Hmmm some Lion stuff... (oki and others)

Discussion in 'Lion' started by Darksoul173, Feb 11, 2004.

  1. Darksoul173

    Darksoul173 Well-Known Member

    well just joined the board so i thought i will write some stuff about Lion i hope it will be usefull or atleast it will go into a nice discussion feel free to post any kind of commets good or bad, i just hope those stuff arent already written 128371398279 in the boards
    anyway lets go

    Lion's oki
    IMO Lion got one of the best oki in the game
    Stuff like [3_][K]+[G], [6_][K]+[G], [1_][K]+[G] [3_][K] [4][6][K]+[G] and more, lots of options here ill try to be a bit more specifc on what IMO is good to do in some situations
    1)After something that can combo into [6][6][K][K]:
    (stuff like [4][3][P], [6][6][P] and others), usuly the oppenet will either TR or stay down if he stays down i usuly stomps very simple and effecticve if TR u can do the following (most of them are starting with a CD)
    a)CD into FC[6][P]+[K] very usefull and it pushes them back if they block
    b)CD in to sidekick: nothing spiecal
    c)CD into FC[6][P] sometime it will beat the oppenet and it will give u a free juggle
    d)Dash into [6][1][P]+[G] i like this one its vanurable but it can catch TRers
    *)Most of the time its good to CD cause if the oppent gets up you got the oki options if the stay down you got the small stomp

    2)after stuff like [4][1][2][3][6][P]+[G]:Here your oppenet will be grounded a bit away from you and he can also either TR or stay down most of the stuff here are for the HCF throw
    a)[3_][K]+[G]: If the oppenet gets up with and high block/kick
    b)[1_][K]+[G]:Same thing follow up with[P]+[K]
    c)[6_][K]+[G]:If the oppent blocks low or getting up with a low kick and its pretty safe on block
    d)Dash forward [6][1][P]+[G]: Again can catch TRers but its vaunrable
    e) Dash forward and throw: Oppenet blocks and you got a throw i like to do another HCF throw
    f)Dash forward, block, throw:Here you bait your oppenet to get upwith a high kick than you block it and enter the throw kinda usefull
    g)Dash forward, stop,[K]~[G], move/throw= Dash forward stop at a safe distance (not far ofcourse) connfuse them with the kick cancel and go for a throw or a move i like to use [3_][P][P]
    h) Dash forward,[4_][P]+[K]+[G]:pretty cool

    Anyway ithink i covered some oki options in this post ill add more stuff that are not about Oki later
    I just hope it will be usefull or atleast it will open a nice discussion
  2. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    There is no nice discussion with Lion... the guy is all about poking people in the eye, going under their legs, sweep them until their lights go out or just plainly being a faggot. Lion is gay, all those who plays Lion should question their sexual identities.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    Don't listen to him, Lion is one of my main characters and I'm a mothafuckin pimp. I got bitches lined up for roll call. Always steady pimpin lobsta n shrimpin /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif please believe it.

    PS. Good effort *thumbs up* oh and welcome to VF world lol.
  4. Darksoul173

    Darksoul173 Well-Known Member

    Lol thanks for the welcome but im not new in the vf world i browse the irc channel alot
    I just didnt register to this forum before altough i read the threads here alot
    but thx for the welcome
  5. Siyko

    Siyko Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    darksoul173 said:
    g)Dash forward, stop,~, move/throw= Dash forward stop at a safe distance (not far ofcourse) connfuse them with the kick cancel and go for a throw or a move i like to use

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't like this option as much, usually they will respond to the kick cancel with guard or a crouching guard. [6]+[P] is safer than [3]+[P] [P] if blocked high, and the second hit is not guranteed if they block low. Both punches would only be guranteed on a counter hit, but it would be odd for an opponent to respond to a kick cancel with an attack.

    The elbow woudl stagger on a crouch block, giving a fairly strong guessing game between attack and throw.
  6. Darksoul173

    Darksoul173 Well-Known Member

    Well i only gave 3PP as an example the elbow works like a charm of course its also safe to do [3_][P] where you got some nice options from there (like 3P throw)

    Also the point of the [K]~[G] is to either make them block or to make them stand without attacking and than you get a bit close and grab them
  7. ValeStyle_Gove

    ValeStyle_Gove Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shang said:

    There is no nice discussion with Lion... the guy is all about poking people in the eye, going under their legs, sweep them until their lights go out or just plainly being a faggot. Lion is gay, all those who plays Lion should question their sexual identities.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Here here!
  8. Devil7om

    Devil7om Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Here here!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    having a bit of a cry cause lion kicked gohs ass huh. That was a close quad.
  9. ValeStyle_Gove

    ValeStyle_Gove Well-Known Member

    Like my Goh is impressive anyway 7om
  10. Devil7om

    Devil7om Well-Known Member

    like my lions any better
  11. Bibulus

    Bibulus Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shang said:

    There is no nice discussion with Lion... the guy is all about poking people in the eye, going under their legs, sweep them until their lights go out or just plainly being a faggot. Lion is gay, all those who plays Lion should question their sexual identities.

    [/ QUOTE ]I was wondering why nobody talked lion strat on the forums... I wonder what this fag thinks of bridget from GGXX
  12. DarkSparda

    DarkSparda Well-Known Member

    he'd prob ask how he/she makes such a girly voice and where he/she got it, how shall I say, removed?

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