How To Train ?

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by Lulu Lulu, Jul 22, 2015.

  1. Lulu Lulu

    Lulu Lulu Well-Known Member

    Lady and Gentlemen...... uhm..... how do you read and use the training tools in the Dojo ?

    I know I can get the Frame Data and Move Details for the character's right here but its actually quite fun doing it in game.... but in order to do that I need to be able to understand the Move Details and Input Details display windows....

    Also any other Dojo Tips would be more than welcome. :)

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    I've heard Alex Valle say some good advice in a stream recently. I think Justin Wong said something similar. It went something like:

    "You use training mode only for when you know exactly what you're training for."

    I'd personally say that if you don't really know what they're for, you probably don't need to use them at the moment. Just play some matches and have fun, and when you start losing, then you'll be ready to start using those dojo tools, because you'll know what you want to train.

    As far as for what they are --
    Detailed stats: Your standard FS dojo display. Displays the following info:
    • Execution - how long it takes for your attack to become active (actually hit your opponent).
    • Hit - combo counter (also displays if its a techable combo or not) and damage total counter
    • Advantage - how much frame advantage (or disadvantage) you have.
    Command Display: Pretty self-explanatory. Visually see in real-time on screen which stick/button inputs are being executed.

    Input Display: shows exactly when and how long (in frames) that you are pressing/holding a button and/or direction. The number in grey # of frames when no inputs are registered, and yellow is # of frames if inputs are registered.
    Ellis, KrsJin, jimi Claymore and 4 others like this.
  3. Lulu Lulu

    Lulu Lulu Well-Known Member

    Well I'm I'm not exactly training so much as I am just experimenting since I literally have less than 6 hours experience with the game.

    All right so I'm trying to find out how much leeway I have to perform Jacky's Flash Sword Kick.

    When I input [6_][K] I was hoping that the when I input [G] the numbers in grey would tell me how much time has passed in between those inputs.... however because of my sloppy execution I get successfull Flash Sword Kicks when the numbers in grey are between the 5~10 window....and that can't be right because the Flash Sword Kick goes active on the 16th Frame at the earliest.

    So what I want to be sure of is the numbers in Yellow.... to get exact amount of time that passes in between [6_][K] and [G], should I add the white number that I get from [G] with the Yellow number I get from [6_][K] ?

    I'm trying to get interval as far away from the 16th Frame as possible since thats when I get the Flash Sword Kick.

    I'm hoping that will give me some idea of how lenient it is.
  4. oneida

    oneida Long Arm of the Lau Silver Supporter

    it's good to think up exercises to practice... try practicing reacting to lows
    pick lion for cpu
    record 1 p,k, throw
    record 2 p,k, 6p
    record 3 p,k, 1k+g

    play back random
    let p,k hit you
    fuzzy guard 6p or elbow
    block 1k+g on reaction and punish
  5. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    I don't remember much of the options you can choose. But one thing you can do is pick one of the options to have the cpu react with a P, a mid or a low P after blocking a attack. Then you could see what moves your character has to beat whatever you picked the cpu to react with, wether you're in disadvantage or not, should you choose to abare after a blocked attack. You can see what moves you have that go over low punches n all that jazz.

    Setting the cpu to get up randomly with side roll, back roll, in place etc. and having rise kick at random and trying to block the high or low wake up kick on reaction, and also seeing your advantage on block and disadvantage on hit.

    One thing I like to do is record the cpu to do P, throw. Just mash throw after a P so you'll know the throw came out as fast as possible.. Then when I play it back I try to fuzzy guard the throw. That can help with your reactions when getting hit because even offline/in dojo, you have to react fast as shit to fuzzy guard a throw after getting hit by and even blocking a P. Like, soon as that P touches you, you have to fuzzy guard, hahah. It's pretty crazy.

    Just remember, you'll have to take the online factor in when playing online, since delay on your inputs online will vary. So sometimes P into throw or even a P, crouch P will seem like it combos, hahah.

    If I think of anything else I'll be sure to post it here. I don't really dojo scenarios and whatnot too much (which is probably one reason why I still suck at this hahah). Main thing I went into dojo for was to increase the speed of my inputs (I use Akira). I'd have the display where it showed the numbers and I'd try to dash around/do stepping and input all of my moves while trying not to let the numbers go past 3. I'm sure that doesn't help a lot with mind games and making correct decisions and yadda yadda. But I was more interested in being flashy, lol. I haven't done that in yeeeears though. I should start again cause I'm hella slower now :(
    Lulu Lulu likes this.
  6. Lulu Lulu

    Lulu Lulu Well-Known Member

    I don't play online... ;) not even in any of my other games.

    Normally I would say don't be so hard on yourself.... but since you use Akira then I would be doing you a disservice since he is very demanding character.

