How to practice Hit Check

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by BlueLink, Sep 30, 2014.

  1. BlueLink

    BlueLink Well-Known Member

    Hit Checking is a pretty important skill to have in order to play VF, and there is a really method or practicing it. Here's a video showing how:

    Modelah, BLACKSTAR, Myke and 4 others like this.
  2. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Before I watched the video I was gonna say that you can just use the nh/guard or ch/guard options from dojo, but I have to say I like this idea! I couldn't really hear what you were saying, but just watching the video to the end made things clear.

    Good stuff!
    BlueLink likes this.
  3. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Good stuff, BlueLink! As Krye mentioned, it's difficult to hear you talking over the background music, but you get the idea across.

    Does anyone remember the Hit Checking challenges from VF4 Evo? I thought they were the best, and unfortunately there's no easy way to replicate them in VF5FS without some carefully crafted recordings.

    The VF4 Evo challenge was basically:
    1. Perform your character's launcher.
    2. If it launched, then proceed with combo.
    3. If guarded, then perform a basic throw escape.
    The good thing about this simple exercise was that it tested your ability to successfully Hit Check for either result -- launch or guard -- and then respond accordingly.

    In the video BlueLink posted, there's no consequence for having the launcher guarded. One way you could try to introduce some consequence is to append a throw after each guard action. So the recordings would become:
    1. Elbow, Guard, Throw
    2. Elbow, Elbow, Guard, Throw
    3. Elbow, Elbow, Elbow, Guard, Throw
    To practice, you would guard the first Elbow, then respond with your elbow and Hit Check as follows:
    • If your elbow hits, attack with your launcher, then:
      • If your launcher hits, perform combo
      • Or if your launcher is guarded, perform GTE.
    • Or if your elbow is guarded, fuzzy guard (if possible) or GTE.
  4. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Nice dojo drill can i add this to my thread "dojo's exercice"? =)
  5. BlueLink

    BlueLink Well-Known Member

    Sorry for the audio issue, I started recording videos with this capture card this week, so I'm still learning how to configure this. But thanks for the response guys.

    Sure, no problem.
  6. BlueLink

    BlueLink Well-Known Member

    Sorry for the double post, but I added some subtitles so now you guys can understand what I'm saying on it.
  7. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    I believe you do not need to do the Throw (or even Guard) after tripple elbow, as this is there to practice HC into combo - if you are late with your knee or whatever, you will not get CH.
    It is just detail, but it will make the programming easier :)

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