Hit checking

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by YOSUKE, Oct 18, 2005.


    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    thank you for showing your movies!!!
    I watched yours. then I thought......
    this is just my opinion. please don't get angry....

    I think Every player needs defense skill , counterattack for a big skill of chance, and Hit check. offense is Ok

    Every player did not seem to do hit check. KAGE often back dash and escape after action.
    when wolf swung and miss shoulder , Kage used only P ....

    AOI guarded the big skill of a chance several times,but used only throw. 6P+KP is better.

    wolf should have used the small skill of chansc.
    If you got +3-5 advantage, sometimes you should throw because AOI dose not have the big skill of damage. don't afraid to get damege. onlyless then 50?40? If opponent character is LAU, you should be careful. lol

    so.....I will ask kaminari_oyaji to show my movie to you when I go to St. Louis and play VF4FT. However, I am not sure whether I can use wolf .
    I don't have KAGE and wolf cards, but I think kage is easy to use. My AOI is ohja but my AOI is so weak....lol

    thank your for showing your movies. I enjoyed!

    OK. I put it out. thanks a lot
  2. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: Pai's +1 and +5 situations

    Yosuke, when you type the message, make sure you set the encoding to Japanese (Shift_Jis) before you type, or it won't display correctly.

  3. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    Re: Pai's +1 and +5 situations

    thanks, glad u enjoyed the matches, you seem to know alot about attacking many characters. Aoi is very difficult to throw at 3-5 advantage because she has many moves to break wolf's nitaku completely 0__0.(many characters are strong against wolf's nitaku because he has short elbow distance)-- but i will try to throw more, thanks~

    secondly, sorry i showed you old movies /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif -- i just found them from a long time ago, haha. but they were fun.

    there is a UK league soon, so hopefully we can get some of our best play online ^^* i have been working hard with defense lately. i am able to see the opponent more clearly and use the right choices i feel.

    i know lots about wolf onto paper, but to use in a match, i need to know the opponent more i think /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif


    i think kage was using ARE after most of his disadvantage, (All round Escape technique) im not sure what the japanese word is:

    (evade)[3][3](attack) <-- (preferblly [2_][6][P] attack with kage)

    at -0 or safe positions i think he was using box step very much [4][4][8][3][3][G]

    kneeninja's main character is Akira, i guess that's why his play style is that way, lol. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    Re: Pai's +1 and +5 situations

    yes!!!!! I already know because I have my movies......
    these are terrible lol

    by the way......
    WHere can I see US players' movies? I would like to watch them.
  5. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    Re: Pai's +1 and +5 situations

    the media section updates with movies almost every day from around the world, there has been some US media lately, but now they use torrent files and can be found here.

    i have lots of old and new media from all around the world on computer and on CD, and many from US. alot of the files are BIG~, some arent too big.

    many people use IRC to transfer media to eachother. (EfNet server -- #VFhome).

    i guess MSN can be used but i think it's slower, mine is bare_knuckle93@hotmail.com

  6. Darrius_Cole

    Darrius_Cole Well-Known Member

    Darrius Cole HD
    Re: Pai's +1 and +5 situations

    [ QUOTE ]
    YOSUKE said:

    thank you for showing your movies!!!
    I watched yours. then I thought......
    this is just my opinion. please don't get angry....

    I think Every player needs defense skill , counterattack for a big skill of chance, and Hit check. offense is Ok

    Every player did not seem to do hit check. KAGE often back dash and escape after action.
    when wolf swung and miss shoulder , Kage used only P ....

    AOI guarded the big skill of a chance several times,but used only throw. 6P+KP is better.

    wolf should have used the small skill of chansc.
    If you got +3-5 advantage, sometimes you should throw because AOI dose not have the big skill of damage. don't afraid to get damege. onlyless then 50?40? If opponent character is LAU, you should be careful. lol

    so.....I will ask kaminari_oyaji to show my movie to you when I go to St. Louis and play VF4FT. However, I am not sure whether I can use wolf .
    I don't have KAGE and wolf cards, but I think kage is easy to use. My AOI is ohja but my AOI is so weak....lol

    thank your for showing your movies. I enjoyed!

