Hori EX2 woes.

Discussion in 'Joysticks and Other Controllers' started by Aldo_Calrissian, Dec 9, 2008.

  1. Hey there, been playing VF5 for a while now with my hori Ex2.

    However recently the stick has developed a fault. Basicaly one of my wired headset broke and the severed jack was stuck in the port. I managed to get it out but it seems to have damaged the port, basicaly none of my wired headsets work now with the stick.
    The headset is realy important for me as i hate to play VF5 online and not be able to talk. most of the fun i get from it is from talking crap(I suck at the game so calling my mate a massive dick after im destroyed is the only satisfaction i get).

    In an attempt to get around the problem i went out and bought a wireless headset. but the Ex2 seems to think i have a wired headset plugged in at all times so i cant connect the headset to port one. does anyone with a bit of knowledge, know if its possible to disconect the port from the stick so it stops telling the pad theres a headset in. as i dont realy need the port now its knackered and i have a wireless headset.

    I realy hope i can find a work around for this. I would prefer to build or buy a custom stick or maybe one of those mad cats SF4 sticks but there realy hard to find in the UK and im prety skint at the minute and also lack the knowledge to build my own. if i cant find a fix for this my VF5 days are going to be over for a good while.
  2. Well managed to fix it kinda. Just cut the wires and removed the port conpletely, at first it was still telling the xbox it had a wired mic connected but i found if i crossed 2 of the severed wires, that sorted it and i could use the wireless mic then.

    Who needs electrical experiance! just cut and twist together wires at random and bam your back in the fight! or at least your back calling your mate a dick when you loose the fight!

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