how to make a game (from ps2 newsgroup)

Discussion in 'General' started by stompoutloud, Jul 3, 2003.

  1. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    1. Take TRAOD (Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness) and do the opposite.
    2. Repeat Step 1

    Why is it so fucking hard for you to understand?

    Stop hiring 15 year old kids as interns to create video games. These guys
    are still reading comic books and jacking off to Sears catalogs. All they
    manage to do is come up with stupid ideas that bore everyone except

    Most 15 year olds can't write a good story much less a gramatically correct

    Fire everyone at Team Xbox . They are all fucking idiots. The only company
    that understands how to make video games for MS is either Ubi Soft or Tecmo.
    Just keep paying them millions of dollars to make exclusives and bad PS2
    ports and you will be just fine.

    Here is another tip for MS. GT4 will be out next year and so will Need For
    Speed Underground.
    There is no point in making any more racing games. They will all be mediocre
    compared to the two games I just stated. Except for maybe Collin McRae

    And Sony, Get your shit together. Start forcing these developers to make
    good graphics. Look at Konami they didn't even invent the PS2 yet they
    understand the architecture behind it better than you do. SH3 and MGS3 look
    unfucking real, even better than anything Xbox is going to put out until
    Halo 2.

    That makes no sense. You guys spend millions of dollars for a bland texture
    game like Crouching Ass Hidden Faget and Konami slaps together Zoe2 with
    limited budget and an outdated MGS2 engine.

    I don't wanna hear this Xbox is better than PS2 BS. So what if it is? That
    is still no excuse for Street Vert Dirt.

    And Xbox if you are so powerfull why the fuck did MS let Metal Dungeon get
    released. Dear god what a pile of dog shit.

    Ohh lets not forget the all mighty PC that has Half Life 2 coming out.. What
    a load of garbage. Sure it looks mind blowing but if the game is anything
    like that boring repetitive, i have a rocket launcher that can even break a
    window, game play then it will be another big pile of shit. And who is going
    to play it? I'm sure I'll have to throw out my geforce and get a fucking
    Radeon 2 billion to play the damn game.

    Stop trying to impress people with stupid shit.
    Just make a game that is fun to play with a decent story.
    Think I'm wrong?

    The number one game in the world is Vice City and it looks like shit!
  2. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    location Florida.
    That about sums it up really.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  4. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Half Life is one of the best games of all time, who is this goon?
  5. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    don't know. got it from some newsgroup for the ps2 fanboys out there.
  6. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    It's someone else's opinion emp. I personally feel that Half-Life is the best FPS ever made (From a Single-Player point of view), but it is far from one of the best games of all time IMO.
  7. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I agree with you. While Half Life (the original) is amazing, I think the best game of all time (which honestly... nobody can name) should be something a bit more ennovative.
  8. SoundWave

    SoundWave Well-Known Member

    ya but back then half-life was innovative, just doesn't seem like it anymore cuz that genre's been done into the ground.
  9. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Half-Life not innovative, oh boy......

    Half-Life introduced:

    -complete first person perspective for ENTIRE game

    -oringal and complex jumping puzzles, far different from the run and gun of all other FPS's

    -the AI, they used tactics, multiple attack series, and even flanking maneuvers, not to mention that the AI Barney's would follow you around, and the grunts could lob grenades back at you.

    -the fisrt hour of the game you had no guns, all jumping and crowbarring, I wouldn't have it any other way /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

    -not too mention that Half-Life paved the way for the interest in mods, take a look at the amazing success of things like Counter Strike and TFC, Half-Life was made to be modded

    -There are millions of other things to post, it is no wonder that Half-Life is known as the ultimate "Game of the Year," it won over 50 GoTY awards...... /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif


    One things I do agree with though is that the game market could stand alot less of these "cookie-cutter" sequels, like the Tomb Raider games. This also happens with many series:

    -Tomb Raider
    -Command and Conquer
    -Mega Man
    -Mortal Kombat
    -The Sims
    -Mario Party
    -Most sports games too
  10. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Winning awards means jack shit in the eyes of an experienced gamer. All those awards tend to be from magazines that cater to the lowest common denominator. How many awards has Ikaruga won? Nobody will deny that the game is nothing short of incredible, yet it still gets forgotten by the press in remarkably short time, simply because the mainstream does not care.

    Not to say that Half-Life isn't a good game. It's just been outdone since it came out.
  11. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Zero-chan said:

    Winning awards means jack shit in the eyes of an experienced gamer. All those awards tend to be from magazines that cater to the lowest common denominator.

    Not to say that Half-Life isn't a good game. It's just been outdone since it came out.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Those magazines know more about videogames than you do, most of them are older than "video games," and have been playing since the first incarnations of VG's.

    Ikaruga is nothing compared to Half-Life, console games will almost always be inferior to computer games, so it is now wonder that it didn't win any GotY awards. Not to mention in the reviews for Ikaruga, they don't mention much about it being very innovative, Half-Life is the game that defines innovation.

    And seriously, from your "experienced" point of view, what games have "outdone" Half-Life?

    I shoud also mention that Half-Life 2 has gotten considerable buzz within our entire planet, most people who have played video games know of Half-Life (and have played it), not nearly as many people know of Ikaruga.
  12. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    It's been said a million times, and once in a post a couple of spots up - game magazines, and the mainstream public rarely know more than jack shit about games.

    Why I don't think Half Life was innovative -- b/c no matter how much kewl shit is in there, and no matter how fun it is, it's still an FPS. Doom and Quake both came before it.

