How many VF5 Fights have you had?

Discussion in 'Console' started by masterpo, Apr 14, 2011.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Adding up all your characters, online, vs, and single player matches, how many total fights have you had in VF5?

    I used Lau to learn the stick and had a total 2136 fights with him. Lei Fei is the only character I really fight with and I have 7439 fights with him. That gives me 9,575 fights in VF5.

    I'm curious, is 9,575 about the number of fights a casual player will have? Or is anything under 10,000 less than casual play?

    I know my Lei Fei under VF4EVo had over 15,000 total fights. But I didn't take the time then to ask. how many fights is below average? How many fights until you're considered serious?

    How many fights on average do the real (the big boys) VF players have?
  2. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    over 9000. And increasing.

    (I also agree)
  3. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member

    I have many, many pants. I just don't wear them.
  4. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    I agree. More or less...19.
  5. wali

    wali Member

    lei fei 1500
    goh 2304
    wolf 2746
    then i discovered I can control Akira 5341
  6. Tiripsem

    Tiripsem Well-Known Member

    979 with Aoi and only 108 with Jacky. I consider myself a nub :3

    "Big players" usually have 10k+ I've seen one around 40,000 (Think it was Itoshun). In my opinion having just 5000 means you're pretty serious.
  7. jerichompm

    jerichompm Well-Known Member

    Online 51

    Offline adding all the quests with 60 characters on 2 profiles nearly 55,000
  8. Kobi

    Kobi 'Noh' One Bronze Supporter

    Not enough.
  9. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    how do u check?
  10. TheUgg

    TheUgg Well-Known Member

  11. I used to play with my friend every week, racking up wins and losses along the way. We had total of 200 matches, sadly it gets difficult to meet and chill nowadays.

    Oh and quest mode has total of 2400+ matches recorded (I ragequit....)
  12. Hyunster

    Hyunster Well-Known Member

    100 wins against the quest mode AI is not even worth as 1 loss against a human opponent. It should not even count in any serious discussion of competition.
  13. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    If you've had VF5 console version since initial release and when you add all your fights for all your charaters including single player, VS, and online and you've got

    Between 0 and 100 only tried the game out
    Between 100 and 1500 familiar with the game, casual player
    Between 1500 and 4000 VF fanboy, appreciates,game depth & mechanics
    Between 4000 and 10000 Serious, perfecting combos, & game mechanics
    Between 10000 and 40000 VF Contender, skilled in most aspects of game
    Between 40000 and 99999 Advanced Player, Highly Skilled, Dangerous
    Over 100,000 fights Expert Player, Total Mastery of all aspects of VF

    I was already thinking of exceptions to the above when I was typing it, but
    maybe the numbers describe how things are on the average... If you have less than 1500 fights you probably won't be a serious challenge for an intermediate players. If you have over 40000 fights an intermediate player would probably require luck to beat you. If you've registered over 100,000 fights on VF5 console at this point you're a beast you'll most likely easily beat all but the most advanced players [​IMG]
  14. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    I disagree. [breaking the norm, sorry folks [​IMG]]

    The amount of matches a person has played doesn't always attribute to a player's skill. Matches played and skill level can often be incongruous.

    Especially if you are judging one's skill by playing PS3 VF5 AI. Its been stated several times here that the AI in that version comes nowhere close to mimicking a human opponent.

    Masterpo, I'm sure you will be very humbled if you were to face against any VF player on Xbox Live. But since that will likely never happen that statement is moot I guess. [​IMG]
  15. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    volume+environment+natural ability=overall skill level
  16. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

  17. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    I realize sometimes my statements get lost in my walls of text [​IMG]

    But Shag about 1/3 of my matches played have been against the CPU. The other 2/3 have been against friends, family, students at Youngstown State University, Akron University, and Kent University, and a small VF scene in Ytown where we have many casual hookups, and a local tournament here or there.

    Shag, of all people, you should know, that matches on XBL do not trump matches in VS. To the contrary ppl who have only competed online, are often shocked when they meet a strong player face to face and the shenanigans that worked for them online seem to fail them in live competition. But I've also seen it the other way to. PPl who can win in VS mode, but then get unexpectedly beat by the CPU [​IMG] Shag, even you probably have a few loses against the CPU [​IMG]

    and I'm already humbled. I know what it feels like to lose to noobs, scrubs, intermediate players and advanced players. I have over a 1000 or so loses against ppl in VS mode. I post a lot about losing, because I lose alot [​IMG] No need to see MasterPo humbled, been there , done that.

    On the other hand, I noticed you have a PSN tag. At some point
    We will meet either in person (SOCAL someday) or when Sega finally puts out another console version for the PS3, and then my friend, we will see whether the number of matches played have anything to do with skill level achieved [​IMG]
  18. Tiripsem

    Tiripsem Well-Known Member

    I understand what you mean, Masterpo but someone can easily make a new profile and start off 'looking' like a newbie. At the same time, Shag; If someone legitimately uses their main profile and have a certain amount of wins you usually can tell how experienced they are.
  19. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    Personally I lost track of the number of matches I played and I don't want to count them all. The only thing that matters is how you play during the match not how many matches you played. It is in the same boat as a person's online or offline ranking, it means nothing period. Who you play counts somewhat whether you play humans or the CPU but in the end it only matters about how you play in each match. Superior human competition is preferred but we can't always be lucky enough to face that level of competition so you have to play the players available to you

    Once again this is just me babbling aimlessly. Why is this topic so important anyway?
  20. Dragonps

    Dragonps Well-Known Member

    I remember playing online with VF5 the first time never once losing an offline match with friends. Man I was brought down to earth with a huge thud, online players made my friends seem like button mashers. So then when looking at my win loss ratio on quest mode I realized that meant nothing and neither did my offline wins. Lets just say I've lost more than I have won online but since playing people like your good self's, and taking on advise I have actually gotten better.

    I might post on this thread again after a few years training lol

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