How do you do Akira's knee???!!

Discussion in 'Akira' started by ElectricLeo, Mar 12, 2007.

  1. ElectricLeo

    ElectricLeo Well-Known Member

    Sorry, I'm drunk.
  2. NameOver

    NameOver Member

    You need to be drunk to do Akira's knee anyway. As I think you'll probably get about 25 people calling you retarded and demanding you use the search function, i'll be kind and tell you what works for me.

    I tried a couple of methods to get the knee out when I want it, first since i like to use my thumb on the guard button I tried the just brush your thumb across the guard button as you hit kick method - wasn't all that successful though you might make it work.

    The method I use now require me to modify the height of my thumb in relation to the finger i use on the kick button, then when i hit the kick button my thumb only touches the guard button VERY briefly. I find this works about 80% of the time.
  3. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    First, get two chopsticks. Place one on the guard button and one on the kick button. Using the chopsticks, rub the kick button lightly in a clockwise motion and the guard button in a counterclockwise motion. Say the magic words and PRRRESTO!
    Use sparingly.

    This method works 50% of the time, all the time.

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    If you do standard mapping of the buttons, then also add kick to your R2 button and guard to your triangle button. Next put your index finger where guard is at then bend your middle finger for the kick button. Then quickly flick the kick and guard buttons. It might sound crazy but it works at times for me. Hopefully you have an arcade stick, if you don't then you are pretty much screwed and the timing is pretty impossibile.
  5. SaiJin

    SaiJin Well-Known Member

    *scratches head*

    Would a Japanese chopstick work? I'm not good at using a plastic chinese one.
  6. Gebudiah

    Gebudiah Member

    I see that even now that Virtua Fighter 5 is released, people are still asking how to do this challenging yet useful move that is the Teishitsu Dantai. Well, here is how I do the move on the controller:

    For this I am assuming that the square button is guard and the circle button is kick. What I do when using the controller is that I use two fingers of your right hand, the index and the middle fingers. Relax the index finger on the guard button and the middle finger on the kick button. When you are ready to do the move, just quickly TAP those two buttons with your fingers at the same time then quickly release the guard button as you are briefly holding the kick button. If you did it correctly, the knee kick should come out.

    It took me at least 3-4 years in training mode to consistently do this move in the way I described above (for VF fans that would mean that I did this since VF4 Evo was released.)But trust me people, it definitely works if you keep practicing it in the way I mentioned. I ended up doing the knee with alarming success in every match I have been in using this method with Akira. I found it to work even better after you evade an opponents attack that have long recovery times. So give it a try and see if it works for you.

    Oh yeah, if you are confused about how I described how to do the knee, just visualize the PS2(or PS3) controller is an arcade stick. Always works for me since I don't have one yet,lol.
  7. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry


    -------copy pasted (ver.3)--------

    To do Akira's Knee:

    You position your index over "G" and ring finger over "K". Quickly made a downward swiping motion over the buttons but apply more pressure to the "K." If you get Akira's K+G you're putting too much pressure on the "G" as you swipe. If you're getting "K" then you aren't putting any pressure on "G" at all. Practice this motion and the knee will become almost second nature.
  8. Nik_S

    Nik_S New Member

  9. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    causing trouble I see lol /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif
  10. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    Wait, all of you forgot that you have to defeat sheng long to even stand a chance of doing this move! BTW why arent you having druken sex shun style?
  11. ZSS

    ZSS Well-Known Member

  12. lotrzyna

    lotrzyna Well-Known Member

    Im using the same method with just different set up off buttons - L1=K+G, square=kick, triangle=punch, X=block, O=P+K, R2=L2=P+K+G; R1=P+G
    Now you press square with right thumb and "scratch" L1 with left index finger, works perfectly. My personal best 11 times in a row with no effort .. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif about 80% of effectivity.

    And here is some useful sentence from me - if you really like to train knee do Akira's combo and series practice in VFIVevo - that way you will train not only a knee but knee in whole combos - contrary to what might seem for pad users its important to know how (have good hands position) to continue a knee with a combo.
    Doing knee after round won is quite useful training too ;-)
  13. catharsis

    catharsis Well-Known Member

    Step 1) Pick Jeffry.
    Step 2) Hit /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif


    It's just a practice thing. You'll get it down eventually if you keep working at it, but if you can't get it consistently (I certainly can't), don't worry. Akira's perfectly playable without it, and in most situations where you want to use the big knee, accidentally getting the /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif knee won't really hurt you.
  14. ElectricLeo

    ElectricLeo Well-Known Member

    Ok, I mapped all my buttons to K and the stick directions to G. Then I set all the buttons to autofire and twirl the stick around really fast. It even buffers in dodges, I totally recommend it.
  15. 001

    001 Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    i can do the knee consistently say around 80% of the time but sometimes i'll just get the regular knee even with the right frames and button presses showing on the frame counter in training mode.

    does this ever happen for anybody else?
  16. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    I've never seen that before.