    My average input Duration on buttons is around 5~7 Frames. On directional inputs its so inconsistent that I can't even estimate it.
  7. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    That's definitely a blessing if you got people you can play some offline VF with.

    Hahah, yeah man. I figure since most of his moves require multiple inputs, the faster I can bust em out in the neutral game, the better my chances of landing first. Should me and the other guy attack around the same time.. Plus it just looks cool to do his moves and move around really fast, hahah :)
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2015
    Lulu Lulu likes this.
  8. oneida

    oneida Long Arm of the Lau Silver Supporter

    Lulu Lulu likes this.
  9. Lulu Lulu

    Lulu Lulu Well-Known Member

    I skimmed over the first page and the word Tournament was never mentioned once. :( theres barely any official Tournaments.

    But its good to know theres a community :LOL:. I just might intergrate myself there.
  10. Lulu Lulu

    Lulu Lulu Well-Known Member

    Okay one last thing.... this is one move from the Input Display, [6_][K]:[G]
    Its Jacky's Iaigeri (Flash Sword Kick) performed by the AI.
    All right so the Numbers in black would be white in the input display.... and the numbers in red would be yellow in the input display.
    So what I'm trying to figure out is the duration inbetween the [6_][K] and [G] inputs. I know the 13 is the follow up frame..... but [6_][K] was held down for 3 Frames.... so what I want to know is:

    is the interval between [6_][K] and [G] 13 Frames as the display says or is it 16 Frames (taking into account how long the previous input, [6_][K], was held down) ?
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2015
  11. oneida

    oneida Long Arm of the Lau Silver Supporter

    usually you'd want weekly gatherings rather than tournaments anyway. The best experience anyone can get especially if they're starting out is just HOURS AND HOURS of matches with the same person, all in one sitting. It does wonders.
    jimi Claymore and Lulu Lulu like this.
  12. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member


    From the Input Display example you posted above, it is a 13-frame interval between [6_][K] and [G].

    Lulu Lulu likes this.
  13. Lulu Lulu

    Lulu Lulu Well-Known Member

    I'm so sorry to drag this on for longer than necessary but..... does that mean the game needs 3 Frames to register what command I'm trying to perform..... or will it recognize [6_][K] on the first frame it is inputted (the red numbers)

    I ask because I charted a few of my Successful Iaigeri inputs and one of them looks like this:

    As you can see my execution is rather Sloppy compared to the AI's and you can also see I kept [6_] Held down long after I pressed[K] (its a habbit you pick up from performing Consecutive Flash Sword in DoA since you can use up to 5 of them in a Row during certain juggles)... anyway my follow up Frame is 3 according to the input display. Which doesn't seem to add up because the Iaigeri is rather difficult to pull off and I doubt theres a 10 frame window (comparing my input to the AI's) that the game gives you to press [G].

    However..... if I factor in the duration I held down [6_][K] and [6_] plus my follow up frame (which was 3) then it adds up to 16 just like the AI's. I never include the red numbers for [G] because I doubt the game cares how long I hold it.... just as long as its 15~16 frames after [6_][K] is registered (which I'm assuming is on the first frame.... not the third)

    Because on my chart, which consists of 16 Iaigeris, the follow up frames by themselves are in the 2~8 ranges making it a 6 Frame window to press [G].... but if I factor in input duration (the numbers in red) I get a total follow up of 16 on half of them and 15 on the other half..... meaning its a 2 Frame Window at the most.... which seems to coincide with how difficult they feel.

    I also charted 2 unsuccessful Iaigeri inputs and using my counting method....
    the follow up frame on the first was 14 which gave me Jacky's Kick Cancel....
    the follow up frame was 17 on the second which gave me Jacky's lame [6_][K] Forward Kick.... LAME !!!! seriously though.... that move is useless.:cautious:

    Anyway you get the idea.... what I'm trying to say is the Grey (Black) Number only seems to give the follow up frame on the last yellow (red) number.
  14. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    Ah, I see what you're getting at now regarding Jacky's [6_][K]~[G] Iaigeri attack.

    Yes, the game will recognize the first frame you input [6_] and [K] simultaneously, then count this frame as the first frame of the [6_][K] attack. So in that example above the game will count a 7+6+3=16 frame duration before the first frame of [G] input.

    And in that first example mentioned you're spot on regarding the 3+13=16 frame duration.

    So it seems that 16 is the magic number when it comes to pulling off the Iaigeri attack.

    Last edited: Jul 26, 2015
    Lulu Lulu likes this.
  15. Lulu Lulu

    Lulu Lulu Well-Known Member

    Oh man I appreciate the Help so much.... I've struggling trying to read that display correctly. Looks like I was on the right track.... I just needed somebody to confirm..... and that special someone was you :oops:
    Tricky likes this.

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