I am sitting here trying to cool down from another night of VF5FS fighting and sparring online.

    This will come out un-edited, and i will let it just become what it becomes,
    I feel a need to vent, explain, (or if you are so inclined you can call it "whine", that is up to the reader.)
    my thoughts on this.

    It started out great, got into a room, i was in a cheerful mood enjoying both defeats and victories.
    Reading opponents, getting a feel for in what situation they went 2p or throwed, or what strings or launchers they seemed to be using and so forth - i did ok and i was happy with that.

    Then, it came, like an all familliar lighting bolt from heaven - even if i have endured those before they always hit unawares - There was a mention of lag, suddenly any thing i managed to pull off, any good read, was because of lag.
    He couldn't move he said, all his combos "went down" and so on and so forth.

    Don't get me wrong, i can understand lag happening momentarily, but when that is made out to be complete and sole reason for me not loosing, getting hit and killed every fight - i just don't believe that is the whole story.

    On my end, i have everything set up as well as can be. 24Mb, wired, the PS3 is even DMZ'ed (it means the router let's all traffic through without checking the packets or block any unknown ports).
    I turn off _all_ my other internet capable devices, or disable their connection to the internet.
    - How much more can be done? - and furthermore, how much more do you yourself, whoever is reading this,
    do for making sure the connection is as stable as it can be?

    My belief is that, yes, lag spiked happens online sometimes, it is very hard to avoid it,
    But i also strongly believe that people just have their feeling of what should have happened wrong,
    they might have missed an input, they might still be crouched or just mis-read the situation.
    They might - gasp - even get their advantage/disadvantage frames counting off at times (no one is perfect)

    I just get the feeling that it is so exaggerated sometimes, when someone has a feeling they should have done better.

    This night, i am starting to feel my energy for trying to stay positive, keep improving my game and be a good sport about it, are running out.

    Let me tell you, when any fight you happen to win - get's attributed to lag - then that means that it is impossible for me to win. Fine, i am not a pro player, but if this is what i should make of this
    - then there is no point for me trying to be a part of a community.
    Not when everything get's a sour taste to it, any shared joys from playing the game get's moot, crumpled, and low-stomped to the ground.

    I do not like calling people out, i rarely even boast of any victories i have, and i certainly never call anybody crap, an idiot or anything else needless.

    But, just to make an upfront example:

    when someone like Steelbaz (raze-- on psn i think), casually in the shoutbox, one day chimes in to a discussion to say something along the lines of "Yeah prep, he is totally a lag player" and such,
    then what am i supposed to learn from that?

    To an actual point, i think i had 2 or 3 fights with Steelbaz months upon months ago,
    he mentioned lag that time - and i did understand and believe that he might have experienced that,
    something i also politely accepted in a message, and respected his personal wish to not engage in fights with me.
    I am fine with this, and i were also choosing to believe that is the case that time,
    in those 2 or 3 fights months ago.

    But back to the point, when he casually feels like he has to mention that, in that fashion, in a public chat, months after i even met him. it is such a letdown that i don't know what.
    Some other people i have casually met (and again, i don't care how the fights went) jumps on that train,
    and suddenly i find myself defending something that i cannot possible dis-prove.

    But i tried reasoning a bit, i think anyone but steelbaz himself commented on my "defence/wth remark" for his out of the blue remark.

    The issue i feel with something like that, is it feels like the casual remark tends to "stick" on me,
    like over a few wins online my reputation get's equaled to "lag player".
    In this case i can never redeem myself, any move i do, no matter how well i manage to time an evade, or pull of a input at the right time, or time a wake-up attack or punish, It is all always because i am a "lag player" and it "lags all the time"

    So, this night, it was dollomite13 or so that suddenly "couldn't even move".. even though he did, and just had bad guesses most of the times. and it was just to much. I told him that it was unfortunate, and alright then, and i thought it was settled, and it was again, until i won a few fights..
    Then another person in the room, after the first round said "yeah dollo i see what you mean",
    followed by "hell i will not chase him round if he is gonna be moving away like that"..
    And this was just the final straw, i did not feel one bit good about what that suggested.

    This far in my very calm but depressed rant, i feel i have missed half of what i had on my mind already,
    but i'll just leave this here un-edited,
    I don't know if anyone is getting what i am trying to explain, or understands where i am coming from
    - but i have atleast tried.