    Just keep practicing it. November last year I was able to get it 95% (estimate, maybe higher), but I stopped playing Akira a while ago, I tried it and it is back to 70%.

    But like Maddy says, it is better to learn how to buffer /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif than any other move.
  17. powerincarnate

    powerincarnate Well-Known Member

    I love Virtua Fighter like the rest of you, but Why is the move still 1 frame Guard. That to me is an unnecessary difficulty in a time when it would help to expand the "market share" of this game. We know the majority of VF players will NOT buy a stick. That is fact. (at least in the US). The move is harder to do it on a pad. So then why not change the move. Plus, I here people saying things like, I can do it 50% of the time, which by any means, is very sucessful for the knee. But the problem is, When I need to do the move at a critical time, let's say, I have less than 25% of life and my opponent is also down to less than 25%. I can't afford to do a move that will come out 50% of the time.

    What would be the big deal of say..... 3frame g instead. I know plenty of time in training mode, when I fail, i often get down to 3, even 2 frames but just didn't get down low enough for the 1 fram G. It's either that, or simply completely change the whole way the move is performed. something like back forward K+G instead.

    Call me stupid, Call me a Noob, Call me a Hater or whatever, but I never understood the logic behind intentionally limiting normal people's access to what should be a simple move (after all it is NOT a combo, it is a combo starter/combo finisher)
  18. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    The logic is that it's supposed to be challenging and not be easily done by anybody. I know it might rock the foundation of the world to reveal the following information, but I'll do it anyway: Some people actually LIKE when something is difficult. They like the challenge of heavy execution. So why o why should they be denied that? There's plenty of characters to choose from with less demanding execution, so why shouldn't the people who want to play this way have characters that appeal to them as well?
  19. powerincarnate

    powerincarnate Well-Known Member

    While that is fine, I disagree in the decision. I think the potential negatives far outweigh the positives.

    Gametrailer said it best and that was in regards to online play. Why deny 90% of the people who will play the game, just to satisfy the 10% of hardcore fans. In the case of online, they mentioned that the hardcore fans wouldn't have even used it anyways so it further made no sense. I agree in that, when Joe Schmo picks up this game, one of the first things they are going to do is go to the training mode and see if they could do every move. THey know that they won't be able to do combos yet but in nearly every other fighting games, you should be able to do every basic move. From there, Joe will then battle the computer and his or her friends and get better on the fly. When Joe Schmo is ready to pick his character, chances are, he will pick the poster boy and the guy on the cover.

    53K in sales and a heavy dissapointment for a game that was billed as the Second AAA title on the PS3 later, I think it should be a wake up call. Now I've been playing VF consistently (not counting VF2), for a good 4-5 years now. But how do I explain to someone need that, there are some simply moves, and move strings He will NEVER be able to do. After all, there are some Akira move strings that I could only do like <10% of the time. These aren't even combos, they are part of the command list.

    Now please don't be offended for a different position on this, I'm not even asking for the character to be drastically changed, only to A. tweak some of the commands for some near impossible moves, and or increase the Frame that when the correct strings are pressed, the move is performed.

    I've been on this board long enough, and at times, people get angry when someone new keep asking, how do you do the knee. We are suppose to attract and KEEP new people. If something like this is a reoccurring problem, I think it means it should be fixed.
  20. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    You can turn it around: Why leave the 10% hardcore crowd out in the cold just to satisfy the 90% casual base?

    Anyway, I think this casual/hardcore debate is retarded and don't want to pursue it any further.

    Akira is supposed to be technically demanding, that's one of his most appealing aspects to many players, but you're basically saying "screw them, since I want it easy", when in fact you actually have a selection of characters that doesn't require just frame timing on moves or other equally demanding execution. So why not play them instead of trying to streamline it rob Akira out of one his main draws. You want there to be more understanding for people who find it to difficult, but hey, how about sending some of that understanding the other way? (and, it's not like execution hasn't been watered down enough for Akira already. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/df.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/df.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/df.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/d_.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif, anyone?)

    And, the knee is far from an "impossible" move. There are countless people who can pull it off near flawlessly all the time. Yes, it requires practice. Yes, having to practice doesn't appeal to everyone. So?

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