    Ikaruga: I'll take this a step back to Radiant Silvergun. It's still just a shooter, but it's quite awesome, and the fact they pulled off kick-ass 3d on the "inferior" 3d machine is worth an award all of it's own. I still woudldn't claim it as the best game ever.

    In terms of innovation -- there's still nothing like Shenmue on the market.
  13. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    [ QUOTE ]
    And seriously, from your "experienced" point of view, what games have "outdone" Half-Life?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Deus Ex does a pretty good job.
  14. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Those magazines know more about videogames than you do, most of them are older than "video games," and have been playing since the first incarnations of VG's.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    PC Gamer is older than video games? I'm lost.
    Don't say I am unknowledgable about games, either- I scare *myself* with how much random gaming-related trivia I know. (Hiroshi Kataoka's favorite game genre? RPGs. Seriously.)

    [ QUOTE ]
    Ikaruga is nothing compared to Half-Life, console games will almost always be inferior to computer games, so it is now wonder that it didn't win any GotY awards. Not to mention in the reviews for Ikaruga, they don't mention much about it being very innovative, Half-Life is the game that defines innovation.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So THAT'S why the PC game market is dying a slow and prolonged death, and why publishers are abandoning it left and right! Because it's SO MUCH BETTER than what consoles have to offer!

    (must... resist... Daikatana... joke...)

    I think the last PC game I played seriously was a doujin shooter called Airrade that seven Japanese guys made from their garage.

    [ QUOTE ]
    And seriously, from your "experienced" point of view, what games have "outdone" Half-Life?

    [/ QUOTE ]


    HINT: Only FPS to ever sell even DECENTLY in Japan


    Would you like to buy a vowel?

    [ QUOTE ]
    I shoud also mention that Half-Life 2 has gotten considerable buzz within our entire planet, most people who have played video games know of Half-Life (and have played it), not nearly as many people know of Ikaruga.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Which is absolutely saddening. Treasure needs the love they have earned with that gem of a game.
  15. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Broadband internet connection: $49.95

    Repeatedly exposing your ignorance on VFDC: Free
    (aside from the damage to the forum)

    Getting rhetorically reamed by people who have forgotten more than you ever knew about video gaming: Priceless

    "Would you like to buy a vowel?" Bwahahaha! Well done, zero!
  16. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Knowing random crap about game creators is nothing about actual knowledge of how innovative or creative a game actually is, these people write about games for a living, you (as far as I know) don't, they are a higher authority than you when it comes to video game macro period.

    I don't think that PC games are exactly dying, but know the shitty PC games are slowly becoming a dead genre, and all the bad studios are working on the consoles (haha). Take a look at the most popular games, most of them are on the PC, Diablo, Warcraft, Starcraft, The Sims, Everquest (which racks up monthly fees), Half-Life, there are tons of others too, I am sure you know some of them.

    As far as Halo vs Half-Life, most people don't question that Half-Life is of course the more superior of the games, didn't you hear about E3, Halo 2 sucked, Half-Life 2 owned the entire fucking show hands down!~

    And also, it's not like FPS games in Japan actually matter as far as demography goes to influence an argument, if you want success in Foreign lands, try going to South Korea and hating Blizzard games, they even have a TV channel dedicated to Starcraft, a PC game that is more than 5 years old.

    And seriously, from your "experienced" point of view, what games have "outdone" Half-Life?

    Well obviously you are either too immature to post a game you think is fitting for this, or couldn't think of one. Halo most certainly can't be your answer, or you don't know Half the success of Half-Life....

    Category: GAMES


    Hint: buy a vowEl

    Halo 2 will be nothing compared to Half-Life 2, most people (who have extensive knowledge of video games) will testify that Half-Life 2 is the greater of the games.

    Zero-Chan, if you're such an "expert," answer these:

    -Why is Half-Life the only game to get more than 50 GotY awards?
    -Why is it that a simple mod of Half-Life turned into a gaming revolution? COUNTER STRIKE
    -Why is it that when I go to any store that sells video games, they have tons of Half-Life copies always in stock, including the various Platinum/Collector's editions?
    -Why is it that whenever I see a "best games of all time" list, Half-Life and Counter Strike are ALWAYS on it, and Ikaruga is never even considered for it?
    -Why would a game that is not good accomplish any of these things?

    Try answering those please, thanks /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif!
  17. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Actually Zerochan, you want to post scans of the payed freelance stuff you have done for magazines or should I?
    Empnova i advice you to check the interviews Zero and I did with Smilebit, AM2, Yuzo Koshiro etcetera, or read up on her meetings with Kataoka or Naka or a bunch of other industry greats and her reports of gaming events the world over.
  18. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    You too Fishie, if you want to join in the argument, answer these......
    -Why is Half-Life the only game to get more than 50 GotY awards?
    -Why is it that a simple mod of Half-Life turned into a gaming revolution? COUNTER STRIKE
    -Why is it that when I go to any store that sells video games, they have tons of Half-Life copies always in stock, including the various Platinum/Collector's editions?
    -Why is it that whenever I see a "best games of all time" list, Half-Life and Counter Strike are ALWAYS on it, and Ikaruga is never even considered for it?
    -Why would a game that is not good accomplish any of these things?
  19. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Empnov, let me counter that with another question.
    how many oscars did Citizen Kane get and how many did Titanic receive?

    Quod ead demonstrandum, i rest my case, you sir have been royaly owned.
  20. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    If you can't answer the questions that proves I am right by defualt, and wtf does Titanic have to do with Half-Life, NOTHING. If you think Titanic was bad oh well, no one who matters in the movie industry will ever care at all.

    The fact is that none of you can actually present significant counter agruments to my FACTS, you sir, are an idiot /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif.

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