    OK. I put it out. thanks a lot

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yosuke, what do you mean by "hit check"?
  7. vanity

    vanity Well-Known Member

    Re: Pai's +1 and +5 situations

    hitcheck i take to mean for brad and jacky [6][P] and then [K] if stun or counter. and... all other instances.
  8. Darrius_Cole

    Darrius_Cole Well-Known Member

    Darrius Cole HD
    Re: Pai's +1 and +5 situations

    Doesn't it have some deeper strategic meaning that explains the situation in which it should be used.
  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Pai's +1 and +5 situations

    hit-checking is exactly that -- checking the type of hit before you continue.

    Vanity's example of only following through with a combo if the first part hit (not guarded) is where you need to hit-check. It also applies to many other cases such as checking whether your [2][P] was guarded, hit or CH, then reacting accordingly and in time.

    I think Yosuke's comment was that he was seeing the players not react accordingly to different hits. For example, someone hitting with [P] and then backdashing away instead of following with a nitaku game.
  10. Darrius_Cole

    Darrius_Cole Well-Known Member

    Darrius Cole HD
    Re: Pai's +1 and +5 situations

    So he is talking about people looking too far ahead and automatically following through with 2 or 3 commands instead of looking at their situation after the first command and changing their actions accordingly?
  11. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Pai's +1 and +5 situations

    I'm not sure of the specific instances he was referring to, but yeah, failing to hit-check correctly will result in that. Thinking 2 or 3 moves ahead can be futile if you can't get past the next move ahead, and that's what hit-checking is about.

    Common mistakes made by people who cannot hit-check correctly and fast enough:

    - don't follow through with a guaranteed combo when it presents itself (Jacky's [6][P] staggers and no followup [K])
    - don't force nitaku when they have the advantage ([P] CH and then back dash away)
    - try to force nitaku when they don't have advantage ([2][P] guarded and then attempted floater)
    - continue with a risky combo, even when the first attack is guarded (Jacky's [6][P][K])

    These are things most new players must learn, and when they do, it will improve their game by a great amount.

    But, herein lies a twist that unravels the depth of VF. Each of the "mistakes" I list above can potentially be valid and effective choices. The main factor in determining this is the skill level of your opponent, and just as importantly, what your opponent perceives your skill level to be.

    An overly simplified example using the first "mistake":

    Two newbie Jacky players face off. One is a better hit-checker than the other. On having their [6][P] guarded, one always follows with [K] and the other doesn't. The one that doesn't will probably win more games due to being better at hit-checking (not following up on a combo when its not guaranteed).

    Two intermediate Jacky players. They both know they can hit-check very well, but one is a better strategist. On having their [6][P] guarded, their opponent will usually attack back right away. Why? Because the opponent assumes that the player who had his [6][P] guarded is a good hit-checker and won't followup with something risky. (This is where players' skill perception comes in.) But, the one that is a better strategist will instead use a delayed followup after a guarded [6][P] and surprise their opponent who is trying to attack back.

    I hope you can follow that.

    Some rules, once learnt, can be broken.
  12. YOSUKE

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    Re: Pai's +1 and +5 situations

    thanks for telling me. I was able to see some of my friends' movies, such as Itabashi Zangeif (Sh),KING(PA), sennin giri(KA),etc.

    hello. nice to meet you.

    hello niseto meet you.thanks,but I think a little different.

    OK. I will explain you about hit chack. I think vanity told you that is one of bases skill. every action needs hit chack even P,2P,etc.

    I have already thrown pai vs wolf away, but maybe. for example , PAI USUALLY doesn't need hit chack,but it is somtimes ok because PAI is not frame character. KING told me lol.I think so too.
    As for this character, it is difficult for a partner to react because there are many things which a frame of the whole skill has a short. ,so King sometimes ignore a frame.

