How useful is it to learn Sarah's catch throws?

Discussion in 'Sarah' started by Sharp7, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. Sharp7

    Sharp7 Well-Known Member

    Sharp J7
    Well I was thinking of picking up Sarah but when I was going through her movelist I noticed she has a fairly large number of catch throws. I was wondering if high level players use these often, and if its necessary to learn them to be a high level Sarah?

    I always found hit throws a pain in the ass to learn. Especially 2-in-a-row catch throws like Sarah has .

    Also if it IS necessary which ones in particular are needed?

    By hit throws I mean moves like her p 2k k k from flamingo
  2. blossy1000

    blossy1000 Well-Known Member

    The hit throws are FL [2][K]~[P]+[G], FL [3][K]+[G]~[P]+[G] and forward slide [2][K][K]~[P]+[G]. The catch throws are from step ([P]+[G] and [4][1][2][3][6][P]+[G])

    I think especially FL [2][K]~[P]+[G] is pretty important. FL [3][K]+[G]~[P]+[G] I guess you could live without, but if you can't use either of them I think you're gonna have a bit of a hard time against people who like to stand block against your FL. The just frame kicks (FL [P][2][K][K][K]) are very nice and lead to a combo but not entirely necessary in my opinion, but they look cool.

    That's my opinion anyway, I'm not a high level player though.
  3. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    I'm intermediate, but yes you absolutely need them.
    I can't really get the FLP2KKK to land at all, I can do the other hit throws though. 3K+G>P+G is too hard to land online for me, I can land it offline fine though and it's a very good move. FL2K>P+G is very important and extremely easy to do, even online.

    They are very important aspects of her somewhat limited offense (a bit too limited imo). Don't know why they nerfed her so hard after 4, she is decent now, but still needs a larger variety of quicker moves. Some double handed attacks would be nice, quicker lows, more fast mids, more confusing strings, 11 frame jabs, etc... All her supposed speed comes from flamingo because of the + frames upon entry (unless it's a canceled entry). So yes i'd say her catch throws are VERY Important.
  4. Sharp7

    Sharp7 Well-Known Member

    Sharp J7
    Alright at least the just frame kicks aren't that important. The single catch throws are probably not too bad to learn.
  5. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    No they're easy, give the just frames kicks a try, but it isn't super essential or anything. The low hit throw is really important though. Wont be hard for you to get all her moves down [​IMG]

    Be sure to make some cool custom Sarah's [​IMG]
  6. Sharp7

    Sharp7 Well-Known Member

    Sharp J7
    Okay the 2k p+G is indeed really easy. I can't consistently get the 3k+g but its not so bad.
    I've been practicing the just frame kicks and they are still hard but doable, can't get it consistent though.
  7. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    Good stuff!
  8. R_Panda

    R_Panda Well-Known Member

    R Panda
    This thread should be renamed "How much stronger will I be when I learn Sarah's catch throws?"

    Don't give up on a simply mechanical technique when all it takes is practice.
  9. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Sarah's FL 2k > P+G is friggin immportant. Simple as that. The other ones only become important when you learn to use them correctly, as being able to throw your opponent at will is invaluable.

    But her FL 2K > P+G is way too important to her pressure mindfuck (aka Flamingo) to overlook. Once you get some significantly afraid of what you can do to them if they simply are blocking, then you open up her FL 3K...which is just a game ender...
    Manjimaru and Cozby like this.
  10. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    blue mouthwash
    does anyone know if sarah's neckbreaker drop(66p+g)is a catch throw? it is use out her default stance.
  11. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    It is not a catch throw. It is breakable.
    leftylizard likes this.
  12. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Personally I call throws that are inputted when an attack connet "hit-throws".

    FLA 2K!P+G is the most important one to learn, it enables strong guessing games that Sarah wouldn't otherwise have in Flamingo.(between this and FLA 3K)

    FLA 3K+G!P+G has applications mainly in okizeme and you can live without it.

    FLA P2K!K!K is also useful but I dont call that a throw.

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