How Long will Sega support VF5FS PS3 online?

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by masterpo, Dec 30, 2013.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Do we have to worry? I just got the news that Sony is shutting down Socom and several other servers on the PS3, some way to force PS4 on players. Will VF5FS servers still be up next year this time? :-(
  2. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Socom is a shoot em up so it needs dedicated server to syncornize more players. But vf is a beat em up, it's a peer to peer game and doesn't need any server to syncronize 2 players which means that there's no server that can be shut down.
    Shinobi and masterpo like this.
  3. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Okay that makes sense (good news!!!!), but how do rooms work, when there are four or five players in a room? Is that all still peer 2 peer?

    So as long as I can find another VF player on PSN I never have any worries? that would be very good news...
  4. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    It should still be a peer to peer connection only this time the host is mirroring the matches to the other players.
  5. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Yep. There may be a point where the central PSN servers for PS3 go down though, which would stop people making those P2P connections, but i think that is unlikely in the short term at least. If they're using the same servers for PS4, then they could be up for a very long time.
  6. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    Yeah if the: "", remains in place
    then it should be staying.

    Though i wonder about the "", since the dns name seems ps3 specific, and it looks like it goes there first before connecting to the others for PSN in general.

    That is unless they decide to disallow connections from PS3's to that network in the future.

    (is it really the same used for ps4 Marly?, that would be a good sign indeed :) )

    Even more hopefuly, most PS3 games would carry over, either by emulation (through their servers) and streamed, bringing FS5 with them. (unless we, gasp, get a real re-release, or even the hopeful pipe-dream of a new game in the series someday).
    IcKY99 likes this.
  7. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I have no idea if they share servers, though i image it would be more efficient to do so. There are people who frequent this site who may know. Either way, i don't think it's going down any time soon.
    Ellis likes this.
  8. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    Yeah it do sound reasonable.
  9. perabove

    perabove Member

    VF is a P2P connection for matches, but servers would be required for a few of its features. Leaderboards, automatic matchmaking, rank status and the replay channel spring to mind. Hard to imagine any online component of VF would work if central servers were taken offline.

    As long as the PS3's network is supported it doesn't make sense to disable those servers - though it will depend on the decisions and resources of the company's behind making the game. 2k for example will take servers older than two game generations offline, so 2k14, 2k13 are live, but 2k12 and previous will lack online matchmaking or lobbies.

    It sucks that two SOCOM titles and MAG will lose their servers - SOCOM: Confrontation and MAG do not have a standalone offline mode, it's online multiplayer or nothing, meaning the software will be worth less than the disk it's stored on
    Ellis likes this.
  10. SenseiSD

    SenseiSD Active Member

    Ni hao to all VF enthusiasts.

    I have a question regarding VF5FS at PSN.

    Apearantly the game was removed from PSN store!
    Could s.o. confirm that?

    I am a XBL player and new PS4 and Vita owner and still hoped to find more VF5 players than in orphanized XBL at PSN.
    Well, now there is no more VF5FS to purchase and VF5 has no online play...but is still there...

    This said there is no more need for a PS3.
  11. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Just looked. VF5FS is still up on the PSN store, along with VF2. I can't imagine a legitimate rationale for ever taking it off :cool:
    Ellis likes this.
  12. SenseiSD

    SenseiSD Active Member

    Thanks for clearing this up.
    I checked it via PC cos at PS4 or PS Vita no PS3 Games will be displayed.
  13. SUGATA

    SUGATA Well-Known Member

    How SONY closing game servers on SOCOM 4 as example:

    Forum and Leaderboard on Zipper's site are gone > DLCs for the game are gone from PS store > Digital Game itself is gone from PS store > SONY announcing before 6 months about severs closing on the official forum.

    SO, i hope that VF5FS will never be removed from PS store.
    masterpo likes this.
  14. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Yea , that was F'ed up. I'm a socom 4 player and Sony is just taking game away.

    That's one of the reasons why to this day I just not a big fan of multiplayer. Game companies go out of business after you've bought the game and the whole community suffers. Kind-a like what happened to UFC 3 Undisputed. Or if the player count falls under a certain amount for a length of time, they sometimes just shut the servers off (BS!)
  15. SUGATA

    SUGATA Well-Known Member

    Nice to meet SOCOM fan here - i love SOCOM too! All SOCOMers now staying tuned for H-HOUR game from David Sears (creator of S1 and S2).
    Sorry for offtop)
  16. IcKY99

    IcKY99 Well-Known Member

    Well socoms servers are dead because Zipper (The devs) are out of businesses
    Ellis likes this.
  17. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    That's why I will think very very very seriously the next time I buy a multiplayer game.

    If the game doesn't have a two player, or single player that's worth it, I F'N won't buy the game!
  18. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    And that is why we should fear about VF too.

    Just look at SFxT on PC: GFWT is going down = no online matches because matchmaking needs servers. From what I gathered the fact that games itself are p2p will not save it, because without server no p2p connection will be made

    If Sony removes support for VF, the p2p matches will not help us at all :(
    masterpo likes this.
  19. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    For those of you that remember my rants during the days of VF5 when VF5 for XBL was online and PS3 never got an online version. At that time I said it was better to have a strong 2 player and single player mode, and to have a solid adaptable AI than to have multiplayer. Of course I was shouted down, flamed down, ridiculed, trolled to death and a million other ways to tell me to get lost. But now in the aftermath, of VF5FS, sure there is still a little (very little activity ) online, but who knows, even that could be taken away from us any day , any number of ways. That multiplayer (as centerpiece) strategy also contributed to barrier that keeps us with a small community. VF5FS two player and single player modes are weak to say the least. When a noob or casual player for that matter, gets destroyed (as most do) in an online match, because there's no decent single player or two player modes, many give up and go on to the next fighting game (DOA5, SC5, TT2, etc) LOL.

    One of the FGs that I play with my mates locally (fewer and fewer play VF) is UFC 3 undisputed.

    It's single player and two player modes consist of:

    Tournament Mode,
    Event Mode
    Player vs Player Mode
    Exhibition Mode
    Take the Belt Mode
    Defend the Belt Mode,
    Championship Mode
    Replay Movie Making (although slow) is second to none.

    Now the THQ guys that originally made /put out UFC 3 Undisputed are out of business. The THQ multiplayer servers are down (forever). But because the game has a super strong single player mode and equally strong two player mode I'm still getting my money's worth out of the game almost every day!

    I'm just sayin.... Multi-player is okay but it should've never been made the center piece of a fighting game. At best it should have been an add-on (DLC) IMO developers should have focused on two player modes, and single player and delivered a state of the art AI.
    you can take back the multi-player mode (its kewl from time to time) but it has serious pitfalls.

    If I had to chose between solid offline features vs multiplayer online, I'll take offline play every F'n timeo_O
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2014

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