HORI Real Arcade Pro Stick 3

Discussion in 'Joysticks and Other Controllers' started by lumas7, Feb 27, 2007.

  1. lumas7

    lumas7 Member

    is anyone using this stick? I m thinking of getting it. Hope someone can answer my questions on it.

    1) Does it have turbo setting and what does it mean by turbo setting?

    2) is it wireless? like the sixaxis ps3 controller?

    3) Is it user friendly in terms of hooking it up to ur ps3 set or will there be connectivity problems?

    4) any techincal problems faced so far while using the stick? thanks alot guys for the help
  2. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    1) yes it has a turbo function but it's different than previous HRAPs. I havn't tested it but it has a button to activate it.

    2.) It's wired. A rather long USB cord.

    3.) It's very user friendly. Just like plugging in any regular old controller. You will probably have to remap your buttons for VF's layout though. (In game through menu, not physically.

    4.) No problems here. I have two other friends with it and havn't heard any complaints from them.
  3. NxP3

    NxP3 Member

    I don't have the stick, but from what I read:

    1. yes it has turbo, meaning you can program the buttons to repeatedly press the button just by holding down the button. Instead of jabbing the buttons like a madman.

    2. no it is not wireless

    3. since it's not wireless, it's usb and why would you have any problem with that, just plug in and go.

    4. the stick won't be compatible with your existing ps2 fighting games if you do have ps2 games that needs a joystick. You would have to have a seperate joystick to play ps2 games on the ps3. The only way possible if sony release a firmware update to be able to use on ps2 games on ps3...using the joystick.
  4. ElectricLeo

    ElectricLeo Well-Known Member

    Stick-wise, it's exactly the same as the Hori RAP, which means a really decent Sanwa stick. If you ever fancy visiting an Asian arcade, you'll find exactly the same stick on most machines, so it's good for that.

    If you're heavy handed (which is unlikely if you're into fighting games) then you'll probably not get on with it. But then you probably won't get on with VF either, I'm guessing.
  5. catharsis

    catharsis Well-Known Member

    Also - and call me a traditionalist - wired is good. I'm not real fond of the sixaxis randomly crapping out every once in a while (or needing charging).

    Mine arrives in a day or two, so I'll let you know. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  6. sonicspear64

    sonicspear64 Well-Known Member

    I agree... sometimes the Blutooth signal drops out once and a while. Most fighting game enthusiasts prefer wired controllers and sticks anyway! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  7. VFhayato

    VFhayato Well-Known Member

    be very careful of those sticks one just broke on me because the wires wasn't solder on right so i had to re solder it back in place and found out the wires inside are very loose
  8. ElectricLeo

    ElectricLeo Well-Known Member

    The buttons aren't soldered, but they shouldn't be. I hope it wasn't your stick!

    Also, one other plus with the Hori RAP3 is that if it does break, the parts are very easy to replace. I don't know how true that is of the VSHG.
  9. lumas7

    lumas7 Member

    well i just ordered the above mentioned stick at one of my local shops. I live in Asia btw. Thanks for all the useful information guys ^^

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