    // PReP, "the crappy lag player that cannot even play this game but just mashes and abares"
    Citrus, IcKY99 and PoisonKid13 like this.
  2. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    Man, don't let that shitty @D0llo13 and his cronies bother you. He says similar things to everyone at one point or another. He says these things to me, and you know what? I beat his ass over and over. He was so fed up that he refused to play me anymore and demanded that kyle play me (you know how he is, just sleeping in room for hours not playing anyone because scared) pressuring him to hop on. I don't need to explain how that went.

    Also to your other points, please don't be upset when someone from NA is telling you (EU) that it's laggy, on PSN no less. Also, keep in mind that "spikes" isn't the only form of lag, there's also the fact that there is multiple frames lost. Not being able to punish -15 with a punch for example. Being low thrown after a blocked 2p, etc. This form of lag is constant in shitty PSN connections. I'm a frame-tight player. If I can't punish moves, eat moves that shouldn't be possible under normal circumstances, defensive techniques don't work when they should, I sure as hell will complain; it's not VF anymore at that point.

    Don't take wins and loss too seriously online. If this is really important for you, play offline where people will actually care about it. Online is far more casual in comparison, and personally as a result I don't care about wins and people's opinion of invalidating it. Trust me, no great player on PSN online with self-respect gets haughty over this crap. Just play and have fun. If you want serious games, play full bar/smooth opponents in player matches or offline.

    Good luck finding good connections though, it's hard. Even people in my own region lag often let alone cross-region.
    IcKY99 and Ellis like this.
  3. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    Didn't read all of this, but read most of it since I got linked to this off site. You live in Sweden, i'm on the west coast, and there was frame freezing lag in all our matches. I don't understand how you can enjoy playing in matches like that. You say it ran smooth on your end, which is kinda surprising given a Washington State to Sweden connection on PSN, but ok, if you say so. You were attacking out of -15 and -16 which is perfectly normal yes, I gotcha. Shadow popped in chat and was saying how hideously laggy his psn matches with you were so I replied, you were there and we did talk about it at the time.

    I am sure the matches are fine for you within the EU, you should have plenty of EU guys to play with. If you insist on playing U.S players on PSN you are gonna hear about the extreme amounts of lag endured in those matches from time to time. Darksoul doesn't bother with matches from West Coasters, or some U.S. players because the connections aren't so hot. Which makes perfect sense.

    No reason for you to quit playing a game you like, or to be so obsessed about one comment.
    IcKY99, VFnumbers, Pai~Chun and 2 others like this.
  4. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    I'm going to assume that this post is in response to your participation in Dollo's room tonight?

    Lol, whatever dude. Don't take that stuff so seriously. It's a common theme that anyone that's repeatedly at the top of the room will suddenly get accussed of lagging or something. Dollo will chime in with the usual "Look at that!? Look how long he was floatin' there! That ain't normal..." Everyone will put in their remarks on lag or whatever, and the room will continue.

    P_Rep I've played you countless times. And yea, that US/EU connection isn't the best, but whatever, it's all in good fun man. Don't let the salty complainers/whiners/bitchers ruin your fun.

    BTW, good games tonight in the room (despite the bitching and moaning about your connection). Your Vane has leveled up quite significantly...
    bruciethebeast, IcKY99, Ellis and 8 others like this.
  5. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    Prep@ bro pls dont take that so seriously. Im also a complainer about lag, im sure all of ppl are when lag is noticeable but dont take that so seriously. For example 2 days ago when we played i complained about lag but that had nothing to do with your playing or mine. Like everyone said at lag some things are kinda frustrating if you want to play the game like you should or want. Im pretty common with the lag cause the place where i live is kinda far almost to everyone , but even with lag i have ggs with everyone and ofc with you and we discussed it in pm later if you remember :) So pls dont quit the game cause of this. Its a shame.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2013
    Ellis, Shinobi and shadowmaster like this.
  6. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I have played some good connections on PSN to europe just not lately but that didn't take away from my fight with you too. I will just say this take some time to think and don't rush yourself. If you say you want to quit do it after you thought about it throughly first. Remember what i said about you being yourself no matter what right remember that
    Ellis, PoisonKid13 and Titantony like this.
  7. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    Man, I feel genuinely sad that this got to you so much that you're considering withdrawing completely. Please don't quit the game over those remarks. I hear you though, living in Japan I've had more than a few people complain about the lag. Some sting a little so I don't play them anymore and instead look for people with whom I have a decent connection with.