    King seemed not to do hit chack, but he usually do hit chack. I know because King and I some VF4FT tournaments tied up.

    this meaning is every action needs to do hit chack. you, however, should attack if your opponent character is frozen even though you have few minus frames.

    I think you don't agree this explain . it is deffecult to explain , so can you wait about 2 months? I will ask kaminari_oyaji to show some of my movies.

    to change the object....
    I am not sure if I can show you good movie, but I won some players after Kakutou Shinseiki III even mu-mu dance. I played the same rank fight, so I remembered the score. 7 won 2 lost. Then I became better rank..
  13. YOSUKE

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    Re: Pai's +1 and +5 situations

    thanks a lot!! your examples are more clearly.

    for example, if your opponent usually do escape, what should you do?
    I am going to do throw or use The big skill of a chance more slowly.
    then I think what I do if those are guarded. I will also think suddenly after a opponent act. finally, I will do my poor best.
    I don't know whether a opponent will act,so I have to think that.I might think opponent's action without thinking.if so , It is made by practice
    I guess most famous players have this skill.

    Because I do not take the movement of a opponent good, I do not understand it well lol.
    itabashi is good at reading movement of a opponent.

    sorry Mcoleman2
    my English is so bad that I can not good explain to you .

    I think A decision counterattack is more important than hit chack for these AOI and RION
  14. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    Re: Pai's +1 and +5 situations

    yo Yosuke, don't sweat the details, english is a pretty messed up language but you'll get it, I'd bet 100% that your english is better than my japanese so it's all good.
    Myke: you may wanna try and branch this thread off onto a different one considering it's more general tactics than the very specific ones that the title implies.
  15. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Sub-thread branched.
  16. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    thank you kindly Myke, I just thought it had gotten a bit off the topic of "Pai's +1 and +5 situations".
    As far as hit checking, I like to go on the premise of logical assumption and knowledge of the type of hit.
    ex: You're playing Brad v Akira, let's say after a blocked DE, your opponent tends to ARE with YoHo, and you see this trend, so the next time you block DE, you sway left kick, you can assume that if it hits, it'll hit on CH so you can go ahead and hit check it (assumed if it hits, it'll CH, but it could still be blocked and very low percentage of them just not blocking and getting hit on regular hit) so if it hits, P or P,K for free (P,P,P or P,P,K if their low enough on life that it'll kill).
    Basic example but it gets the point across I think. You can hit check but you have to look for it, train yourself to do it, that's what quest mode is for /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif.
  17. YOSUKE

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    thanks for sending mail. I will return you soon.

    I thought about your opinion. Then I realized that it is deffecult to become strong player without playing much time and get information from stronger player than someone.
    I think playing much time is getting experience.
    if you have still angry, I apologize to you.sorry.

    I guess My English is so bad that you might get angry.

    I also think hit chack is not important if you can win without it such as Chofu K*K Sarah.It is sometimes important if you want to win more earily.but A decision counterattack is also important .

    finally, win is the most important at all tournament. lol
  18. Darrius_Cole

    Darrius_Cole Well-Known Member

    Darrius Cole HD

    I am not angry with you. I am not almost angry with you. I never was angry with you. I never thought about quite that way so you helped me out. I am happy that you are here.

    You have no need to apologize.

    Your English is much better than my Japanese, or any other second language for that matter.
  19. YOSUKE

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member


    OK. I thought that you must get angry because of my sentences. I wrote just some advice. I got feeling relieved.(^o^;)
    please be my friend! (^-^)v

    I guess I also will not be able to do hit chack because I have not been playing VF4FT for 7 months.

    I want to tell you guys some advice. most of the American VF players can get information from movie and BBS only.
    If we were able to play together, I would be able to teach you guys some advice MAYBEalmost anything.
    just maybe almost...lol

    I am going to kaminari_oyajis' house in ST .Louis on December 23th to 27th...
    If you can go there, you should ask him to be able to go there. lol

    P.S......kaminari_oyaji must be OTAKU lol
  20. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    P.S......kaminari_oyaji must be OTAKU lol

    Ok Yosuke...:p

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