    I know you must be pissed now but I hope you can remember the good times with the people that made VF fun for you in the first place. We've had some great games before, and you really pushed me to get better so it would be a real shame to see you go, man. :(

    By all means, take some time off from the game, it'll do you good. I'll still be around for GGs when you get back.

    So yeah people, be considerate. Spare a thought. A lot of us don't realize how much/badly we lag online. Even though we all have a right to complain we should think about what we say and how we say it. If I joined a room and people told me that I was dragging it down, if I would leave with no hard feelings whatsoever. If I was cussed out and told to gtfo or whatever I'd be pissed too.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2013
    Ellis, PoisonKid13 and Shinobi like this.
  8. Titantony

    Titantony Member

    i believe ive faced ur vanessa a few times in the past an dont recall your connection being unplayable.. this is online an lag comes with it. with that said, most should expect it an if not your opponent has the option of declining your match or not. like others have mentioned above, dont allow folk to chase you away from a game you enjoy..
    IcKY99, Ellis and PoisonKid13 like this.
  9. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    The sad irony is, on that type of wired line speed, over Live, within Europe or even against some USA EC players, the matches would be pretty smooth. Guess some gamers just can't get over their blind prejudice towards certain console manufacturers :confused: It's a shame.

    Literally typing this while playing a Finnish Taka in a stable XBL room. I'm only losing because I'm not thinking with Shun, and the guy is a good Taka player. The way it should be, not bs lag losses or even victories over and over that just leave you hating the whole wretched experience.
  10. Darksoul173

    Darksoul173 Well-Known Member

    Hmm yeah if you insists on entering the matrix and playing against players from the other side of the world and call it proper VF than yeah you're a lag player
    If you dont want to be called a lag player dont play against players from the west coast and further
    steelbaz likes this.
  11. PoisonKid13

    PoisonKid13 Well-Known Member


    Why cant we all get along?!

    If its not lag, its another thing. I wish we can all just play the game.... P_ReP, I love fighting you man, don't let that get to you, trust me, he is NOT worth it. I've been dealing with this because I play on wireless; complaints about my connection and my wireless don't get to me anymore, if they cant play the game for fun, then fuck 'em. I have no choice in the matter of my wireless, I'm 17, I don't even have the money to go out and get a router of my own. You are playing from Sweden correct? Not everyone has the same situation at home is what I'm trying to get at. If lag is that detrimental to peoples attitude toward this game and others, that's sad. I try to play for fun, but even in those rooms, I get so pissed off at the remarks as well.

    Not everyone lives right next door to each other, there's going to be problems regardless. I personally don't feel lag with you Rep, and even if I do, I wont shout out to the heavens about connectivity.

    + Sorry about any inconvenience I have caused. Since these guys wont say sorry, I'll say it for them. You are ALWAYS welcome to play with me and the others, if you don't, I understand. Just don't let those crabby bitches ruin your mood. I want you to stay you're upbeat self, you have a cool personality when it comes to this game, don't let the bad apples change you.
    IcKY99, Ellis, Modelah and 1 other person like this.
  12. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    I am thankful for the comments and all.

    It was just a bit to much going on piled on top of eachother.
    And yeah, i know that lag can mess up ones input at times - i feel it happening too at times. I am merely saying that i think it get's exaggerated as a cause for a loss sometimes, and some of the situations can also possibly be because one did not do the input they thought they were doing, even looking back at a replay of a fight.
    This is sometimes though, i am talking quantity here.

    To be honest.
    If i can succesfully evade, attack back after blocking, or react to a 2p with a knee - then so can the other person. <-- simplified example.

    And yes, they way "lag player" have been used, has been in the context and form that means "player that cheats/uses lag to win without even knowing how to play the game",
    - And i certainly do not take a remark like that well, and i just couldn't let that float around forever without trying to express my thoughts on this.

    (All that being said, i can easily, and i always do, politely accept to not engage in fights with someone if the person did feel that the connection was not as stable as he/she would have liked - simple as that)

    I think i need a rest from the forums or the general community though,
    i will not cease enjoying a game i have liked since the first VF4 for PS2.

    Thanks again for the comments everyone - no matter how you all individually feel or think of what i am expressing, any opinion given are of course equally entitled
    - and i will try to cut it here and not waste forum space for re-iterating more on my very human feelings.

    shadowmaster likes this.
  13. oneida

    oneida Long Arm of the Lau Silver Supporter

    put out the call - ring dem bells. find local players. everything changes.

    but don't force yourself to play if it's not fun for you anymore.
    Ellis likes this.
  14. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    I m a lag player and proud. I mean, who honestly didn t ever do a move even at -4 knowing that thks to lag it will connect... Playing IRL is a different way to play than online, everybody knows that, and imo ppl who talk shit about using lag are just the same guies who shut their mouth when they win thks to lag...
    IvorB, PoisonKid13 and Sozos like this.
  15. Riq

    Riq Well-Known Member

    Damn, I'm trying to read this thread some of these comments are long as fuck lol... But any who, Sega we're still waiting for that mute button. This will shut all the bitchassness up and make the game more enjoyable lol
    bruciethebeast, IcKY99, Ellis and 2 others like this.
  16. PoisonKid13

    PoisonKid13 Well-Known Member

    I'm just so sick and tired of the "Elitist" that think just because they have a wired connection that they can say ANYTHING to others that don't. Its an extremely shallow mindset. They look like complete and utter assholes. Not playing you at all because the connection wasn't good? Thats kinda shallow. They know who they are, because they are the only bitches who talk about it and the never shut up. Its fucking annoying. No one should put up with it, and no one deserves it. The worst thing is is that they know each other and they sit here and like EVERY little comment they make regarding lag. Its shameful and its quite childish, they are only making VFDC look worse and no one is moving forward.
  17. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    If you can only play wirelessly over PSN, then essentially, you are limiting yourself to players within the same state, or a small size country, which even then, will probably be laggy. Anything else is kind of unfair on the other guy.
    When we talk about wired connections, and internet packages, it often isn't intended as elitism, but rather merely guiding people towards the best way of playing VF over the internet. Because of course, for many people now, there is no real regular offline scene for them, so you may as well try to make the online experience fair and enjoyable.

    I can verify that even on FiOS, trying to play the west side of North America from Europe, over PSN, is probably going to be a 1bar/dark green at best, which in my view, largely renders the game unplayable. You will drop your combos that you trained hard to do. You'll have real trouble punishing 17frame launchers that miss. Evades will screw up everywhere. It just becomes a really debased form of what AM2 intended the game to be.

    I remember when the regular VF5 hit the 360 around 5 to 6 years ago now. I was all set to play it heavily, like I play FS now, but I lived right by the sea at that point, and really couldn't get much of an internet connection at all. So guess what, until the situation changed, I just didn't play VF online. Some of you guys suffering out there now due to latency woes (that may be beyond your control), things can always improve another year, or indeed, down the line, so to speak ;)
  18. PoisonKid13

    PoisonKid13 Well-Known Member


    I understand what you're trying to say, but it still doesn't answer the original response. People here are being bashed and insulted just because their connection isn't as "Great" as you guys expect it to be. So the "best" way to play VF over the internet is to boot off everyone that don't have good connections? I don't know about anyone else, but it doesn't seem fair to me. There have been plenty of occasions where even yourself would just insult peoples connections that don't meet up to standards. If you want me to use an example, I would be glad to give you one. Don't get me wrong, I see your stance, but to me its unfair and completely bias on many accounts. You know what would make the game fair and enjoyable? Not pestering people about their connections and let them play the game. This is an online environment, there is going to be complications regardless.

    If I said anything offensive, I'm sorry. I'm just upset that P_Rep practically wants to quit the game just because of responses to his connection. Thats not fair at all.
    Modelah likes this.
  19. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    Well, at least you have the balls to admit you're on wireless: most of them don't, but it's obvious to those of us who know what a decent ping rate feels like for netplay.
    Still no idea what Prep was doing trying to play that far out though, LOL, but then he claims to enjoy playing Japanese grey-boxes, so I guess he's just not that fussed about huge in-game delay everywhere. Good luck to him, but as an occasional Vanessa player myself, it must surely make her cool looking hit throws almost impossible to trigger...
  20. PoisonKid13

    PoisonKid13 Well-Known Member


    lol Yea, me neither. I enjoy playing Rep nonetheless. And there shouldn't be shame in someone for them being on wireless. Its not like I'm going to get shot. As I said, I practically have no choice in the matter. But thank you for responding with courteous. Most people would take that as offensive and it wasn't intended to be. Maybe next time, we can talk under different conditions, maybe those of less controversial content.
    Ellis likes